Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 14/6/19

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the weekly news update. I hope you are well.

This week is famously busy in our calendar and on Monday, on top of all our scheduled events, we hosted Mike Haines, who is head of an organisation called “Global Acts of Unity”. Mike delivered a passionate talk about reconciliation and forgiveness to our Senior Phase students in the Assembly Hall. He is the brother of David Haines, the aid worker who was kidnapped and murdered by “ISIS” terrorists in 2014. We had a BBC2 film crew in making a documentary about Mike and I am very grateful to Ms Mahr, who set up a very worthwhile engagement. We were joined by Lesley Laird MP and by David Torrance MSP for face to face discussions with young people too. I am very proud of our young people’s contributions and will keep you informed about the TV show details.

Also on Monday, Mrs Cunningham (English) took a group of pupils to Glasgow to take part in a celebration event in respect of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. In the evening it was the AGM of “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School”. I am very grateful for all the support and am delighted that the group has approved a grant which will go towards the purchase of a 3D printer for the CDT Department. If you want to know more or would like to join FoKHS, why not be in touch with Mrs Davidson, Depute Head?

On Tuesday we had our Interact Club members helping at the Rotary “Kids Out” Day for disabled children and a large team competing in the Fife Schools Athletics Championships at Pitreavie. Many thanks to Miss Steedman of the PE Department, who took this on and oversaw a major success. I am delighted to report that we had a record-breaking medal haul; S2 Andrew Boateng – 100m – Silver, Roshan Naeem – 800m – Bronze, Ewan Simpson – 200m – Silver, S2 Boys Relay team (Roshan, Andrew , Ewan and Jake Nicholson) – Silver. S3 Kai Forbes – Shotputt – Silver, Brodie Humble – Javelin – Silver, Kiera Read – Javelin – Bronze, S3 Boys Relay Team (Jay Copeland, Steven White, Dylan Martin & Joshua Hamilton – Bronze S4 Scott Graves – 100m – Silver & Long Jump – Gold, Cameron Gordon – 800m – Bronze, S4 Boys Relay team (Cameron McGregor, Cameron Gordon, Scott Graves & Liam Mercer) – Silver.

On Wednesday, our Sports Leaders were also at Pitreavie as adjudicators and stewards for the Disability Sport Fife Athletics. Having spoken to several of them yesterday, I know that they found this to be a very rewarding experience.

But, of course, our main event and a highlight of not just this week, but of the school year, was our Prizegiving. On Tuesday evening, the prizes were presented by Jacqui Low, the Chairman (and she insists on using that title!) of Partick Thistle. Jacqui is a former pupil who has a very successful and varied business career. It was a lovely celebration of success, of all types. Our main academic award is the Dux Trophy, which is this year shared by Shannon Houston and Kiara Montgomery. But we also had a series of other awards. I was pleased to be able to welcome the parents of Ethan King and Connor Aird, the boys who lost their lives in the Standing Stane Road accident last November. They witnessed Mathew Lafferty lifting the Gordon Aikman Cup for charitable works after his superhuman fundraising efforts in the aftermath of the accident. Mathew was also the chief organiser of the candlelit vigil of 1000 young people which took place on Saturday 15 November. There was also recognition for Kelsey Robertson and Chelsea-Leigh Lithgow, who organised a sponsored 5k run. One of the highlights was undoubtedly seeing Danny Stevens, who survived the crash, present the new Footballer of the Year Award named in memory of Ethan and Connor to Liam Newton (new S6). Liam has captained Fife U18 to victory in the Scottish Shield and been capped for his country this session. The photo (right) of all our prizewinners.

2019 Prizewinners

2019 Prizewinners

Thursday and today have been our primary 7 Welcome Days, including a Parent/Carer Evening last night, whilst the kids were having a party downstairs. Today, we held a walk around Dunnikier Park and along Dunnikier Way involving the entire school. We did this in support of the “Brake” Charity, which highlights road safety concerns around schools. Our pupils had banners etc, reminding drivers to slow down near school.

I must say that we have been really impressed by our Primary guests, soon to be part of KHS. They appear, in the main, to be polite, hard working kids … a credit to their primary schools and their families. We are looking forward to the new session in August in anticipation that this will be an excellent Yeargroup. It will certainly be one of our largest in recent time. We are anticipating an intake of 267, which should boost the school roll to just under 1250 for August. Last night’s parents’ evening went well and the atmosphere at the welcome disco was fantastic. Many thanks to the S6 and DJs Dick and the Doc for supporting it. Mrs Davidson also reports that our school uniform stall went very well. Please note that you can still order online. We also have a stock of blazers and branded jumpers in school and a KHS tie is only £3 from us, cheaper than the online price.

At lunchtime today there will be a memorial service to remember John Beck, the former Chairman of FoKHS. Our pupils will be speaking at the event and we will have a musical input too, many thanks to Cara Hayes (S5) who will be singing a couple of Burns songs. Burns was John’s favourite. It takes place at the Oswald House Hotel (formerly Dunnikier House) at 12.30pm and John’s wife Diana has come up especially from Surrey.

The week ends this evening with the final farewell to the Class of 2019 as we say cheerio at the “Prom”, this year held at the Fernie Castle Hotel, by Cupar. Well done to the Prom Committee of S6 and staff, who have been planning this event for months. I’m looking forward to what is always a poignant and proud occasion.

Next week’s highlights include our Spanish language trip to Madrid, which leaves the school at 8.30pm sharp on Monday. Very best wishes to the staff team of Mrs Morris, Miss Fotheringham, Miss Malcolm and leader Mr Spink. It’s also the residential experience for our “First Chances” students at St Andrews University. Our new S3 group attend at the start of the week and the S4 towards the end. many thanks to Miss Hunter, Miss Nessel and Mr Dick who are supporting this.

On Tuesday, Miss McIntosh is leading a smaller group of S3 across to Edinburgh University to take part in another “taster” day. We are committed to developing our young people’s understanding of all opportunities, including those in Higher Education. This is called the “Your Ed” programme and I am very grateful to Mss McIntosh for her work with it.

We will be holding House Assemblies reflecting on the year past and looking forward to the session ahead. These will be Adam Smith on Tuesday, Carlyle on Wednesday and Oswald of Thursday.

Also on Wednesday, Ms Mahr is taking our YPI charity project winners along to the national Showcase at Perth Concert Hall and in the evening it’s the opening night of “School of Rock”, our school musical show. Please get your tickets soon from the Office. You can call 01592 583405 to enquire. The show runs until Friday and I hope you can make it along. It has taken a huge effort from all the cast and I am very grateful to director Mr McPherson who has shown such commitment to the show. Thanks also to the other staff supporting the production. I’m really looking forward to it.

Next week ends with a film crew from “Kingdom FM” visiting the school to make a short film about our work as part of the “Local Hero” Awards. I am delighted to confirm that we have been shortlisted for “Best School” along with two primary schools; Pitreavie and Falkland. It’s a real credit to us all  … the staff, our young people, our parent/carer community and the partners with whom we engage. It was our Parent Council which made the nomination and I have been asked by our new Chairperson, Gillian McIntyre, to invite you to join us at our next meeting in September. Gillian spoke very well at our P7 Parent/Carer Evening last night.

Finally, it was good to welcome our new Head of Social Subjects (Geography, History and Modern Studies) to the school this week. You are aware that Mrs Meek is retiring at the summer break. Yesterday we had a visit from her successor, Mr Andy Jones, who is currently Head of Social Subjects at St Columba’s RC High School in Dunfermline. Mr Jones was appointed after a competitive interview process held last week and is very enthusiastic about joining us here at KHS.

Next week’s hot meal menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Stovies with crusty bread, turnip Tuesday: French onion soup, Chicken korma, boiled rice and vegetables Wednesday: Tomato soup, Steak pie, potatoes and vegetables Thursday: Green pea soup, Sweet chilli beef and noodles, vegetables Friday: Vegetable soup, Breaded fish/Scotch pie, chips, peas.

Best regards

Derek Allan


14 June 2019

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