Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 30/9/16

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope you are in good fettle and are looking forward to a pleasant weekend.

This has been our “Employability Week” with a particular focus for S3 learners. Pupils had various workshops from Bright Green Hydrogen (based at the Hydrogen Office in Methil) and Barratt Homes, working on interview skills, teamwork and creativity tasks. All took part in sessions on the “My World of Work” website operated by “Skills Development Scotland”. We also had several workplace visits and a session from “Character Scotland”. Building the skills for life required to get a job, keep a job and thrive in a job is a big part of our mission. It is clear from the returns you have made about our “curriculum rationale” that you approve – thanks for your comments.

On Monday, we also had a visit from Roger Mullin, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath. Mr Mullin has a particular interest in “STEM” (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and he spent the best part of the day finding out about our work in this field. We were finalists in this category in the Scottish Education Awards in June. Mr Mullin also joined our S4 Maths students working with the training team of Babcock Rosyth on a team problem solving challenge. They had to design and make a zip-wire transport system to carry goods across our assembly hall. It was great fun as well as an important learning experience. Many thanks to the Babcock engineers.

On Tuesday we hosted the “Baldy Bane” travelling theatre group which delivered a powerful road safety message to the First Years. Their show is called “The Nine Lives of Roddy Hogg”. On Wednesday afternoon we had a session for S6 about university applications. After school, our St Andrews University “First Chances” graduates took part in one to one tutoring sessions with undergraduates from the university. We were joined by other young people from other Fife schools for this session. On Thursday, our “Personal Development” class organised a fund-raising coffee morning for the staff in support of MacMillan Cancer Care and the magnificent total of £207.20 was raised for this excellent cause. It was great to be joined by pensioners from the Torbain Church lunch club for the occasion. I know that they enjoyed visiting the school again. Today our young maths students are taking part in an “Enterprising Maths” event at Glenrothes High School.

I was glad to learn that, over the weekend, the situation in Birnam Road was less fraught than it has been in recent weeks. We will continue to push the message to young people and parents/carers that hanging around the streets in large numbers is, in itself, an act of anti-social behaviour. The Fife Free Press has given the story a very strong emphasis and it’s been good to see the community getting together to show solidarity. The YMCA in the Valley is offering a new club called “Saturday Nite Y” from this weekend. They have music, pool, wifi and sports facilities available from 7pm. Well done to Liz Easton and her team for being so proactive and for responding so quickly. I hope that the situation in Birnam Road and Templehall will continue to improve. I must reiterate my request that you do not allow your son or daughter to be out and about unless you are confident that you know of their whereabouts.

Next week is the final week of a term which has flown by in a flash. We have House Assemblies (Tuesday to Thursday) and it will be a pleasure to welcome our school chaplain Ken Froude to lead our time for reflection at each. Our Hospitality students are laying on a staff lunch on Tuesday and on Thursday, there is a Modern Studies trip to Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court as well as a team of Science pupils taking part in a renewables challenge at Methil Energy Park. In the evening we have a “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” meeting. FoKHS gives us brilliant backing, including fund-raising support, and is always looking for new members. Please contact Mrs Davidson in school if you are interested. Friday is a dress down day in support of Meningitis Now, and in memory of Gregor Smith. It is also the culmination of our S1 CSI Court Case run by the Maths Department, and this is always great fun.

Our holidays last a fortnight and school resumes on Monday 24 October. Later that week, on Thursday 27 October, we hold our Open Evening for parents/carers of Primary 7 intake pupils. This includes a tour of the school and the chance to see some learning in action. Letters have been sent to our associated primaries: Capshard, Fair Isle, Torbain and Valley. Parents/carers with children at any other primary school are also welcome to attend, please spread the word.

The hot dish menu for the week ahead is; Monday: Spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread. Tuesday: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and mash. Wednesday: Macaroni cheese with chips or garlic bread, Thursday: Steak pie and potatoes. Friday: Fish and chips. We also have our pizza, pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.

Next Friday will be a day of very mixed emotions for many of us, including me, because it marks the retirement of Anita Lindsay, our Business Manager. Anita has been an outstandingly popular, hard-working and successful part of our school community for over 25 years. Rising through the ranks at KHS, she has been Business Manager and responsible for the day to day running of the school for the whole 8 years of my own time as Rector here. Frankly, I could not have asked for a better partner in leading the school … albeit that Anita’s role has usually been behind the scenes. We have enjoyed an excellent working relationship and I must thank Anita for not only keeping me right and for being a terrific support to all the staff here, but for her wonderful friendship and sense of fun. The place is going to feel different after the holidays. Very best wishes Anita.

And best wishes to you too.

Derek Allan

30 Sept 2016

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