Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 15/11/18

Dear Parent/Carer

Ethan, Danny, and Connor

Ethan, Danny, and Connor

As you can imagine, this has been a difficult week in KHS. We all felt overwhelmed to learn of the death of Ethan King and the serious injuries suffered by Connor Aird and Danny Stevens in a road accident on Sunday. It’s every parent’s nightmare and one can never really be prepared for a catastrophe such as this. Our thoughts are very much with the families and loved ones of the victims … and many of those are young people currently in our school. The kids have been magnificent. They have been understanding, kind, respectful and resilient. Sometimes events such as these can strengthen a community which already has many strengths. That’s how it has felt to me this week. I am exceptionally grateful to the staff, especially those who offered counsel, comfort or a hug, for their compassion and warmth when it was needed.

Last Friday, I mentioned that I was to be joined by Mollie Turner and Fraser Anderson (our Head Girl and Head Boy) at the Armistice Day commemoration at Dunfermline Abbey, followed by a Civic Reception in the Glen Pavilion. This was very fitting event, which included a candlelight parade from the Abbey to Dunfermline War Memorial.

On Sunday 11 November we were part of the Remembrance parade in Kirkcaldy and Fraser and Mollie laid a poppy wreath at the town memorial on behalf of all of our young people. We were also part of the commemorations at the Adam Smith Theatre when Blain Aitken, Cameron Bowie and Fraser Anderson honoured the KHS war dead by reciting their monologues once again … these short talks are designed to represent the “ghost voices” of past pupils of KHS. Dr Murray joined us to play “Flo’ers o’ The Forest” on fiddle and Cameron Hamilton gave a splendid rendition of the Last Post on cornet. I must say that I was immensely proud of our young people. We closed the event and received many plaudits from those in attendance.

Also last weekend we had a large group of young people taking part in a trip to Premier League football matches in England. Many thanks to Mr I’Anson, who led the excursion which took in Newcastle United versus Bournemouth on the Saturday then Manchester City against Manchester United on Sunday. This was an excellent experience, though marred by the news coming from home. Several of those on the trip played football with Ethan, Connor and Danny.

There were no assemblies this week, except for our time for reflection and respect assemblies we held on Monday morning. That day, we had a group of S2 attending an “Allied Health Professionals” work experience day at Victoria Hospital. They were accompanied by Mrs Rae (Pupil Support) and learned about radiography, podiatry, occupational health careers etc.  After school, our LGBT+ Group laid on training for staff and this was very well attended … and well timed with new Government legislation in the offing.

Yesterday, I joined Mr Young at Valley Primary for a meeting with the Primary Heads. We are already planning for the next intake of young people and as I mentioned, I am especially pleased that, for the first time, we will welcome young people with significant additional support needs. Until now, these pupils would transfer to the “DAS” at Balwearie. However, from August 2019, Mr Broadway will lead our extended “Supported Learning” Faculty, which includes enhanced facilities and additional staff to support our new pupils. Our staff are undergoing some initial training tomorrow.

Wednesday was the final of the Fife Quadcopter Drone Design Competition, held at Auchmuty High in Glenrothes, supported by Miss Tennant. It was our S1 Parent/Carer Night in the evening and it was good to meet so many parents and carers last night.

Today, we are pleased to be joined by a group of eight school inspectors from France. The team visited Torbain this morning before seeing some action at KHS. They are being hosted by our S6 Modern Languages Ambassadors and have seen some classes in action as well spending time in discussion with senior teachers about classroom practice. I have to say that our visitors seem to have been very impressed by their time in the school so far. They have commented on the welcoming atmosphere and feeling of calm around school. Many thanks to our S6 “Ambassadors”, they are the epitome of our school values.

Please note that the school is closed to pupils tomorrow for staff training. That’s why the message is coming to you a day early. In the afternoon tomorrow, we will be focussing on high level additional support needs in preparation for our new intake of S1 “Supported Learning” pupils in August 2019. These are P7 pupils who, in the past, would have transferred to the “DAS” at Balwearie. It’s good that we will be able to avoid these kids being separated from their natural peer group.

Starting next week, our S3 pupils will be undergoing the Scottish National Standardised assessments in literacy and numeracy. We’ll also have House Assemblies on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday when the theme will be Book Week Scotland. There will also special meetings of S4 and S5 to look at potential course choice options for next session … full details will be given to pupils on Monday.

At lunchtime on Monday, I will be visiting the Cottage Family Centre to present a cheque for £363 on behalf of our young people. This was a donation from the “dress down” day we held last month. I will be joined by Ellie Hitchcock, who spoke so passionately in support of the Cottage as part of our “Youth Philanthropy Initiative” earlier this year.

On Tuesday evening, Mr English (PE) is running a bus to Hampden for Scotland v Israel. I admire Mr English’s perseverance. On the Wednesday, Mr Spink is taking a group of S5/6 Modern languages students along to St Andrews University for their “meet and mingle” event. It’s a chance to have a chat with current undergraduates.

The Thursday afternoon sees a Science trip to Rosyth Dockyard for a STEM event hosted by Babcock and in the evening we’ll be competing with the other Fife High Schools for the Kirkcaldy Schools Quiz Championship, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kirkcaldy. This takes place at Windmill Campus.

Next Friday it’s a special S6 Assembly, with an input from the Anthony Nolan Trust, who are looking for new bone marrow donors. Also, our orchestra has been invited along to ASDA at Carberry Road to play Christmas music to mark the switching on of the festive lights.

Next week’s menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Butter Chicken Tikka Masala and Rice, vegetables

Tuesday: Mushroom soup, Grilled Sausage/burger – veggie/beef/chicken, chips, baked beans

Wednesday: Scotch broth, Roast chicken and gravy, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Carrot and coriander soup, Lasagne, garlic bread and vegetables

Friday Yellow split pea soup, Breaded fish/Sausage roll, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

Looking ahead, Tuesday 27 November is our Employability Fair when we welcome employers, universities and colleges in to the school to discuss future opportunities with all young people (S3-S6). Parents and carers are welcome to join us after school. I will ask Mrs Davidson to email out a more specific invitation with details of what to expect. Thanks also to Miss Malcolm, who has made many of the arrangements.

The following evening (28 November) is our S2 Learning Fair, which is a sort of “roadshow” intended to help with course choices being made at the start of next year. I’ll ask Mr Young (S2 Yearhead) to send out an invitation.

On a closing note, our sympathy and support is very much with the families and friends of the Standing Stane crash victims.  Our condolence book for Ethan has been available since this morning and there are already a great many messages of support and appreciation which may be of comfort in time. Should parents/carers or former pupils wish to come in tomorrow or next week to leave a message, you will be made very welcome at Kirkcaldy High School.

Kind regards

Derek Allan


15 November 2018

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