Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 18/1/19

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the weekly update message from your school. I do hope that you are well and are looking forward to the weekend.

Our main business this week has once again been the prelims. These finish today with Art and Design, Business Management, Chemistry, Computing Science, Design and Manufacture, French, Hospitality (Cake Craft), Latin, Physical Education and Politics. The prelims are a good opportunity for learners to gauge what they now need to do to gain the highest possible grade in the final exams which take place in May. To support those in S4 and S5, we have hired a company called Live’n’Learn to deliver study skills and mindset session on Thursday 31 January and Friday 1 February. We’ve used this training before and many exam candidates have found it useful … inspirational even.

This week we have had our first Primary Seven Parent/Carer “Roadshow” evening. The engagements took place on Tuesday at Torbain and Capshard. Mr Young and Mr Broadway were joined by S1 and S6 pupils to meet parents and carers and discuss the transition to KHS. It was really good to have such a good turn out and positive feedback from those who have attended. If you know of any family from outwith our “catchment” planning to send their P7 child to KHS, please advise them that we need to receive their “placing request” letter soon. Places in next year’s S1 are likely to be “capped” as we are experiencing a rapid rise in the roll.

Amber Thomson and Logan Piotrowicz

Amber Thomson and Logan Piotrowicz

That same evening (Tuesday), we hosted the first round of the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Public Speaking Competition. Team KHS comprising Amber Thomson and Logan Piotrowicz (both S3) discussed the merits of school uniform along with teams from Auchmuty and Queen Anne High Schools. Many thanks to Miss Osborne and Miss Diamond, who looked after the event and helped with preparations. Amber and Logan did exceptionally well and have now won through to the Fife final which takes place at KHS on Tuesday 5 February at 5pm, I’ll put out a specific invite later, but you are welcome to join us in school that evening. Congratulations to Amber and Logan, and many thanks to our speaking coaches Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (S4). Amber and Logan are shown on the right.

On the Wednesday we hosted the Disability Sport Fife football tournament and as ever, this was great fun. KHS is delighted to be regarded as a valued DSF partner. Our young people, especially our Sports Leaders, are offered so many great opportunities to assist disabled athletes achieve their best.

Last night was a meeting of the “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School”. I cannot thank the members of this support group enough. We were recently presented with another donation which is going towards the purchase of laptop computers which will be adapted for use by young people with additional learning needs. We are looking forward to the annual FoKHS Ceilidh which takes place on Fri 8 March, 2019, 7.00-10.30pm. The Bert Pozzi Ceilidh Band are providing the music and there is a bar available of the night. Tickets are £12 each or £100 for a table of ten and this includes a fish supper delivered from Valentes! Please Mrs Davidson at school to reserve tickets/tables.

Many thanks to Miss Steedman for compiling our Sports Results Round-Up: Netball seniors: KHS 13-13 Bellbaxter (MVP Kirsten Graham), Development game: KHS 5 – 2 Bellbaxter (MVP Karina Ferguson and Lauren Hughes), Basketball: KHS 68 – 33 Waid Academy, Girls Football: KHS 3 – 3 Glenrothes, Senior Football: Auchmuty 5 – 0 KHS.

Next week is a busy one. We have additional practical SQA exams taking place in Hospitality on Monday and Wednesday and we have our first assemblies of the year. These are House assemblies but not arranged to the usual pattern. Because of competing demands on the Hall, the Adam Smith assembly will be Friday rather than the usual Tuesday slot. The assemblies have a single theme. To mark World Holocaust Memorial Day, Nicole MacDonald and Katie Brown (both S6) will give an illustrated talk about the trip to Auschwitz in Poland which they undertook at the end of last year, supported by the Holocaust Memorial Trust. Nicole and Katie will share photographs and tell the story of the Nazi death camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

On Tuesday, we have all S1 taking part in a “Speedy STEM” event in the Hall with each house out for a 2 period slot. The theme is team work and problem solving skills in the context of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. In the evening, Mr Young, Mr Broadway and I will be at Valley Primary (5pm) and Fair Isle (6pm) for our second round of Primary 7 “Roadshows”. The pupils at these schools have received a letter but all interested parents/carers are welcome, especially those from outwith our usual catchment who are making a placing request to attend KHS from August.

On Wednesday evening, Mrs Simpson (Head of Music) will be along at Balwearie High School for the Rotary Club Young Musician Competition. Good luck to Cameron Hamilton (cornet), Cara Hayes (vocal) and Fiona Mundwiler (violin), who are competing against musicians from the other Kirkcaldy schools.

Thursday 24 January sees our S4 “First Chances” candidates spending the day along at St Andrews University delivering their talks and presentations in front of an audience. Many thanks to Mrs Hunter (Guidance) for her commitment to this excellent programme.

The week ends with the issue of progress reports for all S2 students. This will assist our young people with the course choice process which will be facing them shortly.

On the Saturday (26 January), we’ll have a special revision session for all subjects led by our Supported Learning staff. This is of particular value for the young people who have particular arrangements for exams eg extra time or a reader/scribe. Mr Broadway is discussing this with young people affected. It will be the first of our “Saturday School” sessions. Tomorrow’s proposed Music sessions have had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances … apologies. Please stand by for a new date.

Next week’s canteen hot meal menu is as follows:

Monday: Lentil soup, Stovies with crusty bread, turnip

Tuesday: French onion soup, Chicken korma, boiled rice and vegetables

Wednesday Tomato soup, Steak pie, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Green pea soup, Sweet chilli beef and noodles, vegetables

Friday: Vegetable soup, Breaded fish/Scotch pie, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer. We are delighted to receive support from Stephens the Bakers, who are the official sponsors of our Breakfast Club.

We have been fortunate so far this winter in terms of severe weather. However, we’ll all recall the “Beast from the East” and will need to be prepared. You can check out Fife Council’s best advice.

There is also the opportunity to sign up for a text alert in the event that we have to close for any reason. Follow the link on the “Winter” page. I would also advise you to make use of Twitter to keep up to date with all sorts of KHS news, including weather alerts or closure information. You can follow us @KirkcaldyHigh.

Finally, you are probably aware that we are a “UNICEF” Rights Respecting School and are currently working towards achieving the “Gold” standard. To do this we need to embrace, in full, the principles and practice of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). We have long been a school with simple, clear and strong values; Respect for Self, Respect for Others and Respect for Learning, and are well placed to be able to prove our dedication and commitment to ensuring children’s rights. The people from the UN expect that parents and carers will be aware of the Convention and its principles and I would politely ask that you take a look at the attached summary document prepared by Miss Diamond, the Depute Head linked to this initiative. Should you wish to find out more about the articles of the UNCRC check out their website.  I am also very grateful to Miss Ashby and Ms Young, who are our teacher leaders, and to all the young people who are part of our “pupil voice”.

As always, please be in contact if we can help with any matter. It’s always best to book in advance if visiting the school as staff will have other commitments (including classes) which means that they may not always be available to meet without an appointment. Much appreciated.

Faithfully yours

Derek Allan


18 January 2019

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