Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 6/10/17

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the final weekly email of a very busy first term of session 2017-2018. I hope you are well and wish you all the best for the upcoming break. As you will be aware, it’s been a busy and successful term and I must thank our teachers and all our other staff for the lengths they have gone to make it so. And there has been no let up this week with the school photographs for S1, S3 and S6 on Monday. If you wish to take up the offer, please ensure that your orders are returned by Friday 27 October.

As I mentioned last week, over the coming months, all S2 pupils will be given an appointment with a Skills Development Scotland Careers Adviser. This is to help in developing career management skills as well as offering careers information, advice and guidance to all pupils. Young people will have the chance to discuss their upcoming subject choices and ask any career questions that they may have.  All parents/carers of S2 are also offered the opportunity to attend this appointment too.  We’ll be holding our “Learning Fair” earlier than usual this session. This is to allow S2 to start thinking about “pathways”. It will be held on Wednesday 1 November. Please stand by for a letter of invitation.

On Tuesday evening, it was S3 Parent/Carer Evening. Following comments from the Parent Council, we changed the format, with teachers in classrooms rather than in the Hall, Library etc. It seemed to be easier to manage and gave more privacy. Thanks for your feedback, it appears to have worked very well.

Wednesday was the Oswald Assembly with our school chaplain and then a “sign up” session for the S6 considering a university application this year through “UCAS”. There was also a “First Chances” tutoring session after school with St Andrews University.

Yesterday, our Personal Development students organised a staff coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and this was a great success. In the afternoon, all S1 were given a safety talk by firefighters from Fire and Rescue, based at Kirkcaldy Fire Station. This was timed to convey a safety message in the run up to Bonfire Night. Also last night, Mr I’Anson and Mr English took a bus load to Hampden, for Scotland v Slovakia. As you know, after almost 90 minutes of huffing and puffing, it worked out in the end … fingers crossed for Sunday.

The term ends today with a dress down day in aid of the Fife Rape and Sexual Assault Centre (FRASAC), a local charity selected by our Charities Committee. The group has also organised a sponsored walk for S6 in the afternoon. They will be walking up Johnny’s Loan and around Dunnikier Park in aid of Kirkcaldy Foodbank. Before that, we’ve had Skills Development Scotland staff in school this morning to continue the training programme for our S6 “My World of Work” Ambassadors. These are peer mentors who visit primaries and junior classes to promote work skills and help younger kids begin to understand career pathways etc. We’ve also been running an “Active Girls” event for S2, with dance, various exercise activities and even a taster session for Australian Rules Football! You can see some photos on Twitter.

There was also much hilarity in the Hall this morning as we held our Maths Department murder trial! All our S1 pupils have been cracking clues all term and a specially selected jury today came to the conclusion that Mr Cromb was responsible for the “murder” of Mrs Aitken (Senior Depute Head). It was a bit like “CSI” … all good fun with lots of puzzles and active learning. Again, there are a few pictures on Twitter.

Also this morning, all S1 will have received a letter from Mrs Aitken. This is a follow up to the “Settling In” Report issued last week. The vast majority of new First Years have made a great start and received a special edition pencil with their letter by way of recognition. Those who need to work on issues such as lateness, homework or concentration in class received some useful advice in their letter.

After a well-earned autumn break, we’re back to business on Monday 23 October. We have Year Assemblies that week with our guest, the Imam of Kirkcaldy Mosque. Also that week we’ll have professional actors in supporting our “workshop” for our “Shakespeare Schools Festival” production of “Much Ado About Nothing”. The workshop is on the Tuesday and the production will be performed at the Byre Theatre in St Andrews in November. Also that Tuesday we have a Modern Languages trip to the cinema at Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) to see “Ma Vie de Courgette” (My Life as a Courgette) which I’m guessing has a hint of surrealism! That evening we’ll host a meeting of the “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” at 7pm.

On the Wednesday evening, our Drama Department runs a trip to the Alhambra in Dunfermline for “Blood Brothers” by Willie Russell and on the Thursday evening it’s our Primary 7 Open Evening, starting at 6pm. All P7 parents and pupils in our associated schools are invited by letter … that’s Capshard, Fair Isle, Torbain and Valley. However, any interested parent of a child in any local school is welcome to come along. We have a good number of placing requests each year. Please call 01592 583405 for details.

The week ends with school nurse service stall being set up in the war memorial area. This will highlight the good work of our colleagues in NHS Fife in supporting young people.

The menu during the first week back is;

Monday: Lentil soup, Butter Chicken Tikka Masala and Rice, vegetables

Tuesday: Mushroom soup, Grilled Sausage/burger – veggie/beef/chicken, chips, baked beans

Wednesday: Scotch broth, Roast chicken and gravy, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Carrot and coriander soup, Savoury mince cobbler, potatoes and vegetables

Friday Yellow split pea soup, Breaded fish/Sausage roll, chips, peas

We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our new outdoor snack bar. Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status.

After the holidays, we will be unable to accept the “old” version of the £1 coin at our till. I understand that banks (remember them?!) will still accept them.

We are also changing the way we handle requests for term time holidays. I understand the temptation to take advantage of off-peak prices, but the advice remains the same … missing school for a holiday during term time is a bad idea. We are usually unable to authorise it. On the rare occasions where a request is justified eg a family emergency or for families with uniformed services employment, we will respond in writing to grant the time off as “authorised”. In all other cases, please regard the holiday as “unauthorised”. We will not be writing home to confirm this. As I say, I do hope that you will think twice before taking your son/daughter out of school. I hope you understand.

I’m sure you know that we are always keen to support you with any matter, so please do be in touch. Also, Twitter is a great way to keep up with school news. There are usually lots of photos of all the varied activities reported in the weekly “blog”. Just follow @KirkcaldyHigh. We also use it to pass on important or urgent messages to you.

Finally, many thanks to those who completed a paper version of the “Parentwise” survey at the S3 Parent/Carer Evening this week. We really value your views and I kindly would ask all parents carers to take a little time (probably no more than 5 minutes) to take the survey online.

It is important to receive feedback and your responses/comments go straight to the Council for consideration. As I say, please try to find that 5 minutes.

Best wishes for the holidays … and thanks for all your support

Derek Allan


6 October 2017

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