Technology (including digital skills) is core to the foundations of STEM. Technology is the application of knowledge and skills to extend human capabilities and to help satisfy human needs and wants, and it has had profound effects on modern society. Learning in the technologies enables children and young people to be informed, skilled, thoughtful, adaptable and enterprising citizens. Science, Engineering and Mathematics allow us to apply knowledge and skills to innovate, make new discoveries and find sustainable solutions to real world problems.
The STEM for all in Fife Framework outlines our vision that all Fife Learners will be supported to have equitable opportunities to participate in progressive STEM learning, inspiring and equipping our children and young people with skills for the 21st century, securing sustainable positive destinations in STEM industries now and in the future.
The STEM for all in Fife Framework can be viewed here.
The Technologies Progression Pathways have been designed to support practitioners to develop high quality, progressive Technology learning experiences, integrating Science, Engineering and Mathematics as well as other curricular areas to support positive outcomes for our children and young people.