The School Curriculum
All schools in Fife follow the national guidance related to the curriculum for children and young people.
Education Scotland works in collaboration with stakeholders, learners, practitioners and communities to help children and learners acquire the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence. Follow the link below to learn more about the Curriculum for Excellence.
The Parent Guide below also provides useful information for families:
CfE-in-a-Nutshell Parent Guide
Our Curriculum Rationale
Our Curriculum Rationale explores what makes our setting unique in Inverkeithing. It explores what we want from our curriculum in school too.
Click on the link below for more information.
School Improvement Planning
We work closely with our staff team, Parent Council, pupils and other stakeholders to continuously improve our school through our School Improvement Planning and the policies we use.
Each year we produce a Standards and Quality Report for the previous school year (2023-24) and School Improvement Plan for the school year ahead (2024-25). This includes our evaluation of the impact of our Pupil Equity Funding and planning for use of funds in the academic year ahead. Click on the links below to view these documents:
Inverkeithing Primary School Standards and Quality Report Session 23-24 Published June 24 IPS Improvement Plan Session 2024-25 Published June 2024
IPS Improvement Plan Session 2024-25 Published June 2024
IPS PEF Plan Session 2024-25 Published June 2024
Pupil Equity Funding
IPS PEF Plan Session 2024-25 Published June 2024
Inverkeithing Primary School PEF rationale Jan24
Medications in school
Staff can only administer medication for chronic conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, diabetes or any child who has a long term medical protocol or health care plan.
Unfortunately we are unable to have staff administering temporary medication such as paracetamol, penicillin etc.
We would ask parents and carers to come into the school office to administer any medications to their child.
First aid staff administer any medicines associated with health care plans and asthma inhalers.
A copy of our ‘Medication in School’ Policy can be found below.
Inverkeithing Primary Medication in School Policy June22
Supporting positive behaviour at IPS
Our school vision statement is “Learning Together ~ Bridging to Success”.
We strive to provide a positive, inclusive, and respectful learning environment. The school
values of “Ready, Respectful, Safe” aim to promotes a sense of purpose, pride and respect within the school community.
A nurturing and supportive school ethos is fundamental to promoting and maintaining
positive behaviour in school.
At Inverkeithing Primary School, our aim is to establish an environment in which all children feel safe and valued which provides opportunities to ensure children become responsible citizens, successful learners, confident individuals and effective
contributors to society.
You can read more about our positive behaviour approaches by clicking the link below:
Better Relationships Better Learning Better Behaviour Feb22
Supporting positive relationships at IPS.
Inverkeithing Primary School believes in a proactive approach to relationships and focuses on prevention
strategies to avoid bullying behaviour. Our Anti Bullying policy has been drawn up within the school’s ethos of promoting positive behaviour.
We seek to provide an environment that is safe from all forms of intimidation.
This applies to all staff and children.
Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that ‘Children have the right to protection from all forms of violence (physical or mental), they must be given proper care by those looking after them’ – this is made explicit to all pupils and staff.
Click on the link below to view our Anti Bullying Policy:
Inverkeithing Primary Anti Bullying Policy Updated August 2023
Being safe around our school site
Ensuring the safety of all the users of our school site is a priority for us here at IPS.
Our Traffic Management Plan helps us have a clear plan in place whether you are a pedestrian or car user.
You can view our plan by clicking the link below.
Traffic Management Plan Aug224
Our Junior Road Safety Officers have also worked with Fife and school staff to create our School Travel Action Plan.
You can read a copy by clicking on the link below:
Inverkeithing PS School Travel Plan May 2024
Use of mobile devices within in our school building and grounds
We would encourage children to leave mobile phones and smart watches at home. School has IT equipment to support learning very well. In the case of an emergency school staff will also be in touch with a child’s parent or carer as soon as possible. You can read our school statement about the use of mobile devices by clicking the link below: