Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 14/9/18

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that you have had a good week. Welcome to the weekly update from KHS.

It’s been another very active one here with a film crew in school making a short video about our COSLA Excellence Award finalists, KHS LGBT+, first thing on Monday morning. This went very well. In the afternoon, all of our S6 attended the Fife Careers Convention at the Rothes Halls in Glenrothes, which included information about UCAS University applications as well as College courses and Modern Apprenticeships. In the evening, Mr English, Mr I’Anson and the KHS Tartan Army were at Hampden to cheer Scotland to victory over Albania. Maybe this time!

We had House Assemblies on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to unfurl our “Rights Respecting School” banner and we were pleased to be joined by David Torrance, the MSP for Kirkcaldy for this special occasion. Well done our “Rights Respecting School” group, which led the events with such style. In the afternoon on Tuesday we welcomed the Osiligi Maasai Warriors Dance Troupe to KHS. They last dropped by in 2014, causing quite a stir and this time their amazing dance and jumping routines were greatly appreciated by our S1 and S2 pupils. In the evening, Mr Harrower held a parent/carer evening for those S2 involved in the Great War battlefields trip to France and Belgium in May 2019. Thanks to Mr Harrower and Miss Osborne for taking this on. It’s such a moving experience.

Wednesday was a meeting of “Friends of Kirkcaldy High” mentors that morning. FoKHS offers support to S5 undertaking academically challenging courses and the mentors meet throughout the session. We then held a staff training session after school with a focus on summarising what has been learned in a lesson. Thanks to Mrs Hamilton (Depute) for setting this up and also to Mrs Morris who was filmed in action. We also had some excellent feedback from a group of S6 students who gave staff useful advice about what works best for them. On Wednesday evening, the Maths Department held a special parent/carer evening for those studying for National 5. Thanks to Miss Grubb and the team giving up their own time so freely.

LGBT+ Group COSLA Presentation

LGBT+ Group COSLA Presentation

Yesterday, I was  joined by Cameron Bowie, Alanah Ferguson, John Hamilton and Dr Paul Murray, some of the leading members of our KHS LGBT+ Support Group, at Verity House (the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities HQ in Edinburgh) to deliver our presentation for the COSLA Excellence Awards (Tackling Inequalities and Improving Health). I was immensely proud of the team, which was on sparkling form in front of the panel of judges. We are now crossing fingers for the finals on 11 October at the Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews. Whatever the outcome, I am delighted to be associated with such a progressive school where respect for self, others and learning is promoted so persistently. Some people succeed in life and find happiness despite what happened to them in school. We are determined to achieve this because of what happens in school (photo).

Also yesterday, we had teams taking part in the Fife Heat of the “Enterprising Maths” Competition and I am delighted to share that KHS came in third and eighth of the 22 teams taking part and are now through to the National Finals to be held at Glasgow Science Centre in November. Well done to all our mathematicians and also to Miss Cunningham and Mrs Findlay who support them in the competition.

At Windmill Campus last night it was the official premiere of “Be That Person”, Fife Council’s “Adverse Childhood Experiences” film. Arron Kennedy, Cara Hayes and Morgan Faulds (all contributors) were there with Mr Broadway, Mrs Cairns, Miss Easson and other KHS support staff. Mr Broadway in particular, has become heavily involved in several initiatives aimed at reducing the impact of those “ACES”, including a Scottish Parliament “Steering Group”.

Today, we’ll be posting home our S5/6 “Tracking” letter which gives an indication of initial progress towards exam targets set for May 2019. Please do not be overly concerned if any young person is slightly “off track” at this point, as long as the “effort” and “homework” grades are good. We encourage all learners to aim high and very few will presently be at the standard we aspire to by next May.

Next week we are holding yeargroup assemblies and for S1 the theme will be our forthcoming outdoor education experience at Fordell Firs. Please be reminded that this is completely free for any young person claiming free school meals.

On Tuesday, I will be taking our LGBT+ Group across to Edinburgh again to deliver Equalities Training for Edinburgh’s Headteachers (Primary and Secondary). It’s nice to be recognized as leading the way. Also that day, our Higher Politics and Advanced Higher French students are attending an event with Sir Kier Starmer, the Shadow Brexit Secretary. Then, on Thursday, our “Learning Council” will take part in a consultation about a Young People’s Sexual Health Conference which is planned for June 2019.

Next week’s menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Stovies with crusty bread, turnip

Tuesday: French onion soup, Chicken korma, boiled rice and vegetables

Wednesday Tomato soup, Steak pie, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Green pea soup, Sweet chilli beef and noodles, vegetables

Friday: Vegetable soup, Breaded fish/Scotch pie, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 44p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

Just a wee reminder that we have a complex queueing system at lunchtime with young people having a packed coming in the rear door of the refectory. We also ask any young person in the queue to go to the end of the queue if they are not wearing a school tie on any given day. No pupil is ever refused entry to the dinner hall.

May I also remind all parents/carers that young people are expected to take part in regular physical exercise and this requires PE kit for at least 2 or 3 days a week (for S1-4), depending on timetable. It seems that some S1 pupils are not quite understanding this and we are making home contact. Please help us with this.

Looking ahead, it’s our S3 “Employability Week” the week after next. Many thanks to Mrs Davidson and Miss Malcolm, who have planned a varied schedule with workplace visits, guest speakers, Skills Development Scotland sessions and themed lessons in different subject areas.

Finally, please do come along to our “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” fund raising Race Night on November 2. We are indebted to FoKHS for all their support, which includes sponsoring young people to take part in school activities and trips as well as purchasing equipment for the school. You’ll appreciate that at a time when funding is tight, this in invaluable.

Best wishes

Derek Allan


14 Sept 2018

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