Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 15/12/17

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that you and your family are well. This week, our Fourth Year Tracking Report was posted home on Monday.  We also had yeargroup assemblies with Christmas themed musical entertainments laid on by Music Department pupils. Many thanks to Cara Hayes and Aimee Lindsay, who both sung beautifully.

On Wednesday, Miss Young took the Advanced Higher Modern Studies class on a visit to Cornton Vale Prison, Stirling, and this was highly enlightening. Also, our Health and Food Technology students laid on a lunch for staff. It was very well appreciated. Many thanks to Miss Mitchell and all those prepared or served the meal.

After school on Wednesday, the Drama Department put on a special performance of “Much Ado About Nothing” in the main studio in school. This was the production which was such a big hit at the recent Shakespeare School Festival at the Byre Theatre in St Andrews. It was a terrific show. All credit to our performers and technical crew and many thanks to the supporting staff: Mr McPherson, Dr Murray and Ms Bruce.

Yesterday, our Higher Geography class enjoyed an input from the University of St Andrews “Geobus”; the theme was climate change.

The week’s main event was undoubtedly our annual Christmas Variety Show, which took place last night. This year, as well as music, we had drama and dance performances. Lesley Laird, the MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath attended and took the chance to present a prize to Emily Dowling, S2. Emily was runner-up in the competition to design Mrs Laird’s Christmas official card this year. Well done Emily.

The show itself lived up to its name, with a huge variety of musical, dance and drama performances, including a reprise of “Much Ado”, but with a Christmas twist. Many thanks to all our performers and backstage crew, and to the staff who supported them. I was a wee bit moved when Tyler (S1) said to me on the night that he understood why I was so proud of KHS. I need add no more.

This morning, a group of S1 and S2 attended the annual panto at the Adam Smith. This year it’s “Aladdin” and it was fantastic fun. Many thanks to Mrs Kerek and Mrs Rae, who led the outing. It’s also a fund raising occasion today. We asked for donations to “Save the Children” and gave the opportunity to wear a Christmas jumper or any type of Christmas themed clothing. It’s great to see the festive spirit is alive and well. We have raised over £200.

Next week is the final week of term and we will have House Assemblies; Adam Smith on Tuesday, Oswald on Wednesday and Carlyle on Thursday.

On Monday afternoon we have a small group of Fifth Year students being interviewed for a place on the RYLA Leadership programme which takes place in the Cairngorms in the summer. The available places are sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kirkcaldy and best wishes to Blain Aitken, Kiara Montgomery and Taylor-Jayne Simpson, who are all being interviewed.

Our Christmas Disco takes place in the Hall on Wednesday evening and on Friday we close at lunchtime (buses are expected at 12.15pm) for the holidays. It’s a dress down day in aid of “Love Oliver”, a local charity which funds research into childhood cancers and support victims and their families. As usual we’ll also be having the traditional staff “talent” show as the closing event. Thanks, and good luck to all taking part.

At the start of next week, all pupils will receive a print copy of our latest newsletter. Just in case it goes astray between school and home I have attached an electronic copy.

Also attached, you will find a copy of the S5/6 SQA Prelim timetable. These exams take place from Wednesday 10 January 2018. Please note that there is no “study leave” associated with prelims. The main purpose is to give candidates the experience of sitting a longer exam in the Hall. I do hope that all those in the “Senior Phase” (S4-6) will take some time out during the forthcoming holidays to do some studying. It’s clear that time invested wisely now ensures success in the final exams – these take place in May 2018.

On that same theme, please find attached a copy of our “Saturday School” timetable. Our additional supported study sessions take place every Saturday between 20 January and 24 March 2018 and are an excellent chance to do some focussed revision within a subject. I am indebted to the teachers who are giving up their time to support our young people. I do hope they appreciate this and will attend in numbers.

The menu next week is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Stovies with crusty bread, turnip

Tuesday: French onion soup, Chicken korma, boiled rice and vegetables

Wednesday Tomato soup, Steak pie, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Green pea soup, Sweet chilli beef and noodles, vegetables

Friday: Vegetable soup, Breaded fish/Scotch pie, chips, peas.

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our new outdoor snack bar. Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status.

A wee plea … please do not drop off or pick up at the start or end of the day on the golf course road. It’s just not safe and we’ve had a few near misses recently. If you must stop off so near the school, please do so in the car park next to the astroturf pitch. Better still, please arrange a drop-off or pick-up away from the school. Many thanks.

On a final note, thanks to all who have given to Kirkcaldy Foodbank over the past week or two. Here’s a last call. We’ll be loading the van up on Wednesday, all donations gratefully received before then. Non-perishable foods and toiletries are requested. Thanks.

Best wishes to all … and do have a great weekend.

Derek Allan


15 December 2017

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