Supporting Communication Introduction

This section contains communication resources and professional learning materials developed collaboratively by NHS Fife, Speech & Language Therapy, and the Fife Council Early Years team.

Additionally, the Useful Communication Resources section is dedicated to resources developed by external organisations that practitioners may find useful.

Speech & Language: Supporting Communication Module

Communication is the way that we connect with other people. It underpins learning and development in children of all ages, and is an important skill that can always be developed and improved. In order for speech, language and communication skills to develop and flourish, children need adults to provide both encouragement and support.

This training module will support practitioners to understand the typical way that children develop language and communication skills, providing strategies that practitioners can use to help children explore and achieve their potential.

Speech & Language: (18-36 Months)

This resource will support practitioners to understand the typical way that children between 18-36 months develop language and communication skills.

Click Here

Speech & Language: Communication Handbook

Developed by Fife Speech & Language Therapy Service, the Communication Handbook brings together information and strategies to help support children’s early speech, language and communication skills. The handbook includes information about typical development and offers strategies to try when difficulties arise.

Useful Communication Resources

This section contains links to additional pages and resources and that practitioners may find useful.

Communication Trust: Through the Eyes of a Child

The Communication Trust produced a series of short films entitled “Through the Eyes of a Child”, to help parents understand and support development of their children’s communication. The films consider communication from the perspective of a child, and are full of useful advice surrounding ways that parents can encourage their child to talk and interact with them. The films can be equally useful for practitioners.

0-6 Months

6-12 Months

1-2 Years

2-3 Years

Signalong: The Communication Charity – YouTube Channel

The Signalong YouTube channel contains a number of short videos containing additional signs that may be useful for practitioners looking to extend their knowledge of Signalong.

Click Here