#scrubchallenge is a fun and compulsive movement activity to learn the correct hand washing procedures as recommended by Health Protection Scotland and the World Health Organisation (WHO). We’ve added in some extra moves to make it more challenging and fun.
Hand hygiene is the most effective way to prevent the spread of flu, Norovirus and COVID-19 – so let’s spread the message about hand washing! It’s hand washing like you have never seen before!
There are two scrubs; a simpler and a more challenging version for you and your class to learn and share via your school’s twitter account, then nominate another class or school to take on the challenge.
The YouTube links for the scrubs and tutorial videos go live on: Wednesday 4th November 2020 – plenty of time to perfect your scrubbing skills before filming and sharing them during #scrubchallenge week! We will share the links and more information with you soon.
If you have any questions about taking part in the #scrubchallenge, please contact the Health Promotion Service at: fv.hpmax@nhs.scot