I think we would all agree that term 1 has flashed us by and before we know it, the October Break is upon us. It has been great to see all of the fab spaces and experiences that have been developed over the last term for Falkirk’s wee people. Thank you!
In term 2, 3 and 4 we will be looking for settings in different clusters to contribute to our Blog. This gives us the opportunity to share best practice across Falkirk. Let’s fly the Falkirk Flag of Fabulousness!
Your blog might involve:
- Telling us about something innovative that is happening in your setting.
- Telling us a wee bit more about your new space or building.
- Telling us about how you are embracing 1,140 hours through foundational aspects of practice such as marvellous mealtimes.
- Celebrating special achievements and events in your setting.
If you would like to be one of our Guest Bloggers, then just get in touch with your EY Cluster Link Person.