Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 01/09/23

The week that’s been…

It has been another busy week here at KHS with lots of fantastic learning and opportunities for our young people.

This week our young people continue to get back into the new academic session and have been settling back in to the school routine. Our S1s have had their first week without their S6 buddies leading them around the school and have continued to impress in their effort, application and uniform. Some have arrived late back from break and lunch and I would ask parents / carers to remind their child to be in school, on time. We will be hosting an assembly next week for S1 to look at the S1 trip to Fordell Firs. This will take place across w/b 11th and 18th September. We will also re-iterate about the importance of being on time.

We have had a group of students participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award out of school. If you have been following on ‘X’ (the new name for twitter), you will see that it is going well. Well done to all involved and special thanks to the staff who are supporting.

Mrs Hamilton (Depute Rector), Year Head for S4 was very impressed today as she visited classes and checked in with her year group. Well done for a great start to the session.

Please find a letter from Fife College about strikes that will affect those young people attending college through school. If a young person’s course is affected, they should attend school and study in the Library. A register will be taken.

A special message from Mrs Duckett, PT Music (acting) – please see below:

If your child is not currently receiving lessons but would like to, please feel free to contact me and we can discuss availability with an instructor and participation in extra-curricular activities.  Check out our list of music instructors.

Here is a reminder that if you child is receiving the free provision of instrumental lessons from Fife Music Service, they are expected to participate in ensembles run by their teacher at lunchtime. We have lots of performances to look forward to including our annual Christmas performance at ASDA (1st December), our Christmas concert here at KHS (19th December) and the Fife Festival of Music in February 2024.

The benefits of joining a music ensemble are numerous and here are a few that our students have identified themselves:

  • “Choir is a lot of fun, especially when we are working towards a performance. It’s hard work, but so satisfying when we have sang our best to friends and family in a big audience.”
  • “I have developed so much self-confidence playing in wind band. To begin with I was really worried because there were so many other people there, but I soon felt at ease and realised that it doesn’t matter if I go wrong – all musicians go wrong at some point!”
  • “I love that I belong to a group. It’s like my musical family and we actually all get along! I felt so proud to perform with them at the Fife Festival!”
  • “I’m not gonna lie, being involved in KHS music ensembles has taught me a lot about organisation and discipline! I manage to practice, rehearse and perform alongside working on my other subjects, and I am very proud of that….plus I can do something that my other family members can’t do!”
  • “Performing at the Christmas concert was bangin’!”
  • “It’s not easy learning an instrument – it takes aaaaages, but it is SO satisfying being able to play a tune other people recognise and sing along to!”

The week ahead…

The first Parent Council meeting of this session is due to take place on Tuesday 5th September at 6pm, online. An agenda and the link to the meeting have been attached to the group call email. All parents / carers are welcome.

I hope you have a fab weekend.

Best wishes,

Chris McKay


1 September 2023

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