Grangemouth Cluster Guest Blog- Beancross ELC Class

Our Journey to 1,140

At Beancross ELC Class, the implementation of 1,140 hours has made a huge impact in our nursery. We have been implementing the hours since August 2021.

With the introduction of approaches such as Marvellous Mealtimes we have seen a significant development in our children’s understanding of routines, independence and self-help skills. The longer days allow snack and lunch to be a rich learning experience, with the opportunity for our children to explore different foods, prepare snack and larder lunch options, along with developing their social skills during a “homely” and relaxed dining environment. Being able to slow down and have these times not rushed throughout the day ensures that children are both learning and developing at their own pace without the lack of time being an added pressure to both children and staff.

Having our children in nursery all day has also provided us with the time to further explore our local community and outdoors. We can follow children’s interests ‘in the moment’ – we take a trip to the shops to get resources, go for walks to discover about the world around us, and spend full days at the woods; creating dens and having lunch around the fire. Being outdoors and in our community has seen our children achieve more – whether that be confidence around the fire, increased resilience with risky play in the woods, being safe when crossing the roads or when their curiosity allows them to discover something new – the list is endless when exploring the wider world.

Here at Beancross, what has really been the highlight for us is our relationships. Our staff team works seamlessly together with our extra support from our ELC Assistants and SFLA. Our relationships with our children and families have never been stronger – staff are more attuned to children’s needs and now have longer to provide them with the support, nurture and care they require which has had an amazing impact on their wellbeing and learning. Over the years we have strived to better support our children and families with transition into nursery. 1,140 has given us the flexibility to adjust hours and settling in times to meet the child’s needs and provide comfort and support for our parents who can find this a difficult time. What Matters to Me? has only been enhanced through the expanded hours.


By Leona Andrews,

Senior Early Years Officer

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