Nature Kindergarten Resources


Nature Kindergarten in Fife

This resource has been created to support practitioners to develop their practice in offering high-quality outdoor learning opportunities through Nature Kindergarten.

It will support staff who have already attended practical training, as well as staff beginning their journey in Nature Kindergarten.

The Early Years team hope that this resource will ignite staffs’ passion and enthusiasm for providing outdoor learning experiences in natural spaces.

Access Here.

Please note, this is a digitally interactive document. However, a version designed specifically for print can be accessed here.


‘Sticks & Stones’ Curricular Areas

Sticks & Stones are open-ended, versatile, and readily available resources capable of inspiring imaginative and creative play. They are valuable resources for building on children’s interests and extending learning across all curricular areas.

The ‘Sticks & Stones’ information poster highlights simple lines of development for each curricular area within Nature Kindergarten.

Access Here.