Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 24/2/17

Dear Parent/Carer


I hope that this message finds you in good form. Best wishes for the weekend.

It’s been a bit hectic this week past. We held two yeargroup assemblies for S1 (Monday) and S2 (Tuesday), with a special input on teenage mental health issues and guest speakers from the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH). Many thanks to Miss Torp-Petersen, who has organised various events on this important aspect of wellbeing. We also had vaccinations for S3 (against Meningitis C, Diphtheria and Polio) on the Monday and after school, our girls’ football team beat Levenmouth 12-0 in their final league match of the season.

Tuesday saw a training session for our S4 “peer mentors”. They are delivering “Boozebusters” alcohol awareness sessions for S2 this morning. Very well done to them. In the evening, Morgan Faulds and Cara Hayes (both S2) competed in the first round of the Scottish Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Public Speaking Competition against Auchmuty and Inverkeithing High Schools. I am delighted to say that they won a place in the Fife finals, which take place in our school at 6.15pm on Thursday 23 March – please feel free to come along. Morgan and Cara were in sparkling form, delivering excellent speeches on the impact which social media can have on equality.

On Wednesday morning, I attended the Kirkcaldy Area Committee of Fife Council to discuss the school’s recent successes and future plans in respect of young people’s exam attainment and wider achievement. This went well, local councillors are very supportive of KHS and all the other schools in the town. We also hosted Disability Fife football on our astroturf once again. DSF is such a worthy cause.

However, the highlight of the week was undoubtedly the visit of Sir Ian McKellen on Wednesday afternoon. To mark LGBT+ History Month, he spoke to S5/6 for over an hour, holding them in his spell for the entire time. Sir Ian, widely regarded as one of the finest actors of his generation, helped found Stonewall – the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights charity in 1989, and visits schools to help promote equality and fairness in respect of LGBT+ issues. Our school, which has a highly proactive approach to equality issues and a very active LGBT+ group led by young people, is part of the Stonewall Champions programme. Sir Ian told of his personal and professional life as well as his campaigning work. For many, it was an emotional experience. Also, given this was a school visit, Sir Ian chose to reiterate the words of Gandalf from “Lord of the Rings” – one of his most notable film roles. He urged our students to work hard in school and study for exams, otherwise “you shall not pass”!

Over lunch with the school’s LGBT+ group, which is made up of about 30 young people who identify as gay or lesbian and others who are “allies”, Sir Ian urged everyone to stand up for their right to fair treatment and to challenge homophobia in all its forms. He also signed the school’s “No Bystanders” pledge. Over the past few weeks this anti-bullying pledge has been signed by hundreds of young people and staff. He also accepted the gift of a KHS tie and said he would wear it with pride on the Graham Norton Show which airs on BBC 1 this evening at 10.25pm … tune in!

I must thank the people at Stonewall Scotland for arranging such a brilliant occasion. Also, thanks to our LGBT+ group and teacher facilitators, Mrs Pirie and Dr Murray. Sir Ian was a fantastic guest, very down to earth and with an exceptionally engaging personality … “sound” is how Cameron described him on Radio Kingdom FM yesterday! I’m really very proud of our young people. Sir Ian said that he had found all those he met to be warm, intelligent and very accepting. These are the kinds of values this school is built upon.

The other big event on Wednesday was our “Learning Fair”, which took place in the Hall before lunch and then in the evening, when parents/carers were invited. It was a good chance to get a clearer picture of curriculum options and the course choice process. It was also great to see so many parents and carers, and I must thank all the staff and young people who supported the Fair. Thanks also to Skills Development Scotland and the STEM ambassadors who attended and advised.

Last night our Drama Department trip to see “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night” at the Edinburgh Festival Theatre was a great success, with all who attended being both entertained and challenged. Today, we’ll be sending the S5/6 reports home. We’re also holding a staff v pupils netball match at lunchtime to help raise funds for our netball training camp in Barcelona next year. Our teams are doing very well at the moment. For example, last week we had two squads in the S2 Fife Championships at Glenrothes. A special mention goes to Rachael Barclay who was voted one of the top three players of the tournament by the umpires and was awarded a medal.

Saturday school tomorrow (February 25) will be French and Technology subjects (Graphic Communications, Design and Manufacture and Engineering Science). Students should take this chance to help improve their SQA exam grade.

Next week we have an S1 Assembly on Monday with an input from Police Scotland on internet safety. Our Personal Development class has organised a fund raising sponsored walk across the Forth Bridge and Modern Studies students are taking part in a European Parliament sponsored debate at the Eric Liddle Centre in Edinburgh.

Mrs Hume’s S3 English class are holding a Big Book Sale for literacy charities. We are appealing to all parent/carers and staff to send in any unwanted books to help us with this cause. The books can be for any age group. We will be collecting books week beginning Monday 27 February to Friday 3 March. Please hand in to the English Department or the Prefect Base. The books will be on sale in school the following week (Monday 6 March) at lunchtime priced at 50p – £1. We would like to thank you in advance for helping with this worthy cause.

Tuesday is a “Speedy STEM” event for all S3 in the Hall. They will take part in a series of technology challenges and problem solving games related to maths and science. Wednesday sees a Science trip to Heriot-Watt University for the “Dragonfly Headstart” event and at lunchtime there is a talk for S6 on student finance. We have representatives from the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) and in the evening it’s our S2 Parent/Carer evening. This should help the course choice process which is now underway. Mr Young will send a separate email with our choice booklet and form which should be returned by March 10. Paper forms will also be issued to young people next Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs Meek and Miss Young are taking a group of Modern Studies pupils to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh next Thursday and in the evening our Drama students will put on a performance of “Three”. This is a play about relationships and is supported by the National Theatre of Scotland. Then, on Friday, our netball teams are holding a “Bush Tucker Trial” at lunchtime, with proceeds again going towards new kit.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Chicken and mushroom pie with potatoes. Tuesday: Gammon steak and chips. Wednesday: Mince pie and mash. Thursday: Lasagne with garlic bread. Friday: Chicken curry with naan bread. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too. Do remember that a cup of home-made soup is available free to all young people at lunchtime.


Our regular employability bulletin is attached. Please do be in touch if we can be of assistance at all.




Derek Allan


24 February 2017

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