Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 11/5/18

Dear Parent/Carer


Welcome to the usual weekly update. I’m hoping you are well.

As you know, Monday was the May Day holiday and we were closed. I hope you made the most of the good weather. Tuesday and Wednesday saw our “Step Up” Enterprise sessions for our new S1 intake. Pupils from our four associated Primary Schools and those who have made a placing request joined us to take part in a business competition organised by “Entrepreneur Me”. Many thanks to Matt Stewart, who is always a very enthusiastic host. Well done also to the S3 team leaders and those who escorted the primary groups. Special thanks go to Keiran Smith and Ross Barrett (S2), who did a brilliant job as Matt’s personal assistants. The other transition event this week is our P7 Sports Day this morning. This has been a lot of fun. Thanks to our S3-S5 Sports Leaders, who have organised and supervised

Also on Tuesday evening it was the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Public Speaking National Final at the High Court, Edinburgh. The Principal Judge was James Wolffe QC, the Lord Advocate. Our own star speakers, Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (S3), were up against Shawlands Academy and Castle Douglas High School. We are all immensely proud of the girls and it’s a fantastic achievement to have reached this stage of the competition, in which 119 schools took part. The event itself was a very close run thing, with KHS being very narrowly beaten by Castle Douglas. Well done to them.

The SQA exams this week have been: Physics on Tuesday, Modern Studies on Wednesday, Graphic Communication on Thursday and English (H and AH) today. Next week we’ll have English (N5), Biology and Human Biology, History, French, Business Management and Design and Manufacture. Best wishes to all our candidates … do come in for the “masterclass” revision session on the day before the exam.

Also next week, on Tuesday, our Go4SET Technology Team (supported by Brand-Rex, Glenrothes) takes part in the next stage of the competition at the Carnegie Conference Centre, Dunfermline. In the afternoon, our U14 football team contests the semi-final of the Scottish Schools’ FA Plate against St Modan’s High School of Stirling. Very best of luck to them. The match is played at New Central Park, home of Kelty Hearts.

On Wednesday, we have a large group of S1 attending a special event at Edinburgh University. They will be having taster sessions which will give them an idea of student life with mini lectures and the chance to see some of the University facilities. We are the first school in Fife to be involved with Edinburgh like this … it’s about widening access and giving young people an insight into different possibilities. Hopefully, by starting early, we can help young people be clearer about which “pathway” best suits them. It could be employment, further training, college or university.

As you are aware, for S1-3, next Friday is our “Activities Day”. Many thanks to those who have made payments and returned the paperwork. We have 4 options: M and D’s Theme Park (Motherwell), Xtreme Trampolining (Glenrothes), Bowling/Cinema (Dunfermline) and Blair Drummond Safari Park (Stirling). Pupils can still hand in their £20 and form by Tuesday at the very latest. Please note that pupils entitled to free school meals do not pay for Activities Day.

Looking ahead, our S3 Parent/Carer Evening takes place on Thursday 24 May and we will be using online booking for the first time. The system is called the “Parents Evening Booking System” (or PEBS) and next week we will share a website address. All you need to do is to log in and either select appointment times or choose the “wizard” to select appointments for you. We have a back-up for those without internet. Full instructions will be issued with the log in details next week.

Next week’s menu is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Butter Chicken Tikka Masala and Rice, vegetables

Tuesday: Mushroom soup, Grilled Sausage/burger – veggie/beef/chicken, chips, baked beans

Wednesday: Scotch broth, Roast chicken and gravy, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Carrot and coriander soup, Mince pie, potatoes and vegetables

Friday Yellow split pea soup, Breaded fish/Sausage roll, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our outdoor snack bar. Please do be aware that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status. We also have our “Breakfast Club” available from 8.10am and this is free to those facing hardship (it costs 50p otherwise). We have cereal, toast and jam and juice on offer.

On a closing note, after Prefect interviews held over the past fortnight, we have identified a group of 13 young people who will be given a further interview for the position of Head Boy, Head Girl or Depute. Once this group has been reduced to 6 or 7 there will be an open vote of all S6 and staff to choose the Head Boy and Girl. All the candidates will give an election speech to the Prefects, their parents/carers and other S6 students after school on 5 June, at the close of our Sports Colours Ceremony. This is a new approach and is a better way of involving the “student voice”. It fits very well with our “Rights Respecting School” status.

As always, if we can assist in any way, please do be in touch.


Derek Allan


11 May 2018

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