Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 10/5/19

Dear Parent or Carer

I hope that you enjoyed the May Day Holiday … welcome to the “Rector’s Log”.

Last week I mentioned our Battlefields Trip (Belgium and France), which returned home late on Monday evening. I am indebted to Miss Osborne, Mr Harrower and Mr Mitchell for providing this excellent experience, which was an outstanding success. We had a group of thirty S2 students visiting landmark locations of the Great War, including Thiepval, Ypres and Tyne Cot Cemetery. For most, the highlight was the laying of a poppy wreath at the Menin Gate service on Sunday evening. Our students will lead assemblies later this year, sharing their memories.

We returned after the Monday Holiday and on Tuesday, we hosted Joe Fitzpatrick, of the Falkland Stewardship Trust was in school to give a talk to Mrs Brown’s S3 Classical Studies class about the ongoing archaeological excavation of the Iron Age Hillfort on East Lomond. As I mentioned, on Friday 24 May, 15 members of the class will be part of the excavation team, digging the site under the supervision of professional archaeologists. Joe’s talk was terrific. He is a brilliant amateur archaeologist and professional enthusiast. Thanks to Mrs Brown, who will supervise our engagement with this later this month.

On Wednesday we had a group of S2 students visiting Torness Nuclear Power Station in East Lothian, accompanied by Mr Fleming and Dr Murray. Again, this was excellent. The operators, EDF Energy, were celebrating the 6th anniversary of their new visitor centre.

Yesterday evening was a “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” meeting, at which we discussed fund raising events, our mentoring programme and the forthcoming memorial service for John Beck, the Chairman of FoKHS, who passed away in February this year.

As you likely know, FoKHS supports us in so many ways – mentoring, invigilation, escorts for trips, minibus drivers as well as fundraising. Following successful fundraising events this session, especially the Ceilidh and Race Night, the decision was taken to support the school in the following ways; purchase of another trolley of laptops, sponsoring a place on the Rwanda trip, purchase of the DUX medals for Prizegiving, sponsorship of at least one year group of Distinction Awards at Prizegiving, sponsorship of a language prize in memory of a former KHS pupil and another in memory of John Beck, purchase of a mountain bike for the Big Event raffle and purchase of new resources for the new Supported Learning Department next year. This amounts to £7000 worth of vital support for the school

I am sure you will agree KHS is very fortunate to have a group such as FoKHS which support us so well. I have attached a membership form should you wish to become a member at a cost of only £5 per year (although you can donate more should you wish). Please consider joining FoKHS – it is making a huge difference for us in the school.

Primary 7 Sports Festival

Primary 7 Sports Festival

Today is our Primary 7 Sports Festival (photo) and I am very grateful to Robert Greenhorn, our Active Schools Coordinator, who has organised this event for Capshard, Fair Isle, Torbain and Valley pupils. It’s been fantastic with football, rugby, golf,  netball, dance, tennis, curling, outdoor learning, mindful walking and yoga. Thanks to our S3 and Senior Sports Leaders and to the partner agencies helping. This includes Raith Rovers and Kirkcaldy Rugby Club.

This week’s exams have been Spanish and Practical Cake Craft on Tuesday, English (Higher and Advanced Higher) on Wednesday, English (National 5) and Photography yesterday and Chemistry is today. Many of our candidates have been taking uop the offer of a healthy snack. They can claim water, a muffin and piece of fruit from our canteen on any exam day.

On the subject of nutrition, next week’s hot meal menu is as follows;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables Tuesday: Tomato soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef and noodles with vegetables Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables Thursday: French onion soup, Roast Beef, Potatoes and vegetables Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” (sponsored by Stephens the Bakers) available from 8.10am and this is completely free to those facing hardship. We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer with coffee, tea or hot chocolate.

Also next week the staff are involved in equalities training being run by LGBT Youth Scotland. This is happening on Monday and Wednesday and is part of our journey to achieve the “Gold” Charter. We are also hosting our Primary 7 intake pupils once again on Tuesday and Wenesday as they take part in the “Step Up” Enterprise Programme, delivered by Matt Stewart of Entrepreneurme. Matt is well known to us in KHS and helps our new P7 to work together on business based challenges. It’s all about teamwork, resilience and “out of the box” thinking.

On Wednesday, Miss McIntosh is taking agroup of young people to the Fife Schools’ Dance Competition being held at Waid Academy, Anstruther. Very best wishes to them.

Last week I mentioned that Mr Young, Depute Head, advises that our annual Activities Day (for all S1-3) will take place next Friday, 17 May.  I have attached another copy of the Activities Day booklet which gives detailed information about each choice, a copy of the consent form that must be completed and details of the cost involved for each activity.  Each trip costs £20, but any pupil who receives a Free School Meal will not have to pay (many thanks to all who sponsor this, including FoKHS).  Please do ensure that your son/daughter completes the consent form and returns the chosen activity sheet on the appropriate day, as detailed in the information booklet. Paper versions were be distributed this during tutor. This year, young people have a choice of trips to; M and D’s Theme Park at Motherwell, Xtreme Trampoline Park in Glenrothes, Blair Drummond Safari Park near Stirling, Cinema/Bowling at Dunfermline and Innoflate at Livingston. Please encourage your kid to be involved. It’s always a really great day out.

School of Rock

School of Rock

Also last week, I mentioned our school show, “School of Rock”, which takes place in KHS over three nights, June 19-21. Tickets are priced at £5 and £3 and are available from the school office. It’s going to be fabulous!

Finally, our S3 Parent/Carer Evening takes place on Thursday 23 May and we are once again using the online booking system. All parents/carers of S3 with an email address will receive a message with log in details and a copy of the letter and paper copies of this letter are available at the school office if necessary.  The system going live this evening at 6pm and will be open to take bookings until 22 May at 11.55pm.  Those without internet can call the school on 01592 583405 and the office staff will help. Our pupils know this.

Please do be in contact if you require any assistance. Thanks for your going support of Kirkcaldy High School. Please join the “Friends” using the attached pro-forma.


Derek Allan


10 May 2019

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