Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 21/12/18

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope you are well and are looking forward to Christmas. Best wishes for a happy, peaceful break from the routine.

This week has been the final week of term and we’ve had a fairly busy end to the year, with several seasonal activities. On Monday afternoon, our school choir was along at Elizabeth House Care Home in Boreland Road, singing some Christmas carols. As you can imagine, this was very well received. Thanks to Mrs Simpson and the choir for all their input at this time of year.

We have also had assemblies on the theme of “Kindness”, which were led by myself, Mollie Turner (Head Girl), the Guidance staff and the House Captains. It was the usual order … Adam Smith on Tuesday, Carlyle on Wednesday and Oswald this morning. I was especially impressed by how powerfully our young people promoted the power of compassion … it changes lives.

At the assemblies there were presentations of Achiever Ties to Mathew Lafferty (S3) for the exceptional way he organised the community response to the Standing Stane Road tragedy. Also, for their contributions to equality, diversity and fairness across the school, to Blain Aitken and Alanah Ferguson (both S6). Blain and Alanah, along with Cameron Bowie and John Hamilton are the leaders of KHS LGBT+. The lead teacher, Dr Paul Murray, also received a tie for his tireless work for a fairer school (and country). Watch out for some coverage of this work in next week’s Fife Free Press. I must say that I am very proud that KHS is the kind of school where it is perfectly OK to be yourself, whatever your identity. Our LGBT+ group has made that possible

On Tuesday, our Travel and Tourism class organised a trip to Edinburgh and they were accompanied by Miss Wallace and Miss Wight of the Geography Department. The group had a great day, visiting Edinburgh’s “Winter Wonderland” in Princes Street Gardens and the National Museum of Scotland.

Wednesday evening was our end of term disco/party in the Hall. This was brilliant fun. Many thanks to the S6 who helped supervise the wee ones. Thanks also to the staff, especially our resident jock … MC Big Ali D!

Yesterday morning, it was the first round finals of our “Youth Philanthropy Initiative” for S3. YPI is a fantastic project sponsored by the Wood Group. Young people choose to become champions for a local charity and compete to win a £3000 award. There were some fantastic “pitches” made and I am delighted to say “Love Oliver” (childhood cancer support) and “STAR” (supporting care experienced young people) will go through to the final stages to be held next June. Last time the prize was won by “Autism Rocks”, a small charity based in Buckhaven.

Keith Partridge Visit

Keith Partridge Visit

We also had a special treat for S5/6 yesterday, with the visit of Keith Partridge (picture). Keith is a renowned adventure photographer and documentary film maker, who has won many awards, including an “Emmy” for Outstanding Cinematography for the BBC’s “Human Planet”. Keith gave an illustrated talk about his work, especially some of the mountaineering expeditions he has been part of. He also told the tale of his encounter with a hungry polar bear. As you might expect, our pupils were both impressed and fascinated. Also last night, hard luck to our U14 football team, which lost out 4-2 to Woodmill in the Scottish Shield.

The term ends today with a “Dress Down Day” in support of Motor Neurone Disease Scotland. Young people have been asked to donate £1 or whatever they can afford. We’re also holding our traditional Staff X Factor, which is always a good laugh at Christmas. Well done to the staff who are putting their “talent” on show. It’s a great way to end the term and there is usually a singalong to close. We are expecting the school buses at 12 noon or by 12.15pm at the latest … it’s the usual half day closing for the Christmas Holiday.

Finally for this year, well done to Liam Nisbet, Jake Ramsay, Megan Ramsay who recently took part in the selection process for the Rotary Youth Leadership Camps in the Cairngorms this summer. With only 4 places available for the Kirkcaldy schools, I am delighted that KHS has gained 3 of these. Our other potential candidates; Andrew Collins, Melissa Francis and Rachel Paterson have all been placed on the “reserve” list. Congratulations to all of them and thanks to the Rotary Club of Kirkcaldy, who sponsor participation at a cost of over £2000 … it really is a fantastic experience.

As you likely know, pupils return to school on Monday 7 January. For the first week back after the break, the menu will be;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables

Tuesday: Tomato soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef and noodles with vegetables

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: French onion soup, Roast Beef, Potatoes and vegetables

Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas

The main event in that first week back is the Prelim Exams … please see the attached timetable as a wee reminder of the schedule. Between the sprouts, the chocolates and watching “Home Alone”, those in S4-6 will be finding time to study … preparation is the key.

The other attachment is a PDF copy of our latest Newsletter. Pupils received a paper copy in school yesterday. I explained to our young people at assemblies this week that I was so proud of them. You can browse the Newsletter to see why. But learning is a team game, and I wish to take the chance to thank all the teachers and support staff here. What a brilliant group of dedicated, imaginative professionals we have … I am proud of them too. They deserve a holiday and I’m wishing them all a Merry Christmas.

And that is extended to you and your family. With best wishes for the New Year too.


Derek Allan


21 December 2018

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