Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 7/12/18

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the weekly news update from your school. We try hard to keep you informed about what is going on here … partly so that you can challenge your son/daughter when they respond to your question about what happened today with that common response … “nothing”. There are very few days when nothing happens in KHS and this week has been another busy one, with Connor Aird’s funeral overshadowing all other events. The Standing Stane Road tragedy is still very much on our minds.

Connor’s burial on Tuesday was a very sad occasion, attended by a very large crowd, with many from KHS. I walked with a group of staff and pupils down to Hayfield Cemetery and I think that we know that solidarity like this is a comfort for the families. Connor was remembered as a lively, friendly and fun-loving laddie and that’s just as I recall him too. It was also revealed that Connor has donated his organs after death and that four recipients have now benefited from his kindness. Like Ethan, Connor is hugely missed. Well done to all of our kids, who have handled this so well, with dignity and empathy. Kirkcaldy is a proud town and should be proud of its youth.

You will maybe know that last Saturday, at Beveridge Park, a large number of our young people took part in a sponsored 5 kilometre run in support of the families of Ethan and Connor. Very well done to Kelsey Robertson and Chelsea Lithgow, the chief organisers. I understand that well over £2000 has been raised by this event. We had staff helping supervise and they were particularly proud of Danny Stevens, who completed the course on crutches.

There were no assemblies this week, but on Tuesday we had a group of young people away at St Andrews University for the Royal Society of Chemistry annual Christmas Lecture. This was tremendous fun, with the obligatory explosive ending. Also that day we had a large group of S2 and S3 girls competing in the Fife Schools’ Dance Festival at St Andrews High School. Many thanks to Miss McIntosh (PE). I explained last week that interest in dance has really grown over the past couple of years as a result of her commitment and we will have our first ever Higher Dance class next session. Our dancers did us proud, with several exceptional performances. Please see our sports round-up for results.

LGBT+ Group Civic Reception

LGBT+ Group Civic Reception

On Wednesday, I joined Dr Murray and the KHS LGBT+ Committee members at a Civic Reception being held at the Town House, hosted by Jim Leishman, the Provost of Fife. As you will be aware, we were recipients of the President’s Award at the COSLA Excellence Awards last month. This was in recognition of our leading work in developing an inclusive school culture which embraces difference. Our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender group are a fantastic group of young people, so committed to fairness and human rights. The Provost and Cllr David Ross (Co-Leader of Fife Council) were rightly impressed and commended them in the highest terms.

That same evening, we held our “Senior Formal”, which was a ceilidh/dance for S5 and S6 students. Many thanks to Miss Malcolm for her support with the organisation. It was a brilliant night of dancing and fun. Thanks also to Dr Murray and his amazing ceilidh band. This year, the students have decided to donate the proceeds towards the fund established to support the families of Ethan and Connor. This donation will be handed on when the families come in to collect the Condolence Books at some point before Christmas. Thank you to everyone who has left a message. I know that these will be cherished in the years ahead.

Scottish Parliament Visit

Scottish Parliament Visit

Yesterday we had three of our Higher Politics or Modern Studies pupils across at the Scottish Parliament as a prize in an essay competition organised by Kirkcaldy based solicitors Fords Daly Legal. Esha Aslam, Katie Brown and Kieran Harmes got the chance to attend First Minister’s Question Time and even had lunch with Humza Yousaf, the Justice Secretary. What a fantastic experience for them. All are very interested in law and politics.

We also have a group of would be design engineers across at Inveralmond High School in Livingston taking part in the F1 in Schools Competition. This is a fantastic hi-tech initiative and I am very grateful to our CDT staff, particularly Mr Hunter, for supporting our participation.

This morning, Mr Young attended the presentation for a group of S1 girls, all formerly of Fair Isle Primary. Abi Garthley, Tahnee Sinclair, Hannah Young, Chantelle Brady, Jamie Lee Hooper and Kenzie Lee McColl took part in a remarkable mountain bike challenge in the Cairngorms in September, supported by the Big Lottery Fund and organised by Youth Worker Linsey Neilson. This event took place at the Argos Centre in Linton Lane, Templehall.

I explained earlier that we continue to feel the Standing Stane Road crash. Also this morning, we were asked along to St Andrew’s High School to attend a fundraising coffee morning, organised by S6 pupils in memory of Ethan and Connor. I was joined by a group of KHS S6 who were close to the boys and had coffee and cake with our friends along the road. I must thank Mr Callaghan (Rector), Mr Wood (Depute) and the St Andrew’s S6 for such a lovely gesture, and excellent hospitality. The impressive sum of £363 was raised for Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance. We took along the condolence books for Ethan and Connor and learned that in recent weeks, when prayers were said for Ethan, Connor and Danny, the regular Thursday Mass was twice as well attended as usual. Respect to all the young people of St Andrew’s High School. I did say that Kirkcaldy should be proud of its young people.

Finally today, we’ve been holding a bake sale at interval and lunchtime to mark World Aids Day, with all proceeds going towards HIV Scotland.

Thanks to Miss Steedman once again for our weekly sports round-up. Netball S1 KHS 7 – 0 Woodmill, Senior A KHS 20 -15 Woodmill, Senior B KHS 2 – 18 Glenwood. Football Senior KHS 2 – 0 Glenrothes (scorers Euan Stewart and Stevie Thompson-Jeffries). Girls’ Futsal Tournament with Capshard and Torbain – KHS 2nd place. Fife Schools’ Dance Competition – Amy Main came first in first solo dance, Eve Denholm came third in her solo dance and won dancer of the day, Eve Denholm and Courtney Anderson were second in their duo, S3 group dancers came runners-up; Joanna Seath, Hannah Melville, Eilidh Jackson, Amber Thomson, Poppy Ferry, Reagan Graham-Lithgow.

Next week we have Yeargroup Assemblies, with different musical performances from our Christmas Concert. On Monday, we have a group of young people giving evidence at the Scottish Parliament, having been invited along to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee. The EHRIC is taking evidence of the best practice in “participation” from all around Scotland. Many thanks to Miss Ashby and to Dr Murray, as well as all the young people involved. We were asked along as a result of our strong track record in developing “pupil Voice” eg our pioneering work in tackling homophobia and bullying, and our achievement of UNICEF Rights Respecting School status.

On Tuesday, we have a group of S2 pupils competing in the GO4SET Science, Engineering and Technology Challenge along at Fife College, Carnegie Campus in Dunfermline. In the afternoon, another group will be visiting Dundee University for the Institute of Engineering and Technology Annual Christmas Lecture.

Then, from 5-7pm, it’s our S5/6 parent/carer evening. You have already received details of how to use the online booking system. This is a well-timed engagement, with our Prelim exams scheduled to start on Wednesday 9 January, the first week back after the Christmas break. Many thanks to Mrs Davidson, who has worked very hard on the timetable over the past few weeks. Please see the attachments.

On Wednesday it’s our Christmas Concert. This takes place at 6.30pm for a mulled wine or soft drink and a mince pie with the concert at 7pm. Mrs Simpson (Head of Music) has worked with others to put together a very varied show with choral and instrumental music as well as dance. … with the chance to sing along too. All performers have received two complimentary tickets with additional tickets available from the Office priced at only £1. I hope to see you there.

Then, on Thursday, I’ll be at Burntisland Speakers Club along with Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes. I mentioned in an earlier message that the girls had been invited to speak at their Christmas Dinner. This invite came after Morgan, Cara and Brooke Wishart became the Fife winners of the Rotary Club Youth Speaks competition last month. We await news of the next round, which covers Scotland and the North of England, with the competition to be held in either Glasgow or Newcastle.

The week ends with our annual visit to the panto at the Adam Smith Theatre. This year it’s “Babes in the Wood” and we have a large group of S1 attending … oh yes we do. Apologies.

Next week’s menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Butter Chicken Tikka Masala and Rice, vegetables

Tuesday: Mushroom soup, Grilled Sausage/burger – veggie/beef/chicken, chips, baked beans

Wednesday: Scotch broth, Roast chicken and gravy, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Carrot and coriander soup, Lasagne, garlic bread and vegetables

Friday Yellow split pea soup, Breaded fish/Sausage roll, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer. We are delighted to receive support from Stephens the Bakers, who are now the official sponsors of our Breakfast Club.

We have been asked by David Torrance, the MSP for Kirkcaldy, in his capacity as a member of the Public Petitions Committee at the Scottish Parliament. Recently the committee launched an inquiry into the accessibility of mental health resources for young people, and they are now looking for input from parents/carers. The committee engagement team has put together a web portal that allows parents/carers  to submit and rank ideas related to mental health resource accessibility.  It would be useful for you to be involved. As you know, there is a growing awareness of the apparent mental health crisis among young people, not only in Scotland, but across Western Europe. We are planning an in-school focus early in the new year, with additional staff training in February 2019.

In closing, our thoughts remain with Ethan and Connor’s parents; Ashley and Gary, Marilyn and Brian. Best wishes too to Danny Stevens, as he continues his recovery. The way Danny handled that 5K run, on crutches, makes me optimistic that he will get through.

And, of course, very best wishes to you.

Derek Allan


7 December 2018

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