Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 18/08/23

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to the first Rectors log of session 2023-2024.

The week that’s been…

It has been a fantastic first week back after the summer break and amazing to see all of our young people return ready for the new session. I have been astounded with the attitude, respect and smartness of all our young people as I have been around classes and the school over the past few days.

As a staff, we had 2 very productive INSET days, focussing on our ambition for young people, working in our School Improvement Groups and getting ready for the return of our pupils. As you will be aware, we have 2 clear school improvement priorities based around developing Curriculum / Learning and Teaching and Support / Well-being. I have attached a summary of these priorities and what this looks like. Over the coming weeks, I will share the full, updated School Improvement Plan, Pupil Equity Plan and Standards and Quality report with all Parents / Carers and will seek your views on it.

On Wednesday, our new S1 group got off to a brilliant start. They were welcomed in to the assembly hall, met their buddies and had a brief introduction from Mr Farquharson (acting Year Head for S1). They were then led to their tutor classes by the S6 buddies. The S6 buddies have supported the S1’s all week and this will continue next. The S1’s have settled well into KHS, their new classes and surroundings. Well done to the S1 group and also to the S6 buddies who have been supporting them.

On Thursday, we held welcome back assemblies for all year groups (slides were shared with you on Tuesday). It is always a great opportunity to say hello and set our standards for the session ahead.

Over Wednesday / Thursday, young people in S5/6 have been re-coursing, where appropriate and should now have a settled timetable for the year ahead. We do not envisage any further changes but young people who have queries should speak to Mrs Hamilton or myself as soon as possible.

It has been a great start to the new term and we are very pleased that everyone is settling well. We look forward to this continuing over the coming weeks and months.

The week ahead…

Next week, we will continue to focus on our school values of Respect for Self, Others and Learning ensuring that we continue the positive and productive start to the new term.

Best wishes

Chris McKay


18 August 2023

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