Pupil Voice:
We are working hard to ensure a distributed leadership style across our pupil voice groups. We are pleased to say that we have pupil contributions across many aspects of the life of the school. Our pupil groups are detailed below with a brief description of aims over this session. If any parent and carer has some free time during the day and would like to support any of our groups, please let us know.
Junior Leaders: Supported by Mrs Lister.
Charlie Bradbury, Harris Cameron, Rebecca Clapon, Angel Crawford, Adam Dubaa, Dugie Dunlop, Aiden Elliot, George Jarvis, Keavey Mackie, Brooklyn Mair, Luke McPherson, Lexi Mellon, Darcy O’Hagan, Ranveer Pabla, Rebecca Powrie, Ella Tottenham. Kayleigh White
Aim: to facilitate playground activities and model school values across breaks.
Librarians: Supported by Mrs Brady
Millie Farrell, Ethan Robinson, Kayleigh White
Aim: to set up and maintain infant and upper libraries and encourage others to read through recommending books and reading to younger pupils.
IT Leaders: Supported by Mrs Walker
Hunter McFarlane, Riley Mathers, Kajetan Szmuc
Aim: to ensure all IT equipment is well-managed, charged and distributed as required. Develop skills to support others in IT use.
Eco Leaders: Miss Webster and Mr Brown
Ellie Cleghorn, Angel Crawford, Dugie Dunlop, Jasmine Graham.
P1 – Maison Dowie, P2 – Harri McGregor, P3- Calvin Mair, P4 – Bryce Hendricks, P5 – Ryan Ritchie, P6 – Mirren Deas.
Aim: to consider ways to make the school grounds tidy, litter-free and encourage nature.
Lunchtime Club:
Imogen MacLean Reid, supported by P7 on a rota.
Lego Club: (two lunchtimes per week)
George Jarvis and Jordan McCousland
Breakdancing Breaks: (weather permitting)
Cameron McKinlay
P7 Podcast: (one per term if possible)
Lexi Mellon
Keavey Mackie