Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 5/3/18

Dear Parent/Carer

Here’s hoping you are well enough in the circumstances. It’s been quite a difficult spell with the school closed since last Wednesday due to the snow. You will have heard that we are reopening tomorrow. Please do urge your son/daughter to be careful on the way to school … some routes may still be slippy.

Here is some of the news from last week. I shared that Miss Ashby, Mr I’Anson, Mr Fulton and Miss McIntosh were taking a busload to Murrayfield for the Calcutta Cup. Maybe they are the lucky mascots! What an excellent occasion it was. We also had another group of young people out and about on that Saturday morning … our LGBT+ group attended an equalities awareness day at Queen Anne High School in Dunfermline.

At the start of the week, our Guidance Team members assisted our S5/6 pupils and their parents/carers to select their courses for 2018-2019. On Monday, many S3 pupils were vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, polio and meningitis. We also welcomed student teachers Ms McDowall (Modern Studies) and Ms Torrens (CDT). Ms Torrens is a former pupil and it was lovely to welcome her back here.

Also on Monday, our S4 “Peer Mentors” were trained to deliver the “Boozebusters” alcohol awareness course to S2. Many thanks to “Clued Up”, “DAPL”  and Fife Police for their excellent support. The “Boozebusters” programme is a very effective “peer education” programme aimed at reducing teenage alcohol abuse. Thanks also to Mrs Houston and the Guidance Team who have organised such an effective support network. When I was invited to attend the anti-bullying launch event at the Scottish Government HQ last week, our strong sense of community was highly commended and these initiatives are big parts of our ethos and success in improving health and wellbeing “outcomes”.

On Tuesday we held a “SPEEDY STEM” event for S3 with a large group of STEM Ambassadors in the Hall. This was aimed at raising awareness of careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Mrs Aitken visited Valley Primary in the afternoon with our “Learning Council” in order to discuss and develop our shared “Learning Charter” across KHS and our primaries. In the evening, our Drama Department  performed “Ceasefire Babies” in our own studios. This  is part of the National Theatre “Connections” Festival and we are performing the play at the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh later this month. It was an excellent production and the performances were superb. Well done all our young actors and to the technical team too. Many thanks to Mrs Bruce for her commitment to this and good luck at the Traverse on 28 March.

And, as you know, the rest of the week was a whiteout! Thanks to Fife Council for calling it correctly on the Tuesday evening, I know that this was a difficult decision, but at least it gave parents/carers the chance to plan ahead. Well done also to the staff who continued to offer some kind of service from home, using dedicated channels of communication and social media to set up, and even mark, learning tasks. This will have been especially important with S4-6, who have exams coming up in a few weeks time.

Unfortunately, our English Saturday School was postponed. It will now take place on Saturday 24 March. Mrs Shearer was due to take a group of 45 pupils to the St Andrews University Classics Conference. Sadly, this has also been cancelled.

The Saturday programme continues over the coming weeks; 10 March: Latin, Classical Studies, Engineering Science, Graphic Communication and Design & Manufacture, 17 March: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Drama, 24 March: English and Spanish. These sessions run from 9.45am and last up to four hours. Thanks to all the staff who are giving up their time. There is evidence that this time for concentrated study can make a big difference for the exams.

Our S2 Course Choice information will now be issued tomorrow, with the deadline extended until 14 March and tomorrow’s S2 Parent/Carer evening is postponed until next Tuesday (13 March). Mr Young sent an email home this morning about that.

We also have some input on Wednesday and Thursday this week from the Scottish Council for Development and Industry, when they hold “Energiser” science events in the Hall for S1 on Tuesday and Wednesday. Still on the Science theme, Mr Fleming is taking a small group of S2 pupils to Heriot-Watt University on Wednesday for the “Dragonfly Headstart” event.

On Wednesday evening, we are hosting the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Public Speaking Fife Final in KHS at 6pm. Best of luck to Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (both S3). The girls are up against Auchmuty, Dunfermline and Inverkeithing and you are welcome to join us in the Library. On the same evening, Miss Diamond and Mr Broadway will be attending a Scottish Parliamentary Reception at Holyrood on the theme of school bullying. This is hosted by “Respectme” and our school has been asked along because of our strong commitment to creating a safe, happy and fair school.

The big event this week is undoubtedly the “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” Ceilidh on Friday 9 March. Mrs Davidson tells me that the last few tickets are available by calling 01592 583405. The ceilidh is a real highlight and usually raises at least £2000 to support good causes in the school eg revamping the Hall and allowing less well off pupils to take part in foreign trips. We have the Bert Pozzi Ceilidh Band and a Valente’s Fish Supper … no wonder it’s likely to sell out again!

Saturday School is Drama, Latin, Classical Studies, CDT: All Subjects.

The menu this week is;

Tuesday: Tomato soup, Roast Chicken, baby boiled potatoes, broccoli

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: French onion soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef, noodles and vegetables

Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our new outdoor snack bar. Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status.

As always, please do be in touch if we can assist with any matter of concern. Here’s hoping we have a more normal week next week.

With very best wishes to you and your family. Enjoy the weekend.

Derek Allan


5 March 2018

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