Pop up parents group
At present we are unable to have parents in the school building therefore we are planning to offer Pop up parent groups at various locations within the Falkirk district. This will take the form of a gazebo and fold up chairs (2m apart).We will hopefully be able to offer a varied programme of activities from our pop up base in the near future.
Walk and Talk
We have started our new walk and talk sessions for parents/carers which are proving to be very popular. During lockdown and the school holidays this service was offered to pupils and was a great success. Pupils and staff learnt a lot about the local area and enjoyed various walks around Denny, Bo’ness Harbour, Grangemouth, Carron Valley and Falkirk.
During our walks with parents we are encouraging them to practise mindfulness. A mindful walk is an excellent way to clear the mind of clutter and restore your sense of focus. Several studies have shown that taking a break to look at or be in nature can have a rejuvenating effect on the brain, helping to free up the mind when you feel stuck and boosting levels of attention.
Garden/Craft group
Our new Garden and Craft group is due to start on Monday 28th September. This group will take place on a Monday and Wednesday mornings. We will be offering pupils a ranges of activities within the school garden and when our Scottish weather is unkind to us we will move indoor and enjoy a range of garden related crafts.
One of the first activities will be to plant spring bulbs. This activity will be open to everyone. If you would like to take part please speak to Joyce or Gail