Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 28/9/18

Dear Parent/Carer

I do hope you’ve had a good week … best wishes from KHS.

It’s been our S3 “Employability Week” this week. Many thanks to Mrs Davidson and Miss Malcolm, who planned a very varied schedule with workplace visits, guest speakers, money management, Skills Development Scotland sessions and themed lessons in different subject areas. This included such diverse inputs as an Army team building exercise to a talk from Jacqui Low, the Chair of Partick Thistle. Jacqui is a former pupil of KHS and has had a highly successful business and media career. She left our S3 with an important lesson for life … never let anyone tell you that you can’t succeed. This morning, the staff have been sharing their employment journeys with learners. Some have had particularly interesting and varied career paths. Helping our young people be ready for work is really important. If you feel that your company can help in any way, please do be in touch. Perhaps you are an employer yourself?

Also this week, on Monday morning, we delivered a presentation on “Respect for Self” for all pupils in order to help us understand shared expectations. When everyone understands how we should always try to go about things, it’s easier to learn together.

On Tuesday, Mr Farquharson arranged a UCAS university sign up session for S6 during periods 1 and 2. This went very well. Our Senior footballers played in the Scottish Shield after school on Tuesday and I am pleased to report that they beat Carnoustie High School 7-1.

S1 Fordell Firs Trip

S1 Fordell Firs Trip

On Wednesday, yesterday and today, our First Years were at Fordell Firs Outdoor Centre for a team building and adventure education experience. Activities include climbing, caving, archery etc and we have each of our three Houses out on a different day. Fordell is the national Scouts Outdoor Centre near Dunfermline. Many thanks to Mr Young, who organised the days out, and to all the staff and S6 who have been supporting our S1. It was great to see so many of them challenging themselves and working together. Some of the climbing and rope activities were pretty scary and many of our young conquered personal fears.

Also out and about from Wednesday have been our Advanced Higher Geography students, who are at a Fieldwork Centre at Kindrogan, Perthshire, set up by Miss Wight. On Wednesday, we represented Fife Secondary Schools at the National “Adverse Childhood Experiences” (“ACES”) Conference at the “Armadillo” in Glasgow. The main speaker was the world renowned expert Dr Nadine Burke Harris from San Francisco and I was joined by Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (S4), who have been involved in developing Fife’s own “ACES” film called “Be That Person”. There is increasingly powerful research which shows that understanding ACES is a key to helping the most disadvantaged young people get the most from school. We will be having a further focus on this at a staff training event later in the session and I’ll ask that Cara and Morgan be part of this. After school on Wednesday, our “First Chances” students were part of a tutorial with St Andrews University.

Last night, Mr Broadway (our Head of Supported Learning) was at the Scottish Parliament as part of the cross party working group on “ACES”. It is our aim to become an “Ace Aware” school. Also, the KHS LGBT+ group delivered training for Fife Children’s panel members at a session in Glenrothes. Many thanks to Dr Murray and the team. They are an inspiration. I received a lovely email from the Fife Children’s Panel this morning saying that it was the “best training” they had ever received!

Today, we have posted home the “Settling In Report” for the new S1. Please contact Guidance if you feel that a follow up is required. After school, our Charities Committee are along at Sainsbury’s Supermarket, bag-packing to support the Kirkcaldy Foodbank. They also did this last night too. Very well done them, giving their time for others.

Next week’s menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Butter Chicken Tikka Masala and Rice, vegetables

Tuesday: Mushroom soup, Grilled Sausage/burger – veggie/beef/chicken, chips, baked beans

Wednesday: Scotch broth, Roast chicken and gravy, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Carrot and coriander soup, Mince pie, potatoes and vegetables

Friday Yellow split pea soup, Breaded fish/Sausage roll, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

Next week is the final week of term and on Tuesday morning we have our Travel and Tourism students down at Fife College for a cabin crew training session. We did this last year and it was terrific. Also that afternoon (Tuesday 2 October) between 2pm and 3 pm we are a holding our own “Doors Open” event which is being supported by “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” to mark 60 years of KHS on Dunnikier Way. We are inviting all interested members of the Kirkcaldy community, especially former pupils, to come in to the school to be shown around by Prefects. It could be a chance to reminisce, see what has changed …. and what hasn’t. We expect to run small group tours of perhaps 4 or 5 people that afternoon, each tour lasting 20-30 minutes. FoKHS are publicizing the event with members Fife Free Press and Courier have publicised it too. All parents/carers are also welcome. If you want to know more, please call 01592 583405 and ask for Mrs Davidson. Otherwise, you are welcome to drop in between 2 and 3pm on Tuesday 2 October.

Tuesday is also our S3 Parent/Carer Evening and we are using the online booking system again. This allows you to log on to a website to pick your slots. Mrs Hamilton has put out a “Groupcall” message with instructions. We used this system at the end of last session and it was well evaluated by parents and carers.

On Wednesday, we have our school photographs for S1, S3 and S6 (please see the attached letter from Mr Reekie, our Business Manager). Also, our S4 Personal Development Class, supported by Ms Russell of the Business Department, is holding a MacMillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning for staff. This event raised £200 last year and I’m hoping we can do the same again.

We also have a very important trip to Auschwitz in Poland set up for two S6 students next week. Nicole MacDonald and Katie Brown, who both study History, will be joined by Miss Osborne of the History Department on a special day trip from Edinburgh to Krakow. Sponsored by the Holocaust Memorial Trust, the “Lessons from Auschwitz” programme involves young people from all over Scotland having the chance to see the Nazi Death Camps up close and to find out more about the genocidal murder of six million European citizens during World War Two. Nicole and Katie will then lead assemblies, sharing their memories and their photographs to mark Holocaust Memorial Day in January 2019.

Friday is the final day of term and we are holding a Dress Down Day in support of the Cottage Family Centre, based in Templehall. Pupils are asked to donate £1 or whatever they can afford. It’s also the culmination of our S1 Maths “CSI” murder case as we hold a trial in the Hall, in front of the entire S1 yeargroup. Over the term, they have been cracking numeracy based clues to lead to the culprit. School closes at the usual time and we are off until Monday 22 October.

During the break, on 11 October, we’ll have a group of staff and students along at the Fairmont Hotel in St Andrews for the COSLA excellence Awards Finals. It’s the public sector “Oscars” in many ways and we are honoured to be recognised for “Reducing Inequalities and Improving Health”, particularly in relation to LGBT equality and tackling homophobia. As you can imagine, I’m so proud of our group, “KHS LGBT+” which leads the way. Many thanks to Dr Murray, who is the staff link and advisor to the group.

I have some staffing news to share and wish to congratulate Jane Bell (Principal Teacher of English and Literacy) who is moving on to take up a new position at Marr College in Troon as of the October break. Miss Bell has been an excellent servant to KHS and a valued colleague and friend here for many years. We are saddened to see her move back west to her Ayrshire roots. Thanks for all you have done for the young people of Kirkcaldy over those years. Miss Patton will be increasing her hours in English and will be joined by Mrs Young on a part time basis. Also, a new teacher will be joining us in CDT and Maths; Mr Gordon Scott, who previously taught at KHS but has most recently been a Principal Teacher at Denny High School, near Falkirk.

As always, do be in touch if we can help out with anything. Wishing you a pleasant weekend.

Aye yours

Derek Allan


28 September 2018

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