P6 learning about the Victorians

This term P6 are learning all about The Victorians. So far we have learned about Queen Victoria and her family, school life during these times and childrens working conditions. We have also created front covers for our topic jotters and we have started making Victorian toys.

12 thoughts on “P6 learning about the Victorians”

  1. I love learning about the victorians becuase we get to create all different things like the poor childerns toys.I also like watching the videos.

  2. So far i have enjoyed the topic and if any body that reads this and your topic is the victorians im shure you will enjoye it

  3. Hi,I love learning about the toys Miss Murphy is teaching us. I also like learning about the upper class with Mrs Buchannon. Thank you Miss Murphey and Mrs Buchannon!

  4. Hello P6,

    The Victorian era is a fascinating study. As I walked around the streets of London last year, I saw many reminders of the reign of Queen Victoria and her beloved Albert.

    Together they brought about changes to help the ordinary people as the industrial revolution changed the way we live. In many ways, Queen Victoria was the grandmother of European royalty.

    When I was a boy, I was able to speak to someone born in around 1850. She wasn’t born in England but in France during the reign of Napoleon III. It was fascinating to hear how different life was in those days. When I spoke to her, through a cousin who spoke French, she was 106 years old.

    With the reign of Queen Elizabeth II approaching the length of Queen Victoria’s reign, I wonder what celebrations are planned?

    Ross Mannell (teacher)
    NSW, Australia

    P.S. My heritage on my mother’s side is Scottish. My ancestors on my mother’s side of the family first came to Australia from Scotland in 1847 so they left during the reign of Queen Victoria. Their name was and still is Spence.

  5. Hello P6, I am really missing you and t5his is a quick message for Tammy and Zoe “I’ve got a small tie!!!!” My first day was scary but itm was great there is lots of people in my class oh music bye!

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