
Term 1

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Queen National Mourning Parental Letter


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Term 2 

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Letter to parents from CL – 20.12.22 FINAL Primary

Advice to parents and carers

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Letter to parents from CL – 17.11.22

Dear parent/carer, 

All children aged 2 to 5 years and Primary and Secondary school children are eligible for a flu vaccine this winter (children must be aged 2 years or above on 1 September 2022 to be eligible).If your child has missed their flu vaccination appointment and you want to rearrange this, please call the number on their invitation letter or call 0800 030 8013.  There is still time for your child to have the flu vaccine this winter. It’s not too late. 

The flu vaccine is an easy, painless and safe way to help protect your child this winter. Children aged 2 years and older are usually given the flu vaccine as a quick nasal spray into each nostril. The vaccine offers protection against the most common types of flu virus that are around each winter. Even healthy children can become seriously ill from flu. 

For more information visit www.nhsinform.scot/childflu or call 0800 030 8013. 

PHS Vaccine Confidence, Informed Consent and Equity team 

P7 Outdoor Adventure Experience

Fifes’ Junior Road Safety Officers want to explain why their #dontparkhere message is so important and why they want to be able to actively travel to school safely by reducing congestion around the school gate.  They are asking you, their parents and carers, not to park on the school keep clears, or block peoples drives and think about their safety, their health and the environment.

Outdoor Classroom Day 3rd November 2022

Dates for Your Diary – BH

National Discussion on Scottish Education – Letter to Parents and Carers – 14th October 2022 (1)

Term 3

Blairhall Newsletter March 2023 (office.com)


QR Code Poster BH Family Feedback

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BH World Book Day 2nd March 2023

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Literacy Book Event Invite Slip Blairhall

Book your place here!



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Term 4 

June End of Term Newsletter

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Family Fun Day Poster 2

Attend to the End

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Sports Day Letter 2023

May 2023

Mid Term Newsletter

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Our P7’s had a fabulous time at Fordell Firs

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170423 NSPCC Letter


Blairhall SIP 2022-23

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BH NIP 2022-23

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