Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 7/10/16

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope you have had a good week and are looking forward to the school holidays.

First off, some congratulations. You may recall that last Friday, a team of young mathematicians took part in the Fife finals of the “Enterprising Maths” Competition. I am pleased to report that out of the 18 entrants, our team of Dominika Kaliszuk Valente, Gabrielle Ward, John Hamilton and Michael Panarella were runners-up. This means that they qualify for the Scottish final to be held later in the session. Well done!

We had House Assemblies this week and it was a pleasure to welcome our school chaplain Rev. Ken Froude to lead our time for reflection. Ken’s theme was the importance of imagination and the place of “daydreaming” … although preferably not in class!  Our Hospitality students laid on a lovely staff lunch on Tuesday and yesterday we had a Modern Studies trip to Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court. In the evening it was a “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” meeting. FoKHS gives the school brilliant backing, including mentoring individual young people and fund-raising support, and is always looking for new members. Please contact Mrs Davidson in school if you are interested. Today is a dress down day, being held in support of Meningitis Now, in memory of Gregor Smith, a KHS pupil who died of the disease on 2013. Today is also the culmination of our S1 CSI Court Case run by the Maths Department. At the time of writing, Mr Cromb and Mrs Steedman appear to be murder suspects! The pupils have clues to crack in order to solve the case.

After the fortnight break, school resumes on Monday 24 October. We have yeargroup assemblies which will concentrate on involvement in school sport and “Respect for Learning”. On Thursday 27 October, we hold our Open Evening for parents/carers of Primary 7 intake pupils. After a short welcome from myself and other senior staff, there is a tour of the school and the chance to see some learning in action. Our Prefect team will lead the way. Letters have been sent to our associated primaries: Capshard, Fair Isle, Torbain and Valley. Parents/carers with children at any other primary school are also welcome to attend, so please spread the word. The evening starts at 6pm sharp.

The hot dish menu for the week beginning 24 October is; Monday: Spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread. Tuesday: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and mash. Wednesday: Macaroni cheese with chips or garlic bread, Thursday: Steak pie and potatoes. Friday: Fish and chips. We also have our pizza, pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.

Our school photos take place with “Tempest” Photography on Friday 28 October. All pupils in S1, S3 and S6 have their pictures taken and letters are being sent home with details. You will receive a proof set and are invited to purchase prints. The school receives a commission on any sales and we’ll use the funds raised to support our work throughout the session.

Looking ahead, on the evening of Thursday 3 Nov, we are holding a Christmas Fayre (yes, it’s almost that time of year!) in the Assembly Hall from 6.45-9pm. We will have around 25 stalls with everything from candles to make-up and cakes. The evening will be based on the “party plan” model and all funds raised will go towards our S6 Leavers’ Prom which takes place next June. Check out our “KHS Senior Fayre” Facebook page for more details. Tickets, price £2, will be on sale right after the break. We’ll share more details then too.

Yesterday, all our pupils should have received a print copy of our latest Newsletter. We go to considerable lengths to keep you well informed and we do ask that this is shared with you. However, we also understand that sometimes these things go astray. With that in mind, please find attached an electronic copy! Do remember that you can always follow @KirkcaldyHigh on Twitter to keep up to date. For homework tracking, we are making good use of “Show My Homework” – you will have a password and maybe you have downloaded the app? If not the full school calendar in online – please click the link on our website

As I say, please do have a good school break. I hope that you will manage some family time. Also, I am grateful to those parents/carers who have helped reduce the numbers of young people gathering in Birnam Road by keeping a closer eye on their kids’ whereabouts. On behalf of the residents, thanks.

Yours sincerely

Derek Allan

7 October 2016

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