Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 6/9/19

Dear Parent/Carer

I do hope that you and yours are well. Welcome to the “Rector’s Log”, it’s the KHS way of keeping you informed and feeling part of our school. Can I suggest that you also use our website or Twitter feed @KirkcaldyHigh too.  Each day we tweet our daily bulletin and post photos, news items etc.

This week we have had no morning assemblies but our Tutor teachers have had a focus on our fire evacuation procedures. We’ll have a full scale drill soon. On Tuesday afternoon we welcomed a guest speaker for all of S2. Ms Mahr (RME) arranged for the Humanist Society of Scotland to give a talk in the hall. Stewart Struthers talked mainly about his work as a celebrant, officiating at weddings funerals etc. Our kids had some really insightful questions at the end and were a credit to the school, as usual.  After school that day, we had another study support session with the St Andrews University First Chances Programme. I’m very grateful to Mrs Hunter, Mr Dick and Ms Nessel for their support of the programme, it really is excellent. It was good to see some of the new P7 pupils from Valley and Fair Isle involved too.

Army STEM Event

Army STEM Event

Yesterday, we had a “STEM” (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) engagement team from the Army working with groups of students in our Assembly Hall. This was terrific. The overall theme was disaster relief and one of the highlights involved designing, building and programming a robot to move around an obstacle course.

Our week ends with a trip to Hampden Park this evening to see Scotland taking on Russia in the Euro Qualifiers. I am grateful to Mr English (PE) and Mr I’Anson (CDT) who are leading this. Come on Scotland! Watch out for further football trip opportunities soon. I know that Mr I’Anson is hoping to run a trip to Newcastle United in December.

It was good to welcome our new Police Scotland liaison officer this week. PC Cameron Lee is the Kirkcaldy schools’ link officer and we are looking forward to working closely with him in the future. It’s important to build strong community links and respect for the Police and the law in this way (photo below).

Next week we’ll be holding Yeargroup Assemblies to the usual pattern and the main theme will be “Pupil Voice” with an emphasis on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Stonewall “No Bystanders” Pledge, with its focus on challenging bullying behaviour. The S1 Assembly is on Monday.

PC Cameron Lee with Mr. Allan

PC Cameron Lee with Mr. Allan

Also on Monday, those S4 who are currently studying the National 5 Mathematics course will undertake a “mini prelim” in the Hall. Miss Grubb, Head of Maths, is sure that it will be useful to test young people’s progress at this point. In the afternoon, a large group of young people with an interest in the automotive industry will be over at the Kwik Fit Training Academy in Broxburn for a hands-on session. Many thanks to Mrs Davidson, who leads on this. I understand that we are the only Fife school involved in this way. In the evening, we’re back to Glasgow the Scotland v Belgium Euro qualifier.

On Tuesday, after our S2 Assembly, it will be the first mentoring session for S5/6 students being supported by “FoKHS” members. I am very grateful to all our mentors, who helped last session’s S6 students to achieve “best ever” SQA exam results.

The S3 Assembly is on Wednesday and in the afternoon, Calum Jackson and John Hamilton (both S6) will be up at Dundee University as part of their Advanced Higher study programme. Thanks to Mr Robb for setting this up. The Assembly for S4 on Thursday and S5/6 takes place on Friday.

The hot meal menu for next week is as follows;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables Tuesday: Tomato soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef and noodles with vegetables Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables Thursday: French onion soup, Roast Beef, Potatoes and vegetables Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” (sponsored by Stephens the Bakers) available from 8.10am and this is free for those facing hardship. We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer. Lunchtime meals are priced at £2.20 for pupils, and this is the value of the “Free Meal” entitlement. Main courses are £1.55 for pupils and desserts are priced at £0.65 for pupils and £1.10 for staff.

Just a wee reminder for parents/carers of S1 that payment for our forthcoming adventure trip to Fordell Firs is now due. If you can use the online iPay Impact systems that would be very convenient. It’s also the way to “top up” the Myfife school meals card. Many thanks. Young people qualifying for free meals will not be required to pay. If you think that you may qualify for free meals and require some support to make an application please do call us and ask for Mrs Hardie, our Family Link Worker.

Parents/carers of S3 will have received a specific message about booking appointment slots for the parent/carer evening on Tuesday 17 September. This takes place between 5-7pm and you can pick your own time slots or use the “wizard”. Please call if you have any problems making appointments. The system went “live” yesterday. Of course, if you require any other form of help or advice, please do be in touch. Guidance is the usual first point of contact.

Also, I am grateful to Miss Malcom, our Principal Teacher for Employability, for compiling our regular jobs/training/opportunities bulletin (please see attached).

May a make another “plug” for our fund raising Race Night, organised by “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School”? This takes place in the school Hall on Friday 8 November and is always great fun. It’s also an excellent way to support KHS. FoKHS raises thousands of pounds annually to assist the school. Please call 01592 583405 and ask for Mrs Davidson to purchase tickets, sponsor a race or a horse, or to donate a raffle prize.

Best wishes to you, and thanks again for your support of Kirkcaldy High School.

Derek Allan


6 September 2019

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