Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 19/11/21

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to this week’s “Log”. I’m hoping that you are doing alright? Here in school, we are continuing to feel the strain caused by Covid. This week we have reported more new cases, including several staff. The teaching and support staff sickness absence picture is especially difficult and I am very grateful to the staff who have been very flexible and accommodating to ensure that we can keep going.

It really is far from ideal, and we are finding it exceptionally difficult to get enough supply staff to cover. I think most schools are in a similar position and additional teachers are in short supply (no pun intended). At times we have no option but to merge classes, and sometimes this will be supervised in the assembly hall. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone a computing science “Roadshow” today (in conjunction with Fife College) in order to free up the Hall for that purpose.

Last Sunday, I was joined by Jessica McGregor and Daanish Mahmood (Head Girl and Boy), who laid a wreath at the Kirkcaldy War Memorial after taking part in the official Remembrance Parade. The other Kirkcaldy High Schools were involved too and it was a very fitting tribute to those who have sacrificed so much in times of war. It was also lovely to see so many KHS involved in other ways, including Daniel Fenton (S2), who laid the wreath for the Army cadets, Kirsty Brown (S6), who did the same for the Scouts and Ray Sinnet (S5), who laid the Air Cadets’ wreath. We had several other pupils involved with all three of those organisations too.

This week saw the reintroduction of “Tutor” to start the day. I’m confident that this can improve our communications and strengthen relationships between pupils at different stages. It’s something that the S1 and S2 pupils have missed out on to some extent. We’ve also introduced a modification to our in-class dress code to take account of winter weather. With windows open to suppress Covid transmission, jackets or hoodies are allowed for now. We want our learners to be comfortable. However, pupils must still wear a white shirt, tie etc. Our usual uniform rules apply, but an additional outer garment may be added, if required. Please be reminded that any pupil not wearing a tie is automatically put to the end of the lunch queue.

If you require any practical or financial help to ensure that your/son daughter is in uniform and can stay warm on the way to and from school, or in class, please do be in contact. We’d be happy to help.

On Monday, Mr English and Mr I’Anson took a bus to Glasgow for the World Cup Qualifier against Denmark … and I like to think that they did their bit by contributing to the Hampden roar. Our S2 footballers took on Perth High School in the Scottish Shield on Wednesday after school and unfortunately narrowly lost out 3-2. I’m told that they represented the school very well. Thanks to them and to their coach, Mr Pennel. Today, we are holding a “Dress Down Day” with a collection being taken for “Children In Need”. The theme is “Be Yourself”. Also, we’ll be posting out the S4 Reports this weekend too.

Looking ahead and NHS Fife is offering another chance for young people to be vaccinated (by nasal spray) against winter flu. We had about 900 young people take up the offer just before the October break. The catch-up session is next Tuesday, 23 November.

Also next week, we’ll see the launch of this year’s Career Ready Programme, with five of our senior pupils taking part. Charli Nicol, Kelsie Nisbet, Michelle Carstairs, Lucy Barret and Nicholas Connelly will each be paired with an employer who will act as their mentor for the full school year. The mentors represent various organisations such as Fife Council, The Purvis Group and CDTI.

The focus will be on developing key employability skills to improve confidence and help preparation for successful careers after school. In addition to one to one mentoring, each pupil will have the opportunity to undertake a paid internship in the summer with the employer’s organisation, which will provide invaluable experience for our young people. Good luck to all of those involved, and thanks to Mr Paterson, who is taking on the coordinator role from Mrs Little. Thanks to her too, for her commitment to this excellent programme over the past couple of sessions.

We’ll have Safe Drive Stay Alive Roadshow on Wednesday, with all S5/6 attending in the Hall. This is a hard hitting road safety presentation involving the Police and other emergency services. It is aimed at new and soon to be young drivers. Please see the attached letter from Mrs Thompson (Principal Teacher of Guidance), who has organised this event. The other attachment is our usual employability bulletin, put together by Mr Paterson.

To end next week, on Friday, our school orchestra will be along at ASDA on Carberry Road to mark the switch on of their Christmas lights.

Looking a bit further ahead, and our SQA candidates will know that we are planning to hold a programme of assessments and prelim exams in January 2022, in advance of the final exams which will be held in the Hall in April and May 2022. The timetables for both were sent home last week. Please regard the prelim timetable as a draft for now. Mrs Davidson will share a finalised schedule with S4-6 parents before the end of the month. You will have the chance to ask about our plans and arrangements at our online Parent/Carer Evening for S4-6 which takes place next Wednesday evening (24 November). All parents of S4-6 pupils will be invited, and we’ll be sharing some tips around studying and exam success. This takes place on “Zoom” at 6pm using the details sent via “Groupcall”.

Further ahead still and rehearsals are well under way for “Little Shop of Horrors”, the school show we will be staging in June 2022. Particular thanks go to director Mr MacPherson (Drama Dept), who is giving up his time to pull things together. I will keep you informed of progress. Mrs Bruce (also Drama) informs me that our Christmas pantomime trip to see “Jack and the Beanstalk” at the Byre Theatre in St Andrews is now full. I’m sure those S1/2 who have booked a ticket will have a great time of it.

Now that I have mentioned the “C” word a couple of times now, I can maybe make an appeal. As you are aware, “Friends of KHS” supports the school in numerous ways, including raising funds for resources/equipment etc with two fantastic social events every year (a Race Night and a Ceilidh). Recent financial support has included transport costs for S1/2 Fordell Firs Trips, additional funding for laptops in school, new equipment for the Computing Dept and new football strips for PE Dept. Due to COVID, fundraising capacity has been limited, but FoKHS did organise a successful Virtual Raffle last year raising over £1000!

We are going even bigger and better this year when we’ll have multiple Christmas Hampers as well as many other prizes. Tickets are £5 and the draw will take place on Friday 17th December. So how can you help? Anyone wishing to donate food/drink items for the hampers, please pass these to Mrs Davidson in school or FoKHS Committee members Sheena Scobie, Harry Kerr or Judith Kerr. Anyone wishing to buy a ticket can pay cash to the school (FAO Mrs Davidson) or purchase by bank transfer to FOKHS, the details are: Friends of Kirkcaldy High School, Sort Code 83-23-25, Account No 10987910, Reference – your name. Thanks for your support and wishing you all ‘good luck’ in our festive fund raising raffle.

To close, I have a video link for you to click. You may remember that we asked you to share stories of any out of school success worth recognising. Many thanks for getting back to me. And thanks too, to Mrs Duckett, who has put together this fantastic round up.

Take care … please encourage your son or daughter to take a test for asymptomatic Covid this weekend. We’ll be distributing more of the swab kits at the start of next week.

Yours aye

Derek Allan
19 November 2021

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