Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

107. Blue Bulletin – Friday 11/02/22


Hot Meal: Vegetable soup, Breaded fish or salmon fish fingers, chips, peas or beans or Vegetable chilli, rice and salad.

Packed Lunches (D Allan)
The rules and arrangements have changed and we are no longer using the Hall or IT Hub for packed lunches. Access to the dinner hall is permitted but only by using the back door from the front playground. Please show your packed lunch to gain access from 1pm. Priority access from the war memorial is for S6 and for those with lunch club passes only. Everybody else needs to queue outside in the quad and enter in an orderly fashion along the HE corridor. Many thanks.

Book of Condolence (Mrs Kerek)
All staff and pupils are reminded about the book of condolence for Paige that remains at the school office for signatures and messages. We are planning to gift the book to Paige’s family next week so Friday will be the last day it is available for anyone to write in. If you want to contribute, please do so as soon as possible.

S2 Reports (Mrs Hamilton)
All S2’s will be issued with another copy of their report today in tutor.  The Design, Engineering & Technologies report was missing from the original reports and that is why you will be receiving another report.  Please make sure that you take this home to your parents/carers.

QR Code for Industrial Cadets Health Tracker App

QR Code for Industrial Cadets Health Tracker App

Industrial Cadets Health Tracker App (Ms. Geddes)
The S2 Industrial Cadets are in the process of designing an app that can track individual health needs. To help understand the things pupils would find useful in a health tracker, please scan the QR code or follow the link to complete a short survey providing feedback. We all need a little help taking care of ourselves. The feedback received will help to guide the design of a fun and useful app, please take the time to complete the survey if you can 🙂

Brass Lessons (Mrs Simpson)
There will be no brass lessons today, but wind band is on so please come along.

First Chances (Mr Spink)
All S1 First Chances pupils please see Ms Mahr and all S2 First Chances pupils please see Mr Spink, as soon as possible, for a copy of your new work booklets. The deadline for submission is 28 February.

Seniors Football (Mr English)
All boys listed for the game v Bell Baxter on Monday 14 Feb must attend a meeting today at break in the Girls’ Gym.

Senior SE – UCAS Applicants (Miss Fotheringham)
All current S6 UCAS applicants are to attend a session led by Abertay University on Tuesday 15 February Period 6 in the Assembly Hall. This session will cover details on the next steps of your application including finance and accommodation.

Young STEM Leader (Miss Tennant)
Can all pupils who are completing their Young STEM Leader award this year, please see Miss Tennant, this week, to arrange your observation and discuss your progress.

S1 and S2 First Chances Pupils (Miss Nessel)
You will have received a letter in tutor this week regarding a trip to St Andrews University. Please ensure the permission slip is returned me to me ASAP, either in person, or via the Tutor folders. If you have any questions, please come and ask me.

Scottish Space School 2022 (Miss Tennant)
Applications for The Scottish Space School programme are now open to S5 pupils. Run by The University of Strathclyde, the programme will take place online and run from Monday 13 – Friday 17 June 2022. You will learn from some of the world’s leading figures in space travel, including NASA Astronauts and engineers. The deadline for applications is Monday 28 February 2022. For further information and the online application form see Miss Tennant or check out the Space School website.

Debate Chamber Summer Schools (Miss Tennant)
The Debate Chamber run summer schools in Maths, Physics, and Medicine. These courses are aimed at students who enjoy an intellectual challenge, and who are curious about the ways in which their knowledge can be applied to help with real-world questions. For further information see Miss Tennant or check out the website.

Yearbook (Mrs Czudek)
Anyone wishing to buy a yearbook – the full cost is £20. A minimum payment of £10 must be made by 15 February and the full amount must be paid by 28 February. All payments must be made through iPayimpact. If you need any assistance in setting up the payment please come and see Mrs Czudek in CDT.

Sutton Trust Applications – S5 Pupils (Miss Fotheringham)
S5 pupils who are planning on applying to university, you have the opportunity to apply for a week long Sutton Trust Summer School where you will experience student life at one of the UK’s top universities. Scan the QR code below for more information and how to apply. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 9 March 2022. See Miss Fotheringham if you would like to discuss.


Woodwind Lessons (Mrs Simpson)
Woodwind lessons on today. Please check Teams for your lesson time.

Wind Band (Mrs Simpson)
Wind Band will run on Friday at lunchtime.

Health Zone (School Nurse)
You can access the confidential drop in service for any reason at all, including support with sexual health and contraception. The nurses also offer mental health support and will “signpost” to other services. This will run today at lunchtime behind Community Use.

Have Lunch with A Hero! (Mrs Brown)
All are welcome to come and see this original movie gold at Classics Film club, in C11. Bring a packed lunch and see the hero Perseus defeat Medusa and the Kraken, to save the day, again.


Hot Meal: Broccoli soup, Macaroni cheese, garlic bread, vegetables or Quorn Chilli and rice, vegetables.

Percussion Lessons (Mrs Simpson)
Lessons are on today in the music department. You can find your time on Teams or on the department timetable board in E11.

Basketball Club (Mr Harrower)
Basketball club will run on Monday afterschool (3:15-4:15pm) in the Games Hall.

S2 Football (Mr Pennel)
S2 Football will run on Monday afterschool (3:30-4:30pm). Training will be on the Astro so bring appropriate footwear if possible.

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