Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 5/10/18

Dear Parent/Carer

I do hope you’ve had a good week … best wishes from KHS.

As you are surely aware, this week has been the final week of term and we have had “Time for Reflection” House Assemblies with Imam Mansoor Mahmood of Kirkcaldy Mosque. Mansoor was joined by his wife Afeefa and explained the functions of the current Mosque and the plans for the new building on Cumbrae Tearrace, which is expected to open next autumn. Our pupils were very interested to learn about developments and many are looking to visit the new Mosque which will undoubtedly be a landmark building in Fife.

House Assemblies with Imam Mansoor Mahmood

House Assemblies with Imam Mansoor Mahmood

On Tuesday afternoon, we held a “Doors Open” event which was supported by “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” to mark 60 years of KHS on Dunnikier Way. We invited the Kirkcaldy community, and former pupils, to come in to the school to be shown around by Prefects. It was a chance to reminisce, see what has changed …. and what hasn’t. We had small group tours of perhaps 4 or 5 people that afternoon, each tour lasting 20-30 minutes. In total, we had almost 40 visitors dropping in and the feedback was really lovely. I must thank the Prefects who were super hosts.

Tuesday was also our S3 Parent/Carer Evening and we used the online booking system again. This allowed parents and carers to log on to a website to pick slots. Again, thanks to the Prefects, and also to our My World of Work” Ambassadors for all their help.

On Wednesday, we had school photographs for S1, S3 and S6 and these went well. The ordering details have been shared. Also, our S4 Personal Development Class, supported by Ms Russell of the Business Department, held a MacMillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning for staff. This event raised almost £250 and I am especially proud of our young people for their work with this.

We also had a very important trip to Auschwitz in Poland that day. Nicole MacDonald and Katie Brown, who are both in S6 and both study History, were joined by Miss Osborne of the History Department on a special day trip from Edinburgh to Krakow. Sponsored by the Holocaust Memorial Trust, the “Lessons from Auschwitz” programme involves young people from all over Scotland having the chance to see the Nazi Death Camps up close and to find out more about the genocidal murder of six million European citizens during World War Two. Nicole and Katie were deeply moved by the experience and will now lead assemblies, sharing their memories and their photographs, to mark Holocaust Memorial Day in January 2019.

Yesterday we had a group of S2 scientists up at Glenrothes to take part in the “Quadcopter” Challenge. This involves building and flying a drone under test conditions. This is an excellent “STEM” initiative.

Today is the final day of term and we are holding a Dress Down Day in support of the Cottage Family Centre, based in Templehall. Pupils have been asked to donate £1 or whatever they can afford. We’ll donate half the proceeds to the Cottage and put half by for our end of term fair. It’s also been the culmination of our S1 Maths “CSI” murder case as we hold a trial in the Hall, in front of the entire S1 yeargroup. Over the term, they have been cracking numeracy based clues to lead to the culprit. The question on everybody’s lips is “Who murdered Mr Young?”. It was a difficult one to crack as Mr Young is such a lovely guy, it’s hard to think that anyone would wish him ill! However, the jury did an excellent job and correctly pinned the crime on Mr Cromb. Very best wishes to Mr Cromb, who will be taking special leave for the term ahead (not in prison!) and will rejoin us in January 2019.

Also today, our Sports Ambassadors are leading an “Active Girls” event for all S2 in conjunction with Raith Rovers Ladies and Girls, Kirkcaldy Girls Rugby Club and Darcy Moghimian Arts (Dance School). Congratulations to Rachel Barclay (S4), who won the Sport Scotland Competition to design the poster for the event.

School closes at the usual time today and we are on vacation until Monday 22 October. When the weekly menu will be;

Monday: Lentil soup, Stovies with crusty bread, turnip

Tuesday: French onion soup, Chicken korma, boiled rice and vegetables

Wednesday Tomato soup, Steak pie, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Green pea soup, Sweet chilli beef and noodles, vegetables

Friday: Vegetable soup, Breaded fish/Scotch pie, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise, and this price is subsidised by the school). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

As you have maybe read in the papers, during the break, on 11 October, we’ll have a group of staff and students along at the Fairmont Hotel in St Andrews for the COSLA excellence Awards Finals. It’s the public sector “Oscars” in many ways and we are honoured to be recognised for “Reducing Inequalities and Improving Health”, particularly in relation to LGBT equality and tackling homophobia. As you can imagine, I’m so proud of our group, “KHS LGBT+” which leads the way. Many thanks to Dr Murray, who is the staff link and advisor to the group.

Please do spread the word about our Primary 7 Open Evening which takes place in the first week back, on Thursday 25 October. All parents/carers, from any part of Fife, who are considering making a placing request are welcome and should call 01592 583405 for details. Our link primaries have all received letters of invitation.

I mentioned “My World of Work” earlier. This is an excellent website provided by Skills Development Scotland (SDS), which used to be the Careers Service. SDS has Careers Advisers working in every secondary school in the country.  Their role is to help all young people to develop career management skills as well as offering careers information, advice and guidance to all pupils. After the October holidays all S2 pupils in KHS will be given an appointment with a Careers Adviser where they will have the chance to discuss their upcoming subject choices and ask any careers questions that they may have.  All parents/carers are offered the opportunity to attend this appointment too. I must thank Julie, Aileen and Leanne for all their important work in helping our young people move on to a “positive destination” on leaving school.

Finally, you may have read some worrying stories in the media about significant budget cuts for schools across Fife. As I explained at a recent Parent Council meeting and to the staff this week, the situation in KHS is relatively positive. Largely due to a rising school roll, careful accounting and the introduction of a fairer funding model by Fife Council, we are not anticipating any significant reduction in teaching or management posts in KHS in the immediate future. We will continue to operate in a difficult financial climate, but the drastic responses reported in the papers are not anticipated here.

Please do have an excellent break. Thanks for your support, without that we’ll never do our best by the bairns.

Derek Allan


5 October 2018

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