Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 13/1/17

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope it’s not quite too late to wish you a “Happy New Year”. All the very best for 2017. We’ve been sharing a few New Year thoughts with all pupils this week and encouraging them to think big, work hard and persevere when things get tough. I’m pretty sure that these are appropriate messages for life, not just school. They fit well with our values, and even our old Latin motto; “Usque Conabor” or “I strive to the utmost”.

The other major events this week have been the S5/6 prelim exams which started on Wednesday and the issuing of the S4 reports. These were posted out earlier in the week along with a timetable for the S4 prelims, which begin on Monday 6 February. In tutor, we also issued our “Course Choice” form for the Senior Phase next session.

With all our course planning we have to start very early, even though our new timetable won’t begin until after the exams in May. Mrs Aitken has responsibility for this process and it is always quite tricky to maintain a reasonable choice whilst ensuring that class sizes are viable enough to justify the allocation of precious teaching time. Unfortunately, it is usually the case that it is not always possible to meet the exact course preferences of everyone in S5. I would encourage all our learners, whether taking a programme of National 5, Highers or both, to regard S5 and S6 as the full timeframe to complete qualifications. If the preferred options are not quite possible in S5, there is almost always the opportunity to take a subject in S6.

Tomorrow we have a coachload of young people off to enjoy English Premier League football over the weekend – Burnley versus Southampton on Saturday and Manchester United at home to Liverpool on Sunday. Thanks to Mr I’Anson and the other staff involved for their commitment to these trips. I’m sure it will be a memorable weekend for those involved.

Next week we are having a particular focus on “Respect for Self” with a special presentation for all pupils at the start of the week. We’ll be emphasising what it means to have self-respect and continue to talk up ambition, honesty and resilience as worthwhile personal values.

On the Tuesday evening, Mrs Aitken and I will be joined by S1 and S6 pupils as we deliver our primary transition “Roadshow” in Valley (5.30pm) and Fair Isle (6.45pm). We’ll be doing similar events in Torbain and Capshard on Tuesday 24 January. Potential entrants from outwith our catchment are welcome to join us at any of the events. Maybe you could spread the word that “placing request” letters need to be submitted during this term.

On Wednesday we are delighted to host the Disability Sport Fife Football League once again and in the afternoon we have a special talk for S5 students interested in a Modern Apprenticeship in the financial services industry when we host people from the Ernst and Young “Smart Futures” programme.

On Thursday evening we have an English Department trip to the King’s Theatre in Glasgow to see a production of “The Woman in Black”, a gothic horror by Susan Hill. Also that evening we have a “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” meeting at 7pm. One agenda item will be our fund raising ceilidh which will be held on Friday 10 March. I do hope you will consider coming along, it’s always a great fun night. I enclose details in a poster and also a request letter we have shared with local businesses about raffle prizes. Perhaps you might be able to help?

I also enclose, as usual, our employability round up with local job opportunities. I hope that this helps you and your son or daughter have a wee bit of a wider view of possible “destinations” after school.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Chicken and mushroom pie with potatoes. Tuesday: Gammon steak and chips. Wednesday: Mince pie and mash. Thursday: Lasagne with garlic bread. Friday: Chicken curry with naan bread. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.

On that theme, may I remind you of the criteria and application process for free school meals, valued at £1.95 per day (or about £40 in a typical month). This entitlement is for families receiving either; income support, job seekers allowance, employment and support allowance, child tax/working tax credit or universal credit. In many cases, qualifying families can also claim a school clothing grant of £55 per year. You can apply online at the web address above. I would urge all those entitled to receive this support to make sure that they are registered. Not only will it benefit individual families but the school also receives funding associated with free meals registration. We are happy to offer assistance with registration if that is needed, please call and ask for your son/daughter’s yearhead. Many thanks.

Finally, thanks to the local businesses who have taken up the offer of an advertising board at the astroturf pitch. Your support is very welcome and greatly appreciated. Please contact the school if you would like more details.

As always, we are happy to help with any queries you may have. Please do be in touch at any time – your son or daughter’s guidance teacher is the usual first point of contact.

Yours aye,

Derek Allan

13 January 2017

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