Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 16/6/17

Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to the latest weekly update … I do hope that you and your family are well.

This week has been a very hectic one for us, probably the busiest of the entire session. It’s the same every year at this time!

We had a special S3 assembly on Monday morning. It was the official launch of the Youth Philanthropy Initiative which I explained recently. You’ll maybe remember that it’s a charity focussed teamwork challenge. Many thanks to the pupils from St Columba’s High School in Dunfermline, who helped out with the launch. We also gave details of the S3 “Enrichment” programme for the year ahead which includes a Modern Language short course and a further short course in “Career Management Skills”.

Also, our next crop of “First Chances” students (from the new S3) had their first taste of university life at St Andrews. They have really enjoyed a 3 day residential “Summer School” with lectures and seminars supported by undergraduates. We have 20 young people involved and it’s a chance for those with no family experience of Higher Education to sample something new. Those who attended had a great time and made new friends from other schools. The S4 group are still at the University today, and will have their graduation ceremony later. Many thanks to Mrs Hunter and Miss Nessel for their terrific support of this very worthwhile programme. I am also delighted that we will have our biggest ever group of young people involved in the Sutton trust Summer School this year. Again, it’s a chance for working class pupils with no family tradition of university to build some confidence.

Also on Monday, Academy Uniforms were in school.  Blazers, with an embroidered badge, can be purchased at only £31.50 and they also have jumpers and cardigans available with the KHS logo embroidered on them.

2017 Prizewinners

2017 Prizewinners

Tuesday was our annual Prizegiving, a real highlight in the school calendar. It was a pleasure to welcome Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, the Government Minister for Further and Higher Education as our principal guest. The Minister is a former pupil, and she spoke with real conviction about self-belief and perseverance. Congratulations to all our prizewinners, I am very proud of them all.

One highlight for me was Logan Piotrowicz’s spirited rendition of “The Boy in the Train” which opened proceedings. Logan did a fantastic job. Another was the input from the brother-in-law of Mike Withey, the heroic pilot of a jet fighter plane which crash landed near the school in 1957. I think the full story will be in next week’s Fife Free Press. Thanks also to the many parents and carers who attended the event. I think that we had around 550 people in the Hall! Thanks also to those who have commented favourably on the event. We are always open to suggestions and if you have any comments on Prizegiving, please submit them by responding to this email.

Then, on Wednesday and Thursday we welcomed the P7 pupils who will make up our new First Year from August. They were placed in their new classes and followed a normal timetable over the two days. It seems they had an excellent experience … the feedback forms certainly show that. I must thank the S6 “buddies” for the excellent support they gave the P7. This will continue in August. Also on Wednesday, our “Enterprising Maths” team competed very well in the Fife competition at Glenrothes High School.

Yesterday morning, our P7 visitors joined the rest of the school in our annual “Brake Walk” around Dunnikier Park and along the busy road. Young people carried banners and placards urging drivers to slow down near the school. Please take it easy along Dunnikier Way.

Also yesterday, I was joined by Cameron Bowie (S5) at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. KHS was asked to give evidence to the Equality and Human Rights Committee about our proactive approaches to tackling bullying and creating an inclusive school environment, especially for young people who identify as LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender). The committee had heard that KHS is an especially welcoming and tolerant school which takes issues of equality and diversity very seriously. The MSPs wanted to hear more before advising the Government about new policy directions. It was quite an accolade for us to have been asked to do this. Cameron is Chair of our LGBT support group, which comprises of those who identify as lesbian or gay and other supporters or “allies” who are interested in fairness and equality. Cameron was a fantastic ambassador for KHS and you can view the committee session on the Scottish Parliament TV website.

Also yesterday, we hosted a delegation of teachers from Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Portugal who are visiting Scotland as part of an “Erasmus” study programme. I know that our visitors found much to take back to their schools. They all commented that it was the “best” day of their 2 week experience in Scotland.

Last night, we held a parent/carer evening for the P7 intake parents. Guidance teachers met groups of parents/carers and then Careers Advisors.  Senior staff and our new Head Boy and Girl gave short talks on relevant subjects. At the same time, the P7 pupils had a disco/barbecue to keep them occupied. We also had a further uniform sales session with Academy Uniforms. Thanks to all those who came along, it was a great night.

Tonight is our leavers’ Prom at Forrester Park Resort, Dunfermline. It will be the final farewell for the Class of 2017. I am one of a large group of staff who are looking forward to joining our leavers to say goodbye … always a bittersweet experience.

Next week is possibly slightly less full-on than this. However it’s still a bit busy with a mobile motor vehicle workshop set up in the playground. It’s a special work experience for a target group of young people in S4, and at the end of the week they will go off-road driving at Knockhill.

Also on Monday we have a team competing for the Strathmore Trophy at the Computing Department of Dundee University, a group of 10 girls at a medical based work experience at Ninewells Hospital (also in Dundee) and in the afternoon we have a STEM Showcase event in the Hall for all those in S5/6 taking science or engineering subjects.

We have House assemblies Tuesday to Thursday and these will include an input from a group of young people who have been engaging online via Skype with Leo Logothetis from the “Kindness Diaries” TV Show. It’s not a show I know but I’m looking forward to finding out more.

On Tuesday after school we are having a regular meeting with local employers to plan further engagement in the session ahead and our Parent Council AGM takes place at 6pm. It would be great to see you there. At the P7 parents’ evening, we recruited a few new members. It would be great to extend further. Please note that you will not be pressed into being the Treasurer or Secretary! All we need are your thoughts and your voice.

The week ends with a group of students attending the “Investment 2020” event at Standard Life HQ in Edinburgh. You’ll appreciate that we go to great lengths to give our young people work related experiences. If you are in a position to support that in your business or line of work, please do be in touch. It can be a great recruitment channel for local employers. I’m indebted to Miss McIntosh and Miss Nessel for their work in this field … our latest employability bulletin is attached.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Macaroni cheese with chips and vegetables. Tuesday: Red thai chilli beef with noodles and vegetables. Wednesday: Roast turkey with potatoes and vegetables. Thursday: Pork sausage casserole with potatoes and vegetables.. Friday: Breaded fish/steakbake with chips and peas. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

As ever, we are happy to assist you with any enquiries. Please do give some feedback if you were at the Prizegiving this week. We’d love to hear your views … just click “reply”.

Aye yours

Derek Allan


16 June 2017

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