Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Pulled pork or pulled jack fruit with rice and pitta bread.
Children’s Mental Health Week (Miss Johnston)
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and it is used to empower, equip and give a voice to all young people and children in the UK. So many young peoples mental health is dismissed as part of ‘growing up’. Your feelings matter, you deserve to be heard and it’s ok to speak up that you’re struggling. Children’s mental health matters too. Here is the poster our Mental Health Ambassadors created to remind you who you can contact if you feel you are struggling and can’t speak to someone in the school.

Fife Festival of Music (Mrs Duckett)
All ensembles performing in the Fife Festival on Tuesday 6 February to register as normal on Tuesday morning and then meet in Mrs Duckett’s room at the beginning of P1. Remember instruments and any music you may need!
S2 Course Choice Assembly (Mrs Hamilton)
There will be an S2 course choice assembly today period 3. You should report to your normal period 3 class, leave jackets and bags and then proceed to the assembly hall with your teacher. You should sit as a class in the assembly hall with your teacher.
S4 Course Choice Assembly (Mrs Hamilton)
There will be an S4 course choice assembly today period 4. You should report to your normal period 4 class, leave jackets and bags and then proceed to the assembly hall with your teacher. You should sit as a class in the assembly hall with your teacher.
S2 First Chances (Dr Black)
Can all S2 First Chances Pupils attend a short meeting at break time today in A6, about the upcoming trip to Fife College.
U14 Football (Mr Mooney)
No football after school today, the squad will be up on the window of B25 today for this Thursday’s game at home to Levenmouth.
S1 Yoga Period 3 (Mrs Patton)
Please meet at the dance studio at the start of period 3.
S2/S3 Netball (Miss Little)
There will be no S2/3 training tonight after school due to the S3 netball tournament today and a game tomorrow.
Fundraiser – Paris 2024 Trip (Miss Coggill)
There will be pupils visiting classes Thursday period 3 this week raising money for our upcoming Paris 2024 trip. We have a Finding Nemo squishmallow up for grabs and the person who manages to guess it’s birthday correctly will be the winner. If anyone is interested in taking part, please try and bring change this week. It is £1 per guess. Bonne chance !
S2 Parents’/Carers’ Evening In School on Tuesday 13 February – PEBS (Mrs Noone)
The parent/carer on-line booking system is open. Booking system closes at 11:55pm on Sunday 11 February.
S6 Yearbooks (Miss Lipton)
Reminder that full payment for the S6 Yearbook should be made before Friday 1 March. These are £20 each… please pay via iPayimpact or at the Office.
Double Bass/Bass Guitar/Cello Lessons (Ms Radke-da-Silva)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
LGBT+ Group (Dr Murray)
The LGBT+ Group meets on Tuesday lunchtime in A4 (Dr Murray’s room in Science). It is a social space open to EVERYONE whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, any other identity, or an ally of the community. See Dr Murray for a pass if you want to come. Bring your lunch!
KHS Glee Choir (Mrs Duckett & Mr Wilkie)
KHS Glee Choir with Mrs Duckett and Mr Wilkie begins today after school, 3:15pm – 4:15pm in E10. No auditions, anyone who is interested in trying out singing in a show choir is welcome! Songs from all musicals – Disney, Rock, Juke-Box, Book, Class covered! Please see Mrs Duckett for more information.
Dance Club (Miss Johnston)
Dance club will be on every Tuesday after school from 3:15-4:15pm. Please head to the PE base after school.
S4-S6 Art & Design and Fashion & Textiles Study Support (Mrs Donaldson)
Runs on Tuesdays, 3:15 – 4:30pm in D15.
Biology Study Support (Miss Irvine)
Biology study support for all levels will take place after school every Tuesday from 3:20 – 4:20pm in A1.
N5 Music Study Support (Mrs Clark)
This will run every Tuesday after school, 3:15-4:15pm.
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Roast chicken or roast quorn fillet in gravy with Yorkshire pudding and mash potato.
Guitar Lessons (Mr Irwin)
Lessons are on today in the Music department.
National 5 Maths/Apps Study Support (Mr Jones)
Pop along to ask questions, get help with homework or just have a quiet space to study. Every Wednesday lunchtime in B5.
Rights Respecting Schools Group & Ambassadors (Ms Young)
Remember we will be meeting today to work on all the exciting ideas you have come up with, B14 at 1:15pm – come and collect a pass if you don’t already have one.
Guitar Club (Mr Irwin)
Guitar club will run today at lunchtime in the Music department.
Flute Group (Mrs Clark)
Flute Group will be on every Wednesday lunchtime in the Music Department.
Equality Group (Dr Murray)
The KHS Equality Group meets every Wednesday lunchtime in A4. Anyone who is interested in any aspect of equality is welcome whether it be age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. See Dr Murray for a pass. Bring you lunch!
S1 & Senior Netball (Miss Johnston)
S1 and senior netball will be on after school every Wednesday from 3:15-4:15pm.
Higher Music Study Support (Mr Wilkie)
This will run every Wednesday after school, 3:15-4:15pm.