Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 30/11/18

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that our regular email finds you well. This week has been another busy and productive one for the school, although inevitably overshadowed still by our sorrow at the loss of Ethan King and Connor Aird, especially with Ethan’s funeral this week and Connor’s burial to come next Tuesday.

Rotary Young Chef Competition

Rotary Young Chef Competition

However, we carry on, and on Monday, S5 students Andrew Collins and Jake Ramsay competed in the Rotary “Young Chef” Competition at Fife College. They were up against the other Kirkcaldy schools and judged by TV Chef Eadie Manson among others. It was a competition of the highest standard, and I am delighted to share that Jake has progressed to the next round in Dundee. Well done Jake (pictured).

Also on Monday, it was a pleasure to welcome Emma Seith of the Times Educational Supplement Scotland, who is doing a big feature on LGBTI inclusive education in the next few weeks. She was looking for some of the best practice in terms of developing an accepting and fair school culture, and wanted to come to KHS to speak with young people and staff.

Then, on Tuesday, it was our Employability Fair when we welcomed employers, universities and colleges in to the school to discuss future opportunities with all young people in S3-S6. Parents and carers were invited to join us after school for what was effectively our own “Careers Convention”. Thanks to Mrs Davidson and especially to Miss Malcolm, who made most of the arrangements. Joining us were Skills Development Scotland, Fife Council, Kwik Fit, Fife Voluntary Action, BAM Construction, Crane Ware Software, the Army, the RAF, the Royal Marines, Fife Police, Fife College, Scotland’s Rural College, Fife Foundation Apprenticeship Team, NHS Fife, the Law Society of Scotland, IDTC Training, Addleshaw Goddard (Corporate Law), the Scottish Government (Civil Service), Kingdom Homes, the Student Awards Agency Scotland, Camp America, Edinburgh Academy of Music and the Universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh Napier, St Andrews, Heriot-Watt, Strathclyde, West of Scotland and Edinburgh. We had something for everyone, and I know that a great many young people got a lot from engagement on the day and in the early evening.

The following evening (Wednesday 28 November) was our S2 Learning Fair, which was a sort of “roadshow” intended to help with course choices being made at the start of next year.  I explained how our S3 curriculum is designed and how we ensure balance of choices. Then, parents/carers and young people were able to wander around the Hall chatting with teachers and senior students about various options. All S2 had spent a period during the day visiting the Fair and the evening was well attended, despite the terrible weather. It was good to meet parents and carers at this event. Many thanks to the staff and S6 who supported this, and also to the partners who came along.

Also, after school that day, there was a meeting for those involved in Fife’s “Be That Person” film project. This explores the negative impact of “Adverse Childhood Experiences” or “ACES”. Our own Mr Broadway, and some of our young people have been involved in this from the outset. We have lined up a training event for staff in February when we will welcome Mary Glasgow, the Chief Executive Officer of Children First, a leading child rights and child protection charity. We are also showing the “Be That Person” film. Mr Broadway is currently part of the planning of an extension of the film project and is looking for parental involvement in this. If you feel you could contribute and have an interest in child development issues, please respond to this email or call the school and ask for Mr Broadway.

Yesterday, all our S4 took part in a special peer education training programme called “Sexperts”. This involves specially trained S6 peer educators leading sessions on relationships and sexual health. It’s been a big part of our drive to reduce teenage pregnancy and STDs in our community and you will likely know that the success of this programme has been recognised nationally. Many thanks to Mrs Houston (Lead Guidance Teacher) who oversees this work, especially the partnership element with Barnardo’s, Fife Council Community Development (Youth Work)and NHS Fife Health Promotion. The sessions were excellent … I am hugely impressed by our S6 leaders, and thanks to the S4 for engaging so positively. The main themes included sex and the law, consent and parenthood. With (accidentally) perfect timing, today, our LGBT+ group members have organised the distribution of wee red ribbons for anyone who wants to raise awareness of AIDS and HIV. Tomorrow (Saturday) is World Aids Day.

Last night was our Annual Christmas Fayre, with all funds raised going towards our S6 Yearbook and Prom. We had stalls featuring: Body Shop, Silver and Cream, Balbirnie Candles, Bead-Dazzled Jewellery, Scarves, Christmas Frames and Mugs, Yomelda Perfume, Darcey’s Candles, Christine’s Card Creations, Bunty’s Celebrations, Cards and Tote Bags, Sand Art, Enchanted Events, Comfort International (Rwanda) and Handmade Soaps. We also had tea, coffee, cake and raffles. Those who came along had good night out, and the sum of £750 was raised for the cause. Well done to Mr Fulton (CDT) and the other organisers and helpers.

This morning, Mr Young had a meeting with the Anthony Nolan Trust, who are looking for new bone marrow donors … a very worthwhile exercise. We will be holding a senior assembly with a view to encouraging young people to register as potential donors.

Also, we have staff attending a special meeting in Edinburgh. Perhaps you are becoming aware that Fife is now part of an educational “Collaborative” with Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and The Borders? Increasingly we are trying to learn from each other and share good practice. Today’s event takes place at Murrayfield Stadium and Mr Farquharson (Guidance) and Mrs Hardie (Family Link Worker) are representing KHS. The main themes are parental engagement and inclusion … with a particular focus on the negative impact which poverty tends to have on learning.

Many thanks to Miss Steedman of the PE Department, who has compiled our latest sports results and has volunteered to do this on a weekly basis. Football: S1 KHS 3 Beath 1, S2 KHS 0 Balwearie 3, S3 KHS 0 Linlithgow 3, U18 Auchmuty 0 KHS 1 (match abandoned due to serious injury to an Auchmuty player). Netball: S1 Waid 1 KHS 2, S2 Waid 14 KHS 6, S3 KHS 8 Auchmuty 10. Many thanks to all the staff who support our teams.

I mentioned that Wednesday saw the funeral of Ethan King, held at Kirkcaldy Crematorium. There was a massive turnout and I know that this incredible community response has been a source of some comfort for the families affected by the Standing Stane Road tragedy. The funeral was a terribly sad occasion but Ethan was remembered in the right way. The word which was used and which stuck with me was “warm”. He had such a natural, happy way about him. I was personally always so glad to see Ethan around school. He will be hugely missed. Next Tuesday, it will be the funeral of Connor Aird, with a burial at Hayfield at 12 noon. Those young people wishing to attend are asked to bring a note from home and we will walk down the hill together to the cemetery.

Throughout all of this, I remain incredibly proud of our kids. They have shown such dignity and compassion at these toughest of times. Well done to every one of them. If you wish to leave a condolence message in the books which have been placed at our school reception, please do so before the end of next week. I will be meeting the families soon after then to pass on the books. Thanks to those of you who have done this already.

There are no assemblies next week. On Tuesday we have a group of young people away at St Andrews University for the annual Christmas Chemistry lecture. Also that day we have a large group of S2 and S3 girls competing in the Fife Schools’ Dance Competition at St Andrews High School. Many thanks to Miss McIntosh (PE) … interest in dance has really grown over the past couple of years as a result of her commitment and we will have our first ever Higher Dance class next session.

On Wednesday, I’ll be joining Dr Murray and the KHS LGBT+ Committee members at a Civic Reception being held at the Town House and hosted by Jim Leishman, the Provost of Fife. As you will likely know, we were recipients of the President’s Award at the COSLA Excellence Awards last month. This was in recognition of our leading work in developing an inclusive school culture which embraces difference. Our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender group are a fantastic group of young people, so committed to fairness and human rights. I’m not surprised that the Times Ed want to report on their achievements.

That same evening, we are holding our “Senior Formal”, which is a ceilidh/dance for S5 and S6 students. This year, the student organisers have decided to donate any proceeds towards the fund established to support the families of Ethan King and Connor Aird.

Next Friday, I’ll be attending a presentation for a group of S1 girls, all formerly of Fair Isle Primary. Abi Garthley, Tahnee Sinclair, Hannah Young, Chantelle Brady, Jamie Lee Hooper and Kenzie Lee McColl took part in a remarkable mountain bike challenge in the Cairngorms in September, supported by the Big Lottery Fund and organized by Youth Worker Linsey Neilson. This event take place at the Argos Centre in Linton Lane, Templehall. Also on Friday, we’ll be holding a bake sale at interval and lunchtime to mark World Aids Day, with all proceeds going towards HIV Scotland.

Next week’s menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables

Tuesday: Tomato soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef and noodles with vegetables

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: French onion soup, Roast Beef, Potatoes and vegetables

Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer. Please stand by for an official announcement about a new sponsorship arrangement we have made with Stephens the Bakers Foundation. We are delighted to receive support from Stephens, who will be the official sponsors of our Breakfast Club.

Last week I mentioned our annual Christmas Concert on Wednesday 12 December (6.30pm for refreshments with the concert at 7pm) and Mrs Simpson (Head of Music) has worked with others to put together a very varied show with choral and instrumental music as well as dance. There is likely to be a chance to sing along too. All performers have received two complimentary tickets with additional tickets available from the Office priced at £1.

Mrs. Aitken

Mrs. Aitken

On a closing note, very well done to Debbie Aitken, former Depute Head. You are probably aware that since August, Mrs Aitken has been the acting Head of Lochgelly High School. As of Wednesday, when she was interviewed for the post on a permanent basis, Mrs Aitken has now been confirmed in the job. We are all hugely proud of Mrs Aitken and wish her well. She was an excellent colleague and friend here, who did so much in her 10 years at KHS. She fully deserves to be leading her own school. Personally, I owe Debbie a great deal … and I thank her for the skill and commitment she deployed to the advantage of the kids and their families here, and for her friendship. At least the friendship aspect continues.

Best wishes, and take care.

Derek Allan


30 November 2018

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