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Welcome to Cardenden Primary School

Cardenden is a large village in Fife and our school is one of three in the area, which meets the educational needs of the community. It was opened in August 2010, following the unexpected closure of the original school building in October 2008, due to structural concerns.

The school has seven classrooms, assembly hall, gym hall and three nursery rooms.  We are fortunate to be surrounded by extensive school grounds.  There are a number of green features within our school such as a rainwater harvesting system, some solar power and other energy efficient systems to support the carbon footprint of the school. We have cycle storage also, to encourage pupils and staff to cycle to school.

In our playground we have an Activity Trail and some tyre stepping stones and features. We have some colourful benches and a pirate ship for children to gather round and chat. Our grassed areas have been developed and drainage installed so that they can be used for running and ball games. We use the playground and surrounding countryside to promote outdoor learning too. There are some playground games marked onto the tarmacked areas and at time of writing we are looking to add more quite soon.

Cardenden Primary has three Nursery rooms which offer flexible sessions for 2-5 year olds. They have access to their own secure outdoor areas.

All the school staff has high expectations for learners in their care and work hard to provide an appropriate and stimulating education for all children.  We aim to challenge, support and encourage all to be the best they can be.

We are proud of our school, our community and our learners.

Welcome to Cardenden PS.