Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 17/3/17

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that our weekly news roundup finds you well and you are looking forward to the weekend.

Last Friday our U13 football team took on Dumfries High School in the quarter final of the Scottish Shield, and won an excellent contest 6-3. Well done to them. They now take on Portobello High School in the semi-final, which will be played at Kelty Hearts ground next Friday (24 March) at 5.30pm. All welcome.

Then, of course, last week ended with our annual fund raising Ceilidh. It was organised by “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” and our own Mrs Davidson (Depute Head). Thanks to all who attended or donated raffle prizes. It was another great night with the Bert Pozzi Band and we have raised around £2700 to support our work. We are lucky to have such a proactive group of supporters.

On Monday we had a Biology trip to Dundee Science Centre as well as a Friends of KHS mentoring session for our S5 pupils who are sitting 5 Highers. We also held SQA Music performance exams and in the evening it was the Fourth Year Parent/Carer Evening. This was a great opportunity to get any issues resolved in time for course completion or exams in May.

On Tuesday we marked “Pi Day” by having themed activities across the school. The focus was on circles and triangles in recognition of the achievements of Pythagoras. Well done to Mrs Hamilton and the Maths team who took the lead, and all the staff who laid on themed lessons. Also on Tuesday, there was a CDT trip to visit the Fife traditional building skills exhibition, held at the Town House and in Kirkcaldy Town Square. It was a great experience for our young people, who got to use traditional tools under the guidance of craft stonemasons, slaters and carpenters. In the evening, our Parent Council sponsored a special event, with an emphasis on Teenage Drugs and Alcohol Issues. Representatives from the school, the DAPL and “Clued Up” support agencies, and the Police shared information on drugs, alcohol and new psycho-active substances, or so-called “legal highs”.  It was a great opportunity to learn more about these issues and it gave parents/carers a better understanding. Thanks to those who attended, I know that you found it very valuable.

On Wednesday, Ms Wight and our Higher Geography students attended a special conference at St Andrews University and yesterday, the University’s “Geobus” held earthquake “workshops” in school. Both of these engagements were excellent … we enjoy a very good partnership with the University. On that theme, I was delighted to learn that 25 young people in S5 have applied for the Sutton Trust Summer School this year. It’s an excellent wider access scheme which helps working class young people with no family history of a university education to get a flavour of the experience. Mrs Hunter is also continuing to support our S3 “First Chances” group as they follow their programme with St Andrews and she is planning to meet with the potential new entrants in S2 next week. Our latest report, just in, shows that 34% of last summer’s leavers went on to university. That’s a 3% rise on the previous year and our highest ever figure. I find this trend encouraging.

As I explained last week, over the weekend ahead, we’ll have several groups of young people involved in the Adam Smith Festival of Ideas, organised by the Adam Smith Global Foundation. Mrs Meek, Ms Young are I are accompanying groups of young people to seminars, lectures and various events. I’m looking forward to this evening when I’ll be joined by Lachlan Duncan and Lauren McArthur (both S6) to the reception and lecture being delivered by Ed Balls, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, whilst another group of our pupils also attend the lecture itself. Our Saturday School tomorrow is Biology, Chemistry and Physics at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

Next week is the penultimate week of term and we have assemblies with a focus on “Learner Journeys”, including recent leavers and staff telling their career stories. On Monday we have a Chemistry Trip to Dundee Science Centre and N4 Maths students in S4/5 undertake their Added Value assessment in the Assembly Hall. In the afternoon we have a special careers talk for potential hairdressers in the Library with Dom Migele.

On Wednesday we are holding an SQA Art Practical Day, and hosting the Disability Sport Fife Football in the afternoon. In the evening, the Drama Department will put on another performance of “Three”, this time at the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh, sponsored by the National Theatre of Scotland. Many thanks to Ms Bruce and Mr McPherson for their work with this … and best wishes to all our performers.

Next Thursday is the Fife Final of the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Public Speaking Competition. Team KHS (Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes, both S2) take on teams form Auchmuty, Inverkeithing and Queen Anne High Schools. It all happens in our school from 6pm and spectators are very welcome.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread. Tuesday: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and mash. Wednesday: Macaroni cheese with chips or garlic bread, Thursday: Steak pie and potatoes. Friday: Fish and chips. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.  Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.

I have also been asked by Fife Council to remind you about the new Online Payment System called iPayimpact, which will affect school meals arrangements. The system will allow you to make payments for school meals from any internet enabled PC, laptop, mobile or tablet, or via PayPoint at your local store. It could mean your son/daughter no longer needs to carry cash to school, as you can “top up” their “Myfife” card remotely. KHS is expected to go live week beginning 17 April and the Council will issue more details on how to register for the online account together with a unique registration code soon.

Please find attached our “Easter School” programme for SQA exam candidates. You will see that we are offering extra revision sessions in almost all subjects. I must thank all the staff involved and also Miss Diamond for putting together the programme. Please urge your son/daughter to get along if they can. We find that those young people who get involved report that it is a great help. There are only 6 weeks left to the exams and a focussed effort over that time can make all the difference. Our employability bulletin is also attached as usual – thanks to Miss McIntosh and Miss Nessel with this.

Finally, thanks and very best wishes to Mrs MacDougall of the English Department, who leaves us today to take up a post at Levenmouth Academy.

Please do be in touch for help or support – your son or daughter’s Guidance Teacher is the usual first point of contact.

Yours aye

Derek Allan


17 March 2017

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