A warm welcome to Cardenden Primary School.
In this section you will find some information to let you know a bit about the school and wider community.
The life and work of the school is underpinned by our strong belief in the school’s values of kindness, respect and ambition.
At Cardenden, and in line with all children in Scotland from 3-18 years, we follow the Curriculum for Excellence.
There are 8 curricular areas
- Mathematics and numeracy
- Literacy
- Health and Wellbeing
- Social Studies
- Science
- Expressive Arts
- Technology
- Religious and Moral Education
Children progress in learning through learning in meaningful contexts, inter-disciplinary learning, outdoor learning and with wider access to learning through after-school clubs and activities.
Through all learning we promote the four capacities of being:
- Responsible Citizens
- Effective Contributors
- Confident Individuals
- Successful Learners.
At Cardenden Primary we aim to provide high-quality learning experiences with appropriate pace and challenge for our pupils. We have two Support for Learning teachers who can liaise with teaching staff, parents and carers and our external partners to ensure we are meeting the needs of our learners in an inclusive environment.