UNCRC information session for parents/carers of children with ASN

The charity Enquire will be holding an information evening about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child for parents and carers of children with ASN on Wednesday 7th February, between 6pm and 7pm in Carrongrange High School.

If you would like to attend, please let Paul Stones, Head Teacher at IWBS,  know before Tuesday 31st January as Carrongrange need to know numbers to plan accommodation arrangements.

You can find out more about the UNCRC and how it affects families here.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – Online Information Session

Education Scotland are running an information event for parents and carers about the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child), what it is all about, and what it means for parents/carers, especially with the Incorporation Bill on the political horizon.   Staff, children and young people are welcome to join as well.

It will take place on  Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 8 Nov, 18.00 – 19.00. 

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 357 702 313 946

Passcode: Er835E

Download Teams | Join on the web

ASN Parent Forum and Information Evening

Dear parents/carers,

Falkirk Council’s Additional Support Needs team has worked alongside the leads for the ASN Parent Forum to arrange an information session targeted at parents of children with ASN in Falkirk’s schools and early learning centres. The purpose of this session is to equip parents with knowledge of the service, it’s processes and how it can support you and your child(ren).

Details for the session are as follows:

  • Monday 30th October (6.30pm – 8pm) at Carrongrange High School

The session will also be recorded to enable parents who are unable to attend in-person to watch online afterwards.

If you have any enquiries about these sessions please contact: additionalsupport@falkirk.gov.uk

We would also like to take the opportunity to promote the ASN Parent Forum who we have worked alongside in organising this session. The next meeting of the ASN Parent Forum will take place in January and more details about this will be shared soon. In the meantime, the ASN Parent Forum’s contact details are: asnforum@falkirk.npfs.org.uk

Coronation holiday arrangements – Monday 08 May 2023

The Council’s Executive has recently agreed that an additional public holiday is granted for King Charles III’s coronation on Saturday 06 May 2023. This will be in addition to the traditional public holiday on Monday 01 May 2023.

All schools and early learning and childcare centres will be closed on Monday 08 May 2023.

Potential Changes to Home-To-School Transport

If you would like to find out more about potential changes to free home-to-school transport for all pupils in the Falkirk Council area, please come along to one of the following public meetings:

  • Tuesday, 7 February, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, at Grangemouth High School
  • Thursday, 16 February, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, at St Mungo’s High School
  • Tuesday, 7 March, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, at Denny High School

You don’t need to register to attend, simply come along to the meeting that suits you best.

Who’ll be speaking?

  • Robert Naylor, Director of Children’s Services
  • Gary Greenhorn, Head of Planning & Resources
  • Chris Cox, Transport Planning Manager
  • Richard Teed, Senior Forward Planning Officer
  • Councillor Laura Murtagh, Education & Leisure Portfolio Holder

Will I get an opportunity to ask questions?

Yes, following a short presentation you’ll be able to ask questions about the proposals.

I can’t attend an event; how else can I provide my feedback?

Views are also being captured via a survey 👉 https://say.falkirk.gov.uk/childrens-services/distance-criteria-for-home-to-schools-transport/. You have until 17 March to fill it in.

Further information

If you have any questions about the public meetings or survey, please email the Forward Planning Team via educ.consultation@falkirk.gov.uk.

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