Category: Global Citizenship

Learning for Sustainability in Carron Primary School

We all know how effective learnng can be when it is related to real life, especially when young people can direct further learning and see where/how they can contribute and make an impact.  The subject of  energy usage and climate change was brought to life when  Jenny Deacon, class teacher at Carron Primary School,  worked closely with Brenda Roddy (Climate Change and Sustainability Officer) to explore these issues.

Brenda is able to provide statistics for every Falkirk Council establishment which show how much energy is being used on a daily and annual basis.  These statistics can be used in a range of ways with many opportunities for pupils to influence what they do with that information, where they take their learning and how they link this with global issues like climate change.

carron elec day use

Jenny and Brenda planned two lessons, the first one focused on energy and usage in Carron Primary School but the second lesson involved using heat sensitive cameras.

thermal imaging

The pupils appear to have had an interesting time taking images throughout the school as well as of themselves!

thermal imaging 2We look forward to finding out what Jenny Deacon and her class did with the information they gained from the sessions.

Brenda Roddy is keen to help other schools with issues related to Climate Change and Sustainability and further CPD sessions will be programmed to explore how she can work in partnership with schools.  In the meantime Brenda can be contacted via email

Useful HGIOS 4 summary relating to LfS/Outdoor Learning

HGIOS 4 front coverWillie White – a colleague from East Ayrshire has collated     the statements from HGIOS 4 which are linked to LfS and Outdoor Learning. You can access the document here.

Establishments will increasingly be expected to be able to demonstrate progress being made towards a whole school approach to LfS with  outdoor learning and global citizenship being key features.










Global Citizenship resources from Inspire Aspire

Inspire Aspire have new and refreshed  project templates for their Global Citizens in the Making programme ready to send to all primary and secondary schools. They are also operating the WW1: Inspiring Purpose project which was piloted in schools last year. Both resources are free and can be covered with a class or entire year group.

The Inspire Aspire programme is a perfect starting point for helping young people have the educational experience that will best prepare them for their future life and employment prospects. The aim of the programme is to give young people the opportunity to think about some of the things that make them who they are: their values, character strengths and who or what inspires them. Reflection in this manner helps an individual to set goals for their future and also helps to discover how an individual’s strengths can be used to take action on the things that matter most to them.

Visit the Inspire Aspire website to take part in either the Global Citizens in the Making or WW1: Inspiring Purpose projects. They have teacher resources available to help introduce and deliver the project in the classroom.