Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 1/12/17

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the regular KHS weekly email. Maybe you are like me and finding it hard to believe that we’re into December already. It’s only three weeks until the Christmas break … best of luck to us all!

You’ll maybe recall that last week I mentioned the achievements of Sam Aslam (S6) in the Scottish Mock Trial Competition.  Sam, who is Depute Head Boy here,  was named as one of two “Rising Stars” in this important legal competition and I am now delighted to report that he will represent the UK team of “solicitors” in the European Mock Trial Competition to be held in The Hague, Netherlands, in January 2018. This is a brilliant achievement … very well done Sam.

This week has been a Personal Learning Planning week for S4 and it was also “Book Week Scotland”. We marked Book Week at House Assemblies on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, with staff and young people talking about their favourite reads.

Another notable event has been World Aids Day which takes place today. Earlier this week, had a group of young people explaining HIV/AIDS at the assemblies, and dispelling some myths.  Also, Mrs Aitken, Dr Murray and a group of young people from S4 and S5 attended a reception at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday evening to mark World Aids Day. Then, this morning, all young people were offered a red ribbon to wear. There’s been an education stall in the War Memorial area and pupils have had the chance to learn more about blood borne viruses and keeping safe. We’re even on Kingdom FM News today, with our young people talking about the importance of tackling HIV stigma.

Also on Tuesday, our Advanced Higher Modern Studies class enjoyed a research themed visit to the National Library of Scotland and also the High Court, in Edinburgh.  In the evening, we held our special parent/carer evening sponsored by the KHS Parent Council. It was all about internet safety and included issues such as online grooming, sharing inappropriate images, “sexting” and online scams.  As well as our own staff explaining how we deliver lessons which help young people stay safe, we had a very well received input from Scott McGready, “ethical hacker” and cyber security expert.  Scott is a very skilled communicator and also has another career as an internet consultant on TV and radio. He delivered excellent safety talks in school to all of our pupils during the day and was the main event at the parents evening too. Please be sure you know that your children are safe online. Please check out this web link which we shared with parents/carers on the night;  This is the education website of CEOP, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre.

On Wednesday, we had a group of Geography students attending a lecture sponsored by the Royal Geographical Society along at Dunfermline High School. The theme was glaciation and it was delivered by Professor Colin Ballantyne of St Andrews University. Thanks also to crime writer Doug Johnstone who gave a special talk to English classes on Thursday, supported by “Bloody Scotland”.  This was part of “Book Week Scotland” and it was very informative with some excellent advice about creative writing. Doug is also an accomplished songwriter and performer, and demonstrated these skills too.

As well as our marking of World Aids Day today, we also have our School woodwind and brass players performing seasonal music along at ASDA to coincide with the switch on of the Christmas lights in the store.

Looking ahead, and continuing on that seasonal theme, we have a date for your diary … our Christmas Variety Show on Thursday 14 December. It’s going to be a little different this year and will include some dance and drama along with the usual Christmas musical items. Our drama students will be performing an abridged version of Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”. KHS presented this at the Byre Theatre last month and I’m sure it will be a big hit again. The evening will also include mulled wine and nibbles from 6.30pm. All the young people performing will receive two free invitations and other tickets are available from the School Office for only £1.

Next week we’ll have a special assembly for S2 on the Monday afternoon, with a talk from the Teenage Cancer Trust. In the evening we are hosting the annual Rotary “Hi 5” games night when our Interact Club take on the other Kirkcaldy schools. It’s always a fun event.

On Tuesday, Mrs Davidson is attending an event at Fife College with S4 pupils. It’s all about Foundation Modern Apprenticeships, a qualification which we are keen to support. We currently host the Software Development FMA and have senior students attending other schools to be part of the scheme in Engineering and Children and Young People. Next session this range is likely to be extended. Also that afternoon, we have the “Big Brain Box” outreach team from St Andrews University in school working with science classes. In the evening it’s our S5/6 Parent/Carer Evening. Schedules have been issued. Please be aware that “Bright Red Publishing” will be on hand offering SQA revision guides and past exam papers at Higher for sale.

On Wednesday we’ll have staff from the Dundee Science Centre in school working with science students on various interactive “STEM” experiments.

On Thursday evening we’ll hold our first ever S5/6 Christmas Ceilidh in school. Many thanks to Miss Malcolm, who is our chief organiser.  It’s been set up as a formal “do” with tickets on sale at lunchtimes this week and next.

Also, our Christmas Party is on Wednesday 20 December, tickets £1. Our very own DJs Murray and Dick will be running the show with games and prizes on the night. Great fun!

Next week ends with our Fourth Year Tracking Report being posted home then on the Saturday and Sunday, we have a large group of pupils away at Huddersfield Town and Manchester United for a Premier League football experience weekend.  Many thanks to Mr I’Anson and the other staff involved in this excursion.

The menu next week is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Macaroni Cheese, chips, vegetables

Tuesday: Tomato soup, Roast Chicken, baby boiled potatoes, broccoli

Wednesday: Minestrone soup, Pork sausage casserole, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: French onion soup, Red Thai Chilli Beef, noodles and vegetables

Friday: Leek and potato soup, Breaded fish/Steakbake, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our new outdoor snack bar. Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status.

With very best wishes for the weekend.

Derek Allan


1 December 2017

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