Our Journey
We started our journey in September 2024. Pupil Council agreed to be the steering group to work towards our RRSA.
We submitted our Bronze application (which included our Silver action plan) in November 2024 and were delighted to have it accepted and awarded Bronze Rights Committed by mid-November 2024.
Pupil council/RRSA steering group have been discussing the ABCDE of rights:
A rights are for ALL children
B rights are there at BIRTH
C rights CANNOT be taken away
D rights DO NOT have to be earnt
E all rights are EQUALLY important
We presented the ABCDE of rights at assembly on Monday 25th November and made sure all the staff were there to hear about it too. In school we have made a board for the rights respecting school journey and this information will be added to it. We will also be putting up posters about “ABCDE of Rights” in the windows of the school so keep an eye out.
by Analeigh
When planning teaching and learning for the coming term, teachers will make explicit links to Children’s Rights where appropriate. This will include engaging with age- appropriate news stories to support knowledge of global issues and making links to rights.