
Welcome to our website!

“Cowdenbeath Primary School – Learning, Nurturing and Achieving Together”

Cowdenbeath Primary School is a place where everyone can grow and learn.  Our TERRIFIC values have been designed by our learners and promotes an environment where children are learning and achieving in a safe and challenging environment. We want each person to be effective contributors, confident individuals, responsible citizens and successful learners.  Our core values are caring, respect, trust, responsibility and fairness.

Every child that comes to Cowdenbeath Primary School is important to us and it is our aim that this school should be a very special and happy place for all.

We aim to maintain a positive ethos where everyone is valued and respected and where pupils, parents and staff work hard to ensure high quality learning and teaching.

We would be pleased to meet with parents or carers and happy to discuss any aspects of our school.

Learning, Nurturing and Achieving Together!

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