Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

Rector’s Log 2/9/16

Dear Parent/Carer


Welcome to the weekly “Rector’s Log”. I hope you are in fair fettle.

It’s been another good week in school with Yeargroup Assemblies covering the school rules as well as Mrs Davidson (Depute) delivering a presentation about the “Show My Homework” app and tracking system. You will receive your own log in details by post very soon. All “Senior Phase” students in S4-6 were also offered an academic diary for the year ahead and many have accepted. On Tuesday evening it was a pleasure for me to join Lachlan Duncan and Leah Bidgood at the Rotary Club meeting at the Dean Park Hotel. Lachlan and Leah each gave an excellent presentation about their experiences at the Rotary Leadership Camp (RYLA) in the Cairngorms during the summer holidays. It was an inspiring and very memorable experience for them both, and they have made new friends from all over Scotland. Many thanks to the Rotary Club of Kirkcaldy. It was also a “Friends of Kirkcaldy High School” meeting on the Tuesday evening and the group is planning another fund-raising event prior to Christmas. If you would like to join this fantastic support group, please contact Mrs Davidson in the school.

Next week we have House Assemblies at which we’ll be involving learners in the consultation on our curriculum plans. Many thanks to those of you who have returned the parental questionnaire I sent out last week. There is a paper version in the post soon and young people will be completing a pupil survey in tutor time during the week after next. Next Wednesday is a Parent/Carer Evening about the “First Chances” programme we have with St Andrews University. This is a very effective “wider access” project which helps to increase the number of working class kids moving on to higher education. I must thank Mrs Hunter (PT Guidance) for her support and commitment to the scheme. On Thursday, a group of Higher Drama students will attend a performance of “The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil” by John McGrath at Dundee Repertory Theatre – thanks Mrs Bruce. In school that evening, Mr Farquharson (PT Guidance) has organised a University entrance talk for parents/carers. If you want to know more, please come along. All S6 pupils have received an invite for their parents/carers. Thanks to Mr F. On the Friday we will be posting home the Tracking Report letters for S4 and it will also be the first meeting of our new “Learning Council” which is the main “pupil voice” in Kirkcaldy High. Mrs Aitken is convener, but the S6 council members will make their voices heard no doubt.

By way of reminder, please do consider coming along to our Parent Council Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 13 September. As I mentioned last week, as well as the usual business of an AGM, I will explain some of the details behind our pretty impressive SQA exam results and Miss Diamond will explain how we are rewriting our anti-bullying policy to reflect new guidelines and also trends in social media use etc. She would welcome your input to our new policy.

Next week’s hot dish menu is; Monday: Spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread. Tuesday: Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and mash. Wednesday: Macaroni cheese with chips or garlic bread, Thursday: Steak pie and potatoes. Friday: Fish and chips. We also have our pasta, sandwich, soup and salad options too.

Lastly, congratulations to Rachael Stoddart (S6), who is leaving us to take up a place on the “Access to Medicine” degree programme at St Andrews. Unfortunately, this leaves us short of a Head Girl! Fortunately, we have an excellent Depute ready to step up. Congratulations to Bethany Cunningham – our new Head Girl. Well done also to Shauni Boyd, who steps into Bethany’s shoes as Depute. Our new team has made a very good start.

Do have an excellent weekend, and remember that we are always here to help. The Guidance Teacher is usually your first contact, but please do make an appointment before visiting school as all our teachers have class commitments.

Fondly yours


Derek Allan

2 September 2016

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