Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 26/10/18

Dear Parent/Carer


Welcome to the first weekly update of Term 2. I do hope that you are well and that the term ahead will be another successful one for us here in KHS. This week our pupils received a paper copy of our latest newsletter. Just in case it hasn’t made its way home … these things happen, please find a digital version attached. The other attachment is our regular employability bulletin. Many thanks to Miss Malcolm, our “Developing the Young Workforce” Coordinator.

You may well be aware that during the break, we received much credit and recognition for our collective achievement in the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (or COSLA) Excellence Awards. Our school had been nominated by Fife Council as an example of best practice in fairness and inclusivity, in the category of “Reducing Inequalities and Improving Health” and I am delighted to say that we were declared to be the winners of the final award made on the evening, the President’s Award, which is given for “exceptional achievement”. The presentations took place at the Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews and were hosted by Jackie Bird, of BBC fame. I am delighted that KHS is regarded as one of the leading schools in the country in this field and must congratulate the members of our LGBT Group, who were the basis of our success. They enjoyed the ceremony at St Andrews.

We have been effectively addressing homophobia and prejudice for a number of years now as part of the Stonewall “Champions” Programme. Special thanks go to Dr Paul Murray, the staff link with the LGBT Group. Due to his tireless work, and that of our young people, KHS is leading the way in showing how to create a safe and supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender young people. Many thanks also to Lesley Laird, MP for Kirkcaldy, who was kind enough to offer her congratulations before the House of Commons and also to John Swinney, the Cabinet Secretary for Education, who sent us a message of praise and appreciation. David Torrance, the MSP for Kirkcaldy, also commended the school in Parliament on its resumption this week.

Driver Improvement Scheme

Driver Improvement Scheme

This week we’ve had Yeargroup Assemblies at which Mr Young and I highlighted the danger from weapons in our schools and communities by relating the case of Bailey Gwynne, the 16 year old laddie from Aberdeen who was stabbed to death in his school three years ago this week. All our young people have given a commitment that will report it if they ever see another pupil with a weapon in school. We also had specific inputs for different year groups with Miss Malcolm delivering a talk about “allied health professional” careers in the NHS for S2 on Tuesday. We have a work experience opportunity at the Victoria Hospital coming up soon. Yesterday, the S4 were encouraged to consider the Foundation Apprenticeship route to employment and Mrs Davidson tells me that our trip to Fife College for the FA Roadshow next week is likely to be oversubscribed. This morning, Police Scotland staff have been in to deliver the “Driver Improvement Scheme” Programme for S5/6 (photo).

I also have some staffing news. This week we welcomed several new teachers to the school. In Maths, we have been joined by Mr Dignan (formerly of Levenmouth Academy) and in CDT/Maths by Mr Scott (formerly of Denny High School, Falkirk). Also, many thanks to former staff member Mrs Lawson, who is helping out this term to cover Mr Cromb’s leave of absence. I can also share that we will have a new member of the Maths team from the end of November when Mr Shipley will join us from Edinburgh Academy. In English, Ms Patton, who was a part-time teacher, is full-time from this week and we are also joined by Ms Archibald, who will be a part-time teacher in English. Also rejoining us for now is Mrs Young, on a part time basis. This arrangement covers the loss of Miss Bell, who has moved to Ayrshire. Mr Davis is now the new temporary Principal Teacher of English, supporting Mrs Thompson, Head of Department. Welcome to Miss McDonald, who is currently working in the Music Department on a temporary basis. I can also confirm that, after interviews earlier this week, we have appointed Mrs Duckett (currently Head of Music at Grace Academy, Darlaston, Birmingham) to the post of Music Teacher (commencing January 2019). Finally, best wishes to Miss McGhee (Trainee Teacher of History) who has decided not to continue in teaching at this time and will finish here next Friday (2 Nov).

On Tuesday this week, Mrs Hamilton (Depute) led a visit to Dundee University for S3. We had a large group of pupils who spent the day in lectures and seminars as part of the “Discovering Degrees” programme and this was an excellent experience for them. At lunchtime, our LGBT Group members were interviewed by “Kingdom FM” news and you can hear their comments on the station’s website.

Wednesday was another busy day with our Travel and Tourism students spending the day at Fife College for training sessions developing the skills required of airline cabin crew. In CDT, we were joined by Richard Greig, of Commscope, a communications company based in Lochgelly. He was demonstrating a state of the art scanner using the latest laser technology. Apparently the equipment he brought in cost over £100 000 and our pupils were amazed at the way in which engineering parts could be modelled in 3D. In the afternoon we welcomed a team of “STEM” Ambassadors, who laid on a series of practical challenges for our S5/6 Science students. Many thanks. In the evening, we hosted the Rotary Hi 5 games night and our Interact Club members had great fun competing against other Clubs and teams of Rotarians.

Last night we held our P7 Open Evening and this was a big success. We had a massive turnout, including many “placing requests”. After a short introductory talk from me, parents/carers and young people toured the school to see learning displays or activities in different departments, guided by the Prefects. Many thanks to Miss Diamond and Mr Young, who organised a very complex event very well. Thanks also to all the staff, Prefects and young people who gave up their time to showcase our work.

The week ends this afternoon with a visit from Lesley Laird, MP for Kirkcaldy, who has kindly agreed to visit our S4 Modern Studies classes to talk about her role.

Next week is another action packed one with a special assembly for S2 taking place on Monday. We have a guest speaker from the Teenage Cancer Trust. We also have a group of 30 S2 pupils up at Perth to visit the Black Watch Museum as we mark the centenary of the Great War. Thanks to Miss Osborne of the History Department for her work with this. She has also been working with young people at lunch times to create a display for the Assembly Hall. On Monday Evening, our S5/6 have organised a Halloween Disco in the Hall … I’m sure it will be frightfully good fun!

On Tuesday we have S4 attending the Foundation Apprenticeship Roadshow, which I mentioned earlier. We are also hosting the Rotary “Young Chef” Competition. Good luck to all our entrants and thanks to Miss Collins (Head of Home Economics) who has made all the arrangements. In the afternoon, our Senior Football Team plays away at Grove Academy (Broughty Ferry) in the Scottish Shield. I’ll be attending the Area Committee of Fife Council, joined by a group of three young people to explain about our success in the “COSLA” Awards and then in the evening, our English team will host a special Parent/Carer Evening for all those sitting National 5 English next May.

We have a trip to Glenrothes on Wednesday, when Miss Tennant takes a group of S2 scientists to compete in the “Quadcopter” design and build competition and there is a Drama trip to Edinburgh on Wednesday afternoon, to see “Dracula” at the Kings (on Halloween too!) I’ll also be in Edinburgh, at a meeting at the University, discussing how we can get more KHS kids involved in a wider access scheme. The University of Edinburgh is keen to extend its work to ensure that more young people from working class backgrounds get the chance to experience Higher Education.

Next Thursday, our “Walk and Talk” Group is undertaking a sponsored walk at Lochore Meadows. After school, myself and the Depute Heads are meeting with Callum Henderson, Scotland’s Honorary Consul to Rwanda, in advance of our school visit to that country next year. Many thanks to Ms Mahr (RME), for all her work to build this very important link to Africa. In the evening, we have a “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” meeting at 7pm. Please come along if you would like to find out more. The “FoKHS” fund raising Race Night takes place in the Hall on Friday evening. This is always good fun, and the funds go to help the school, for example by subsidising school trips for less well-off families.

Next week’s menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables

Tuesday: Tomato soup, Roast Chicken, baby boiled potatoes, broccoli

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: French onion soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef, noodles and vegetables

Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

If you have called the school lately, you may have noticed that we now have a message system set up for reporting a pupil’s absence.  Please note when leaving a message to report an absence/appointment to state clearly the name of the pupil, year & tutor class, reason for the absence and also what relationship you are to the pupil.  A reminder that it would be helpful to receive any future appointments in advance.

Looking ahead, you are invited to come along to school on Wednesday 7 November at 6.30pm, when KHS takes on Balwearie in the Rotary Club “Youth Speaks” Public Speaking Competition. Best wishes to Brooke Wishart, Cara Hayes and Morgan Faulds, who are representing the school. It’s also our S1 Parent/Carer evening the following week (Wednesday 14 November). Finally, please note that the school is closed to pupils on Friday 16 November for staff training.

As always, if we can be of assistance or support, please do not hesitate to be in touch. Please make an appointment in advance if visiting, as it is often difficult to guarantee that key staff (eg the guidance team) will be available.

With very best wishes

Derek Allan


26 October 2018

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