Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 18/5/18

Dear Parent/Carer


Best wishes to you … welcome to the weekly email update or “Rector’s Log” as it appears on our website.

We’ve had another busy exam week with English (National 5), Biology and Human Biology, History, French, Business Management and Design and Manufacture. We also continue to have a good uptake for each “master class” revision session on the day before the exam. Next week it’s Chemistry, Computing Science, Classical Studies, Italian, Engineering Science, Practical Cake Craft and Health and Food Technology. Good luck to all our candidates.

On Tuesday, our Go4SET Technology Team (supported by Brand-Rex, Glenrothes) took part in the regional heat of this national technology competition at the Carnegie Conference Centre, Dunfermline. They did very well and explained their ideas for a sustainable energy project to the judges. Unfortunately, we were not chosen to progress to the final in Glasgow on this occasion. In the afternoon, our U14 football team contested the semi-final of the Scottish Schools’ FA Plate against St Modan’s High School of Stirling. The match took place at New Central Park, home of Kelty Hearts and I am delighted to say that KHS won a keenly fought match 2-1. The final will be against either Wallace High (Stirling) or Firrhill (Edinburgh) soon … more details when we have them.

University of Edinburgh Taster Event

University of Edinburgh Taster Event

On Wednesday, we had a group of 50 or so S1 pupils attending a special event at Edinburgh University. They enjoyed taster sessions which gave them an idea of student life with mini lectures and the chance to see some of the University facilities. We are the first school in Fife to be involved with Edinburgh like this … it’s about widening access and giving young people an insight into different possibilities. Hopefully, by starting early, we can help young people be clearer about which “pathway” best suits them. It could be employment, further training, college or university. This trip was targeted mainly at young people with no tradition of Higher Education in the family. See photo (right) of the group outside McEwan Hall.

As you are aware, for S1-3, today is our “Activities Day”, with young people out and about at: M and D’s Theme Park (Motherwell), Xtreme Trampolining (Glenrothes), Bowling/Cinema (Dunfermline) or Blair Drummond Safari Park (Stirling). I’m sure they will be having a great day out, the weather is certainly suitable.

Next week there are a several highlights including our Primary 6 Theme Day on Tuesday. We will welcome well over 200 young people from our associated primaries for special subject based lessons all on the theme of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It’s a great way to get to know the school, make new friends and meet the teachers. We also have a trip to Edinburgh Zoo, organised by our S3 “Personal Development” class as part of their course.

On the Wednesday, we are interviewing candidates for the positions of Head Boy and Head Girl as well as the Deputes … the Student Leadership Team. After a selection process and initial interview, the following current S5 students have been shortlisted; Mollie Turner, Ella Dews, Umar Mohammed, Shannon Houston, Katie Brown, Zak Cairns, Blain Aitken, Jack Bridgeford, Fraser Anderson, Alanah Ferguson, Cameron Bowie, Kirstin Graham and Kieran Harmes. Congratulations and good luck to each of them. Once this group has been reduced to 6 or 7 there will be an open vote of all S6 and staff to choose the Head Boy and Girl. All the candidates will give an election speech to the Prefects, their parents/carers and other S6 students after school on 5 June, at the close of our Sports Colours Ceremony. This is a new approach and is a better way of involving the “student voice”. It fits very well with our “Rights Respecting School” status. Overall, we are appointing around 80 Prefects for 2018-2019.

Our S3 Parent/Carer Evening takes place next Thursday (24 May). As you will know, we are using online booking for the first time. The system is called the “Parents Evening Booking System” (or PEBS).

You will need to type this address into your website browser’s ‘address bar’. Do not try to ‘Google’ this website address or use a search engine as that will not work. This is a common mistake on phones and tablets especially.

To login to see which appointments are available and select those which are convenient for you, you will need:

  • Your title and surname (these must match those we have on record for you)
  • Your son/daughter’s first name, surname and date of birth

The system is live and can take your bookings until 23 May at 3.25pm. Once you have logged in, we suggest you use the ‘Automated Booking Wizard’ to make your appointments. You will be shown the teacher names and asked to enter your availability. The “wizard” will use this information to calculate the best order for your appointments.

The week ends with our S1 Report being posted home on Friday 25 May. Looking ahead, please note that Monday June 4 is a public holiday. Also, there are no classes on 5 June due to teacher in-service training, although, as I mentioned, we do have our Colours Ceremony with Prefect presentations etc at 4pm. Our new timetable starts on Wednesday 6 June when S1 become S2 etc.

Next week’s menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Stovies with crusty bread, turnip

Tuesday: French onion soup, Chicken korma, boiled rice and vegetables

Wednesday Tomato soup, Steak pie, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Green pea soup, Sweet chilli beef and noodles, vegetables

Friday: Vegetable soup, Breaded fish/Scotch pie, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 50p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

You will be aware that we have serious concerns about the suitability of the Shell Garage on Hendry as a lunch stop for young people. There is no safe space on the forecourt for a crowd of young people and this is a busy facility with lots of vehicles moving around. Please discourage your son/daughter from visiting. We continue to regard it as “out of bounds”, although it is difficult for us to have staff there every day to oversee this. Unfortunately, the garage operators have not agreed to our request to refuse service to young people at lunchtime. The Police have visited the petrol station and I am in discussion with the main office of Euro Garages, the operators. I am hoping that a way of ensuring safer operating conditions can be found. Until then, I would appreciate your support in advising your son or daughter to stay away.

Finally, another request for your assistance. If your son/daughter is currently on “study leave” (ie S4-6), please pass on the message that the school’s astroturf pitch is not available for their use during the school day. We have had to remove groups of young people (mainly S4) to allow planned PE lessons to take place. You will understand that this is not acceptable. Many thanks.

Have a good weekend. As always, if we can assist in any way, please do be in touch.

Yours faithfully

Derek Allan


18 May 2018

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