Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 29/9/17

Dear Parent/Carer


Welcome to the penultimate weekly update of this term … and I must say that it has been a whirlwind couple of months. I do hope that you are in good form and looking forward to the weekend.

This week saw our Advanced Higher geography students away at a fieldwork camp in Perthshire and we also had our outdoor education “team building” trips for all S1, and I have to say that these have been an outstanding success. Mrs Aitken came back to school still buzzing on Wednesday after joining the Adam Smith group at Fordell Firs Scout Centre near Dunfermline. I’m pleased to say that all those who have taken part have done so in the right spirit … they gave it a go, looked out for each other and learned from mistakes. Well done to them. Check out the photos on “Twitter”.

As well as this experience, it’s been our “Employability Week” for S3. This was a terrific event which involved many employers and other local partners helping us to link our young people to the world of work more effectively. Many thanks to those who were part of it; The Cottage Family Centre, Kirkcaldy Galleries, The Sign Company, Pay Wizard, The Spiral Weave, Chapel Level Care Home, Sainsburys, Bank of Scotland, Robertson’s Coffee Shop, Dunnikier Golf Club, Fife College, Bright Green Hydrogen (Methil), ASDA, Michael Woods Leisure Centre, Fife Council Apprenticeship Centre, the RAF and the British Army. All our pupils had an employer talk in school and a visit to a local workplace as well as other career pathway related experiences in and out of classes. Thanks to Miss Nessel and Mrs Davidson for their excellent organisation of this complex event.

We also had assemblies with Adam Smith House on Tuesday and Carlyle on Thursday. The Oswald Assembly takes place next Wednesday. The main speaker at assemblies was Ken Froude, the school chaplain. Ken gave a thought provoking address using the tale of “Snow White” to illustrate human frailty and the importance of self-belief. Last night, our Drama students enjoyed their trip to the Adam Smith Theatre to see “A Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams. This was after their rehearsals for the upcoming Shakespeare Schools Festival performance of “Much Ado About Nothing” this November at the Byre Theatre in St Andrews.

Today we have our friends from St Andrews University in school giving presentations to our S4 and S5 pupils on the “REACH” programme. This involves support and guidance throughout the university application process, aiming to give pupils the tools, know-how and confidence to stretch themselves and succeed in higher education. The project provides advice regarding school subject choices and a variety of events and workshops to learn more about higher education. Many thanks to Mrs Hunter for organising this.

The other big story this week was our appearance on “Reporting Scotland” on Tuesday evening. We hosted BBC Education Correspondent Jamie McIvor for the afternoon and were the main part of his report about homophobic bullying. Stonewall Scotland have produced survey findings which show that homophobia, although in decline, remains a big issue across Scotland. In KHS, with our proactive approach to equality issues and an active LGBT student support group, we are in a better place. We were identified by Stonewall Scotland as leading practice nationally. KHS is regarded as a safe and supportive community for young people, regardless of sexual orientation. I must say that I am very proud of our young people who contributed. They are happy to be themselves, and are right to expect fair and equal treatment and respect.

Next week is the final week of term and on Monday it’s the school photographs for S1, S3 and S6. Please ensure that your son/daughter is smartly turned out. There is no obligation to buy prints, but details of prices and the order process are shared by Tempest, the company we work with, on the day. Please see the details in the attachment.

Also next week, and over the coming months, all S2 pupils will be given an appointment with a Skills Development Scotland Careers Adviser. This is to help in developing career management skills as well as offering careers information, advice and guidance to all pupils. Young people will have the chance to discuss their upcoming subject choices and ask any career questions that they may have.  All parents/carers of S2 are also offered the opportunity to attend this appointment too.

Tuesday will see engineers from Babcock Rosyth working with Higher Maths classes on the Goliath Crane Challenge. This is always great fun – it’s a team based problem solving exercise. In the evening, it’s our S3 Parent/Carer Evening. Following comments from the Parent Council, we have changed the format. You will meet teachers in classrooms rather than in the Hall, Library etc. It should be easier to manage and give more privacy. We’ll have two teachers per class with a waiting area outside each class used. Please stick to the allocated 5 minute slot … you’ll appreciate the frustration which results when that doesn’t happen.

Wednesday is the Oswald Assembly then a “sign up” session for the S6 considering a university application this year through “UCAS”. At lunchtime it will be the inter-house tug of war … which also pulls in a big crowd … if you’ll forgive the pun! There is also a “First Chances” tutoring session after school with St Andrews University.

On Thursday, our Personal Development students have organised a staff coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. We’ll be joined by our friends from the Torbain Church pensioners’ lunch club for the event. In the afternoon, all S1 will be given a safety talk by firefighters from Fire and Rescue, based at Kirkcaldy Fire Station. This is timed to convey a safety message in the run up to Bonfire Night. That evening, Mr I’Anson is again running a busload to Hampden, for Scotland v Slovakia. It’s a crucial World Cup Qualifier and we live in hope!

The term ends on Friday 6 October with a dress down day in aid of the Fife Rape and Sexual Assault Centre (FRASAC), a local charity selected by our Charities Committee. The group has also organised a sponsored walk for S6 in the afternoon. They will be walking up Johnny’s Loan and around Dunnikier Park in aid of Kirkcaldy Foodbank. Before that, we have Skills Development Scotland staff in school to continue the training programme for our S6 “My World of Work” Ambassadors. These are peer mentors who visit primaries and junior classes to promote work skills and help younger kids begin to understand career pathways etc.

After a well-earned autumn break, we’re back to business on Monday 23 October. We have Year Assemblies that week with our guest, Imam Mohammed Hammad of Kirkcaldy Mosque.

Next week’s menu;

Monday: Lentil soup, Butter Chicken Tikka Masala and Rice, vegetables

Tuesday: Mushroom soup, Grilled Sausage/burger – veggie/beef/chicken, chips, baked beans

Wednesday: Scotch broth, Roast chicken and gravy, potatoes and vegetables

Thursday: Carrot and coriander soup, Savoury mince cobbler, potatoes and vegetables

Friday Yellow split pea soup, Breaded fish/Sausage roll, chips, peas.
We also have baked potatoes, pizza, pasta, sandwiches and salad available every day as well as our new outdoor snack bar. Please also remember that we offer a free cup of soup with bread for all our young people, regardless of their “free school meals” status.

You know that we are always keen to support you with any matter, so please do be in touch. I mentioned Twitter earlier. This is a great way to keep up to speed with school news. There are usually lots of photos of all the varied activities reported in the weekly “blog”. Just follow @KirkcaldyHigh … it’s the most followed feed of any Fife school. We also use it to pass on important or urgent messages to you.

Yours aye

Derek Allan


29 September 2017

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