Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 16/9/16

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that this message finds you well.

Thanks for your returns about our “curriculum rationale” – these are coming in daily. Last Friday, at the first meeting of our new “Learning Council”, the main “pupil voice” in the school, the topic was the same question posed at assemblies and as part of the consultation: what is the point of school? This was a very productive discussion. Pupils are completing questionnaires this week. The next stage is to involve teachers and other staff, as well as local employers and other partners

On Monday all of our S6 attended a convention in Glenrothes with a focus on Universities, Colleges and Modern Apprenticeships, and this has received good reviews.  On Tuesday, we welcomed renowned Scots language author Matthew Fitt, who worked with groups of bairns to build their confidence in the use of Scots. It was appropriate that it was also “Roald Dahl Day”, as Matthew has translated several of his works into Scots. Pupils particularly enjoyed “The Eejits”, his version of “The Twits”.

Our Parent Council Annual General Meeting was on Tuesday. As I flagged up last week, we explained some of the details behind our SQA exam results and Miss Diamond entered into consultation about our anti-bullying policy to reflect new Fife Council guidelines. Head Boy Lachlan Duncan and Head Girl Bethany Cunningham also gave a brief presentation about “Show My Homework”.

By way of reminder, “SMHW” is an online resource to assist pupils and parents/carers to track, remember and even return their homework. You will have received a letter last week giving a note of PIN numbers and you can download the app for your phone or tablet to receive notifications re homework due. For anyone who is unable to do this, remember you can still access SMHW and see the whole school homework calendar.

Please reassure your son/daughter that homework does not necessarily need to be returned electronically. Pupils can complete homework in their jotters to hand back to teachers.

After school on Wednesday, our Pupil Support Officer Miss Easson organised a parent/carer evening to explain the innovative work on relaxation and meditation she has been undertaking with a target group of young people. This was a great success and the evaluations were very positive. On the same evening we held a highly successful parent/carer evening with a focus on “Growth Mindset” in Maths. Over 100 parents and carers had fun with the groupwork exercises and at the same time picked up useful advice about supporting their kids with numeracy. It was so good that many are asking for a repeat session! Many thanks to Mrs Hamilton and the Maths team. Thanks also to Mr Davidson for his support with this work.

Yesterday, English students experienced a creative outdoor learning experience at Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh, whilst our Drama students attended a performance of Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap” in Glasgow.

Looking ahead, we have yeargroup assemblies next week with a different focus for different years. For example, S4 are having an input from the SSPCA.

On Wednesday evening I have been asked to attend a special meeting to look at the problem of youths congregating in parts of Templehall. PC Stevie Black, our Community Liaison Officer, has asked me to highlight the issue with you. He wants all parents/carers to know of the recent increase in anti-social behaviour displayed by young people in and around the area of Birnam Road, Torbain Primary and the new children’s playpark nearby. This has resulted in disruption, noise and damage to school and other property. Due to this the Police have been called on several occasions. In fact, I understand that last night, as well as the mobile CCTV unit, mounted police were deployed in Birnam Road. As you would expect, the vast majority of the young people present are not looking for trouble at all, but the sheer numbers are a problem. Sometimes, alcohol is being passed around. If you are aware that your son or daughter frequents this area in the evenings, please discourage or prevent them from doing so. They could easily become involved in trouble inadvertently and we wouldn’t want that to happen.

I mentioned Lachlan and Bethany earlier, next Friday they have an important duty. They will be witnesses to the signing of the Declaration of St Andrews at the University there. This is a high level gathering of world religious leaders who will together affirm their common humanity in the name of peace and mutual understanding. It will be a historic and inspiring event I’m sure, a real “VIP” occasion.

The highlight next week, certainly for our new S1 pupils , will be their adventure day out at Fordell Firs, near Dunfermline. This is a team building, outdoor education experience and Adam Smith pupils attend on Wednesday 21 September, Carlyle go on the Thursday and Oswald on Friday. Thanks to those of you who have paid the £15. In line with our policy to support those in greatest need, pupils qualifying for free meals are not being asked for payment.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread. Tuesday: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and mash. Wednesday: Macaroni cheese with chips or garlic bread, Thursday: Steak pie and potatoes. Friday: Fish and chips. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.

Then, beginning Monday 26 September, it is our “Employability Week” with a particular focus on S3 learners. Pupils will have workshops from Bright Green Hydrogen, they will work on interview skills, take part in sessions on the “My World of Work” website operated by “Skills Development Scotland”, hear about KHS staff and employers’ personal learning journeys and visit a local workplace. More details and timetables will be issued at next week’s S3 Assembly.

On a final note, may I ask that you avoid using any car park other than the astro-turf for dropping off or picking up. It is not safe to have pupils in the car parks at any time. However, there tends to be more space at the astro-turf which makes it a reasonable drop-off or pick-up point. Also, you should never park on Dunnikier Way. There are official restrictions which are signposted. This restriction includes the verges and the Police have said that they will take all infringements seriously.

Many thanks for your continued support. If we can help with anything, please be in touch.

Yours truly

Derek Allan

16 Sept 2016

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