Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 4/4/19

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope you are well … here is the news at the end of another successful term for KHS.

Last week, I shared that you might want to tune in to BBC Scotland’s “The Nine” to catch our students talking about how they feel about their school and the exam “League Tables” published in the newspapers each year. We were invited to do this after the BBC asked Fife Council to nominate a suitable school to illustrate its news story on how a school is so much more than its exam results. Many people, including me, believe that these tables are misleading and potentially damaging, reflecting socio-economic advantage much more than school effectiveness. Very well done to Jake Ramsay, Kelice Peebles, Jack Ramsay and Cara Hayes who were, in my view, outstanding contributors to the programme and the wider debate. They effectively debunked the view that a school can be considered “good” or “bad” on the basis of the number of Highers passed alone. The best schools achieve on so many different levels in so many different ways. I was especially pleased that our students emphasised the Skills for Work and the Foundation Apprenticeship Programmes as being of comparable value to academic qualifications. We need parity of esteem.

It’s not that we don’t value academic learning pathways … of course we do, and in fact, we go to great lengths to support our exam candidates. Our Easter School study class details are given below. This is a very good opportunity for revision and exam practice, please encourage your son/daughter to come in during the holidays if they can. I am exceptionally grateful to the staff who are supporting these events.

Water Safety Scotland Talk

Water Safety Scotland Talk

On Monday this week, we welcomed the team from “Water Safety Scotland”, which includes the Fire Service, Police and RNLI. All First Year had a special talk in the Hall during period 1. Our visitors highlighted the danger from swimming in quarries, rivers and coastal waters without safety considerations. This was very well done. Special thanks to Gillian Barclay, who told her personal story, having lost her son Cameron at the Prestonhill Quarry in Inverkeithing in 2014 (photo). The SQA Advanced Higher Drama practicals went well on Monday.

We also had House Assemblies this week and we handed these over to the S6 leavers to organise and deliver. As always, these occasions were very special, and quite moving. We had Adam Smith on Tuesday, Carlyle on Wednesday and Oswald on Thursday. These were quite emotional events, with memories shared and tributes paid. All the best to all our leavers and thanks for the tributes paid to the teachers. It makes a difference knowing that all that hard work is appreciated.

Hank John, formerly proprietor of Caledonia Travel, Inverkeithing, was in talking to our Travel and Tourism class on Tuesday and Miss Wight reports that he was on inspirational form, reminding the young people that their best asset is themselves.  Also that day, our S1 footballers took part in a “sevens” festival along at Queen Anne High School in Dunfermline. Many thanks to Miss Steedman. After school, a group of our young people attended a “World Café” event in Glenrothes. This was about emotional wellbeing and had a focus on equality.

Yesterday we held the SQA Dance practicals and having seen some of the rehearsals, I am confident that our young people will have done well.

Today is the final day of term and we are holding a “Dress Down Day” in support on MND Scotland, in memory of Gordon Aikman, former head boy, who was such a brilliant campaigner for that cause. It’s also the Higher Drama practicals today.  Best of luck to all our candidates … break a leg, as they say!

Tomorrow, our ski trip heads off to the Austrian Alps, best wishes to all taking part and thanks to Mr Stewart, Miss Malcolm, Mr Farquharson, Mrs Dempsey and Miss McIntosh. They will return on 13 April.  Don’t break a leg, as they say!

By way of reminder, our Easter School classes are: Monday 5 April for Supported Learning and Computing, Tuesday 9 is Administration and IT, Business Management, French, Health and Food Technology, Hospitality and Advanced Higher Maths, Wednesday 10 for Engineering Science, Graphic Communication, Design and Manufacture and Practical Woodwork, Friday 12 is English, Monday 15 is Music and Thurs 18 is Geography, Latin, Maths (N5) and Spanish.

As you likely know, and might even be looking forward to the day, we return on Monday 22 April! On the Tuesday we have a special event for girls in S3 with a focus on Science, Technology and Engineering. As you maybe appreciate, there is a significant gender imbalance in “STEM” careers and we are keen to challenge that. The SQA exams beginning on Thursday 25 with Latin, PE and Administration/IT. Study leave for all S4-6 begins that day too. We’ll have a special day for S6 on the Wednesday, with the yearbook being issued, the leavers’ mural being completed and a wee social event in the Library. That said, we are expecting all S6 to be there for the “masterclass” sessions being laid on that day.

The canteen hot meal menu for that first week back is as follows: Monday: Lentil soup, Butter Chicken Tikka Masala and Rice, vegetables Tuesday: Mushroom soup, Grilled Sausage/burger – veggie/beef/chicken, chips, baked beans Wednesday: Scotch broth, Roast chicken and gravy, potatoes and vegetables Thursday: Carrot and coriander soup, Lasagne, garlic bread and vegetables Friday: Yellow split pea soup, Breaded fish/Sausage roll, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” (sponsored by Stephens the Bakers) available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

This week we said farewell to Jim McPherson (Pupil Support Officer), who retired on Tuesday. I am pleased to report that after the break, Ms Linzi Birrell, currently a Support Assistant will take up this role on a Monday and a Tuesday … well done.

Finally, I wouldn’t generally pick out a “Star Pupil” for any given week. However, I feel compelled to do so after learning that Kirstin McDonell (S1) had answered a call for volunteers to assist with bag packing at Sainsbury’s last weekend to fund raise for Kirkcaldy Foodbank. She was the only young person involved and helped for the two full days. In total, over £1600 was raised. Jennifer of the Foodbank sent me a lovely thank you card this week. Well done Kirstin … you are my wee star of the week!

Very best wishes to all our SQA exam candidates, please remember those Easter study classes and do encourage your son/daughter to come on in … and very best wishes to you too.

Many thanks.

Derek Allan


4 April 2019

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